After the child's full moon, in addition to Qiao Nuo's going to work, Yin Zhu, Cheng'an and Lei he stay at home to educate their children. Of course, there are four old people at home, Bai Ji and Yin Ping, who help. It can be said that Yin Zhuji is very idle.

Huang Xiaoling looked at her granddaughter who was taken away by Yin Zhu before she could hold her. She couldn't help looking at Yin Zhu and said, "Yin Zhu, if you and Cheng'an go out to look for a job, there are only two children. Meng Ji and I don't have to take them with us. You young people should go out to fight instead of taking children at home. Let's take them Just fine. "

I haven't taken care of children for many years, and the orc cubs are growing very fast. This child, who is just a full moon, is very amusing. He laughs as soon as he is amused. He is very spiritual and can remember the adults at home.

Meng Ji nodded at this time and said, "yes, don't worry. I'll teach the child well. Bai Ji and I will definitely teach the child well." Mengji and Baiji both dream of having a lovely female cub. Yin Zhu has two daughters, which can be said to greatly satisfy Mengji's wish.

When Yin Zhu heard this, she felt helpless. She really wanted to be a good mother and educate her children well. After all, when she was her age, she had been a mother for a long time. As a result, in her previous life, she didn't make any effort to raise her children except when she was giving birth. Now she didn't have to make any effort. Someone helped her make a round, but how could Yin Zhu be unhappy What about it?

"You child, it's not good for someone to take care of your children. At that time, I dreamed that someone could take care of my children. As a result, there was no one who could take over. It's a good thing that you can't find when you dream of playing lanterns. You'd better hurry to make money for me. Don't stay at home all day and have no prospects." Huang Xiaoling is not happy to say that any one who wants to be strong with her little granddaughter is not a good thing, she has to fight.

"You said that Jono had gone out to adapt to the society. It's not a matter for you to leave Leihe and Cheng'an at home. As for your partners, these two will stay at home to do housework. At that time, these two will have the least social status. Do you think we should let them go out and do things fairly? How many times have I told you that so many partners must do it Fair, no matter to whom. " Huang Xiaoling said that she didn't like the two people who robbed her granddaughter all day.

At this time, Yin Zhu said helplessly: "Mom, I know what you mean. These two children are skinny. I'm not worried about mom. Are you too tired? It's not easy for you to raise me. I can't be filial to you. I can't ask you to help me with my children. Mom, I don't want you to work so hard. " Yin Zhu persuades.

Huang Xiaoling rolled a white eye at this time, "I'm not old yet. Besides, I'm happy to take my little granddaughter."

Yinzhu heard this can only be very helpless to say, convinced, she is really no way, there are so many people in the family hit here, to tell the truth, really too many people, Yinzhu at this time looked at the empty handed Leihe and Chengan, and then some helplessly asked, "should we also find a job?"

In fact, they all went out to find a job to adapt to the rhythm of life in this era and various living environments, which is very good, but their children are not the same as ordinary people? They never dare to give their children to the nanny, so they want to take them by themselves. Who knows that the four old people robbed their children directly, and they didn't have the chance to reflect them.

Cheng An said with a smile: "Yin Zhu, the old people will be like this, mainly because there are fewer children. They also want to have children around their knees. In a word, there are too few children. It's good for you to have more Yin Zhu. When they can't take care of them, they won't rob."

When Yin Zhu heard this, he rolled his eyes. "Cheng An, you think I'm a pig. It's just finished. And you think the baby is what you want."

Yin Zhu feels that she owes several partners. If she can, she wants to give birth to a baby for each partner. Even in hard work, she has to do it. This is the only thing she can give them. Unfortunately, the orc's children are not what you want. Maybe the orc's strength is too strong, so there are limitations in some aspects.

Chengan heard this did not angry, just said with a smile: "then we have to work hard."

Yin Zhu turns a glance at Cheng an when he hears this. These guys don't know if they are stimulated by Leihe. They all want to show themselves and try to make people. In fact, no one is more powerful. Leihe is just lucky.

