Yin Zhu was puzzled, "you just believe me. You wanted to rob my man before. You are not afraid of my revenge." Yin Zhu said that Liu Xi is so easy to believe in herself. Does she look like a good person?

Liu Xi couldn't help laughing and said, "believe you, Yin Zhu, actually I've met many practitioners like you. They all look down on us because they are not ordinary people. Once a sentence annoys each other, they kill people directly. You are the most temperamental practitioner I've ever met. If you really want to revenge me, there are many things you can do There is no need to use this circuitous method. "

"I really thank you for your trust. If you have a good temper, you can just say I'm a bully." Yin Zhu is not very angry.

"Well, it's easy to bully you there. It's really bullying you. Your men don't tear people apart. Those are not easy to get along with." Just think about what happened to Li min.

However, Yin Zhu's family is really different from other monks. Maybe they are softhearted. Can Yin Zhu say that he was just on the ramp and didn't understand the world, especially the monks, and didn't dare to make trouble?

It can't be said, none of these can't be said. Liu Xi is an ordinary person. Wang canming won't tell them about them. At most, he will say that they are practitioners, and others won't be disclosed. So Liu Xi thought they were the same as Wang canming.

"Liu Xi, let me tell you the truth. If you want to find a partner, you should try your best to find it yourself. There are different criteria in 100 people's eyes. I think it's a good one. It's not necessarily suitable for you. So don't let others choose your partner for you. What you want depends on yourself. Don't worry. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Liu Xi sighed at this time, "it's not me who's worried. It's my father who's worried." Liu Xi said helplessly.

In fact, her father's meaning is also simple, that is, the trumpet has been used up and she wants to make the trumpet. Her son-in-law is an outsider in the end. Her father will never hand over his own property to his son-in-law. No matter how mature the other party is, the head of her family's property will surely be handed over to her son-in-law, and his son-in-law will probably give it a little.

Her father also wants to take advantage of his young age to take his grandchildren out, so this is not anxious?

If she can, Liu Xi also wants to find one by herself. After all, what she is looking for and what she wants to do is to find a partner for a lifetime. It's not casual, and she doesn't want to make do with it. Although she's crazy now, once she gets married, she has to stop. It's not only for the sake of children, but also for the respect of each other. Liu Xi knows this in her mind If you find a person you don't like and face all day, she will feel very uncomfortable.

"Ah, I really envy those of you who have found true love. They say to get married and have children." Liu Xi said with emotion.

"What do you feel? Everyone's life is different. You don't know how many people admire your life when you stand out. It's true." Yin Zhu smiles helplessly.

"Haven't you been looking for someone? Isn't wang canming without a partner? " Yin Zhu said with a smile.

Wang canming is still very funny. Besides, isn't he very familiar with Liu Xi? If according to her idea, I don't know where to look for a needle in a haystack, it's better to find someone who knows the root and the bottom.

When Liu Xi heard this, he shook his head. "If it doesn't work out, Wang canming is a monk. I'd better find an ordinary person. After all, they are not equal in status and have different lifestyles. I don't want to live like that, not to mention that you all have a long life. When I get old, they are still young. That's all I want I can't stand it. "

Yin Zhu then said with a smile: "actually, I think it's better for you to find someone who's right. If the man's condition is too bad for you, to tell you the truth, probably few men can speak to you in a reasonable way. Don't you like this kind of soft footed shrimp? Only people who are similar to you in origin will not feel inferior to you, Only in this way can you have the right to talk with Peng and others, so that you can interact like a normal man and woman, and you can't see what you are doing. "

Liu Xi nodded at this time and said, "I understand what you said, but I know quite a few of my peers, many of whom know that they are not good things. I can't accept them. I guess I can't get married."

Yin Zhu would like to say that if you are a woman, you are not a good woman. After all, no man can accept Liu Xi's way of keeping a nest of men. Even if Liu Xi says that he will correct after marriage, people can't accept it. Therefore, Liu Xi really has nothing to dislike. However, Liu Xi, a girl growing up in a honeypot, wants her to understand It's hard to understand that.

Yin Zhu didn't want to take charge of this. Liu Xi is frank and can be a friend, but don't cross the line.

