The child told Meng Ji and Huang Xiaoling that they were at ease. These people really taught their children very well, so that Baiji and Yin Ping couldn't watch them any more, especially Baiji. When they saw their friends, they would ignore themselves. They just held a little aunt and teased her all day long. They were happier than anything else.

Bai Ji felt that his teeth were going to be sour when he saw this. He was so angry that he took Mengji and said, "this is not our granddaughter. We really like it. It's good for us to have a girl by ourselves." Baiji and Mengji are not unable to have children. Their strength is still very young at this age. When they are young, of course, the stronger you are, the harder it is to have children. So it really depends on luck.

When Mengji heard this, she looked at Baiji and said, "I really can have a baby myself. I want to look at other people's baby now. You are useless."

Baiji almost didn't get angry when he heard this, but he couldn't do anything about Mengji. They quarreled all day for two cubs. Although Baiji said unforgiving words in his mouth, he was so happy when he held the little girl himself.

Of course, when the two people quarrel, they will take Bai Kun with them. The main reason is that they don't think Bai Kun is so useless. They didn't give birth to a beautiful granddaughter. Because Bai Kun knew that he would turn around and toss Yin Zhu, everyone lived happily.

The pet shop outside of Yin Zhu is quite good. It can't make a lot of money, but it's much better than going to work for others. Of course, the most important thing is freedom, very free. When you have nothing to do, you can take the little girl to the shop to play. If you want to get off work, Chengan's restaurant is very good. Of course, Chengan's beauty is the main reason, which attracts people A lot of people.

Leihe, this guy wants to take the teacher certificate wholeheartedly. Not to mention, after more than a year of hard work, this guy really got him a certificate of preschool education. Yin Zhu is a little similar. Can this guy teach children well when he becomes a kindergarten teacher?

Jono has not been a private teacher for a long time. At first, he taught children homework. Later, he fell in love with painting. Now he is still studying. When he has nothing to do, he will draw some people and things at home. Of course, after some reasonable adjustments and embellishments, he will spread the comic form to the Internet, but it is not warm now Yes, Jono said he wanted to be a cartoonist. Tengxiao has already become a security team leader at this time. The main reason why he can do this is that he has good skills. Bai Kun, who has been doing sales for a period of time, has now opened a company, and the company's performance is quite good. He is the one who makes the most money among several people.

Four years later, Yin Zhu was pregnant again. When she knew that she was pregnant again, Yin Zhu was happy. Although she knew that she had a long life, she still thought about her children. Especially when she saw that Jin Yu and Le Xuan were cherished by the men in her family, she knew that they all wanted to have their own children.

After Jin Yu and Yue Xuan were born before, the men worked very hard to make human beings, but they didn't. Yin Zhu was a little disappointed. After all, she was in the orc world before, but she had become one in more than ten years. She thought she would have to wait for a long time, but she didn't expect to have one again four years later.

This time it's Jono's and Tengxiao's. yes, it's two people's. Yin Zhu is a little embarrassed. This time he's pregnant with two people's children. It's very embarrassing. Bai Kun is mixed doubles by Bai Ji and Meng Ji again. The reason is that Bai Kun is so useless and let people take the lead again.

Bai Kun is also very depressed. He thinks he is working very hard, but he can't see the effect. He is also very helpless.

Qiao Nuo and Tengxiao are looking at the two little leaves in their arms happily. They have two little leaves each, which means that they have two cubs, that is to say, Yin Zhu has four cubs in his stomach.

Qiao Nuo happily looked at Yin Zhu's not obvious stomach, "good, Yin Zhu, we have a baby."

Tengxiao also looks at Yin Zhu's stomach happily at this time. When Yin Zhu cherished them for the first time, at that time, Yin Zhu hated him and they were still making trouble. He could only follow Yin Zhu secretly, not like now.

"Yin Zhu, I'm so happy. I'm so happy." Tengxiao held Yin Zhu carefully, as if Yin Zhu were something fragile.

Bai Kun looks at Qiao Nuo, Tengxiao and Yin Zhu, especially Qiao Nuo and Tengxiao. Why do they work so hard and have no results? How can they make Qiao Nuo and Tengxiao take the lead.

At this time, Bai Kun took a look at Cheng'an, who was standing beside him, and then said, "Why are we the last two? We are working very hard."

Cheng an then said with a faint smile: "in fact, Yin Zhu's health is very good, Yin Zhu's fortune is also very good, as long as we have children, I'm happy, it doesn't matter to come back, people of the dream clan are very difficult to have children."

Bai Kun grits his teeth at this time. Yes, he also has half of the blood of the dream people. It's more difficult for him to have children than ordinary orcs. He hasn't seen Bai Ji and Meng Ji struggling for so many years, thousands of years.

Bai Kun says that he has only half the blood of the dream people, but Cheng'an belongs to the dream people. Bai Kun sympathizes with Cheng'an at this time."Let's work harder." Cheng an says with a smile that Cheng An is very satisfied with his life now, and even he is very glad that he chose to follow Yin Zhu to this world.

"Don't worry, Yin Zhu is the one who bears the destiny of heaven. Heaven is harsh on us, but it won't be harsh on her. In this world, as long as she wants to do something, she will succeed." Bai Kun comforts Cheng an with a smile. The more he practices to understand the cause and effect, the more he understands that they are lucky to meet Yin Zhu.

Cheng an nodded and said, "yes."

Yin Zhu had four bad babies, so they didn't dare to let him go out to take pictures. All of them began to restrain Yin Zhu, but they also took him out to play when appropriate. In the past, they thought it was a happy event to have a baby, but now the more they know about the world, the more they understand it. It's not easy to be a woman who inherits her life. It's not only dangerous to give birth, but also dangerous There are postpartum depression and so on. In the past, everyone in the orc side fought for survival, so no one thought about those illusory things, but the world is different.

There is also the fact that the development of this world is much more powerful than that of them. All these are summarized by predecessors and are definitely meaningful.

Huang Xiaoling and Yin Ping don't care about Yin Zhu. Anyway, Qiao Nuo has some experience now, so they don't need their guidance. In the past few years, these people have understood the basic rules and knowledge of the society. As for Jin Yu and Le Xuan, they