Since several old people in the family are willing to take care of their children, they will take them first. As for Yin Zhu, what she wants to do, Yin Zhu has to think about it carefully. She used to write programming, which is right. However, the development of computers is rapid. In the past, she can't keep up with the progress of the times. Now she has to study hard, and there is also a programmer If it's mostly done by young people, at her age, most people have already mixed into the top, and she can't compete with others.

Yin Zhu is thinking about whether she wants to open a shop or not. When the time comes, she can ask people to see it. In that way, she has something to do, but she is not too busy. In this way, no matter whether it is children or other aspects, she can worry about it.Yin Zhu thinks about it for a while, and then discusses it with Cheng an and Leihe. Cheng an thinks it's a good choice to open a shop. Anyway, they have money, and they are not afraid to lose money. If they lose money, they can get up again. Of course, at the beginning, they didn't want to open a large shop, so they'd better take their time.

Cheng an says that he wants to open a restaurant. He has learned cooking skills for a long time, but these are all learned from the Internet. It is necessary for him to learn systematically. Moreover, it is very convenient for people in his family to eat after opening a restaurant. Another is Yin Zhu's saying that it is convenient for him to be the boss and do everything he wants. It is not convenient to work with others.

At this time, Leihe focuses on his two little girls. He thinks the best thing is to take care of his little girls. In addition, Yin Zhu always talks about education. Leihe says that he wants to be a teacher, so he can educate her well in the future.

Yin Zhu was really surprised at the idea that Leihe wanted to be a teacher. After all, some of them didn't have the most basic education, and they also had a big deviation in their understanding of the world. To be honest, when Leihe said that being a teacher, Yin Zhu wanted to say whether you would be wrong to others. He just thought that this was his partner. He couldn't say anything against others, but he could only say“ Then Leihe, you should study hard and master all the knowledge firmly. Otherwise, when you become a teacher, you will not understand the simplest exercises. "

Yin Zhu said that teachers are very powerful, anyway, she is unable to cope with so many children, Leihe is willing to try, she is very supportive.

Yin Zhu thinks about it and plans to open a pet shop. He has been in the orc world for a long time. He thinks that the small animals are very cute. Of course, there is also a system of animals in Yin Zhu's body. He dare not say that he can control these animals, but he can make the small animals closer to each other. There is also awe in the pet shop It's really good.

When Yin Zhu thought of this, he asked the disciples of the sect to help him rent a shop. There are more than 20 disciples in the sect, including the human race and the demon race, all of which were looted by qingyunzi. However, Yin Zhu is relatively polite to the people of the sect, and let them work, but they also give them the corresponding benefits, so they arouse him Yin Zhu is not polite when these people come.

Some people are quick to do things, and those people have their own means. The business license of the shop was soon found. Then Yin Zhu began to recruit people in the evening. As for purchasing goods, Yin Zhu went directly to the flower and bird market to purchase goods. For domesticating these little things, Yin Zhu also learned a little bit, and by the way, he also used his own blood to make trouble, which can be said to be relatively stable propitious.

Of course, Yin Zhu didn't open a shop right away. Instead, she paid them to learn pet care. She trained these animals well. It can be said that the animals she trained are flexible and smart after all. She didn't want to change their blood lineage. What's more, she just wanted to make them look smart and pleasing. Other things, Yin Bamboo didn't do it.

It's mainly not suitable. Besides, she doesn't sell any high priced animals.

of course, Yin Zhu didn't open a shop right away. Instead, she paid them to learn pet care. She trained these animals well. It can be said that the animals she trained are flexible and smart after all, and she didn't want to change their blood lineage, It's just to make them look smart and pleasing. Yin Zhu didn't do anything else.

It's mainly not suitable. Besides, she doesn't sell any high priced animals. Of course, Yin Zhu didn't open a shop immediately. Instead, she paid them to learn pet care. She trained these animals well. It can be said that the animals she trained are flexible and smart after all, and she didn't want to change their lineage To make them look smart and pleasing, Yin Zhu didn't do anything else.

It's mainly not suitable. Besides, she doesn't sell any high price animals. Of course, Yin Zhu didn't open a shop immediately, but paid them to learn pet care. She trained these animals well. It can be said that all the animals she trained were

after all

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