Liu Xi didn't get an answer from Yin Zhu. He didn't force it. He was happy to tease the little girl. The only thing that Yin Zhu didn't expect was that Miss Liu Xi had a rare chance to enter Huang Xiaoling's eyes. Huang Xiaoling was picky about people. She could only say that Liu Xi was good at flattering.After the full moon, Liu Xi also left with Wang canming. Jono couldn't help asking curiously, "I saw Liu Xi chatting with you for a long time today. I don't know what you were talking about."

At this time, Yin Zhu said with a smile, "she asked me to introduce her to someone. She also wanted to ask me if I could figure out where her future partner is. Do you think that would count?"

Jono said with a smile, "it's hard to say such a thing." Introduce the object of this kind of thing, if the other party is a good, you will not get any benefits, if a bad, then people will blame you.

Leihe looked at the little girl in his arms at this time and said foolishly: "baikun, can you do divination? You can do it for my two girls and see what kind of son-in-law they will find in the future, so that I can deal with them ahead of time."

Yin Zhu almost didn't feel happy when he heard this, "Leihe, your daughter is still a baby. Don't you think it's too early to copy your heart now?"

Leihe shook his head at this time. "It's not early. Orc cubs are different from you. Orcs grow up quickly and mature quickly. Orcs can find partners when they are 15 years old, so we should prevent them in advance. If I know which two cubs, I can separate them."

Leihe looked at his lovely daughter in his arms. As long as he thought that his baby would be abducted one day, he hated it. Now he finally realized the disgusting look of his father-in-law.

Yin Zhu grinned his teeth at this time. "I tell you, in this world, we should follow the customs of this world. At the age of 15, we are not allowed to find a partner or puppy love. At the age of 15, we are still children, you know? You can't tell my girls anything about looking for partners at the age of 15. You know what, and you can't tell them about looking for several partners. "

At this time, Bai Kun said helplessly, "we don't need to talk about it at that time. Our daughter will watch it by herself."

Bai Kun felt that his daughter would have to find a girl with ten or eight in order not to lose money.

Yin Zhu can't help vomiting blood when he hears this. Yes, she is the best example. If her daughter goes out and says that I have five dads, she will be drowned by people's strange eyes and spittle. If her daughter goes out and teaches several boyfriends, she won't be scolded. Thinking of this, Yin zhujue I'm going to have a headache. It's a big problem to educate children.

"In this case, for the sake of the child's mental and physical health, we will say that Jono is my partner and the rest of you are uncles. Well, the child is Jono's. You are not allowed to take advantage of me in front of the child, let alone let the child discover our relationship." Thinking of this, Yin Zhu announced his decision without hesitation.

At the end of Yin Zhu's words, Bai Kun Tengxiao was a fool. At this time, Qiao Nuo almost had no fun in his heart.

Leihe rushed to Yinzhu's body and said, "Yinzhu, how can you do this? Zizai is clearly mine. How can you let Zizai call me uncle? I'm their own father. Yinzhu, I don't accept it. Let's pretend to be husband and wife and let them be uncle." Leihe can't help looking at Yinzhu carefully.

Yin Zhu hasn't made a statement yet. Jono hums coldly at this time. "Leihe, I think you want to take my place. Leihe, I'm not dead yet." He is Yin Zhu's husband. No one can take his place.

"Yin Zhu doesn't bring such children. If you do, there will be other children in the future. Is it difficult that every child will be Jono's, we are all alone, and it's better that we hide. However, our living habits and other things will be revealed, and you won't be afraid that it will be worse then? It's not a bad idea you're talking about. " Bai Kun doesn't hesitate to reject Yin Zhu's opinion. Yin Zhu's idea is not good for them except Jono. Only a fool will agree.

Bai Kun can't help complaining about Lei he. Why did the sand sculpture suddenly talk about children's education? Otherwise, where is the problem now.

Before, they were still happy to have cubs, but after they have cubs, they all want to retreat behind the scenes. Bai Kun said that in this case, let the cubs go to hell. Anyway, they are not his cubs.

"Why don't you live outside with your cubs, RAH, and bring them back when you raise them?" Bai Kun did not hesitate to take Leihe's knife at this time.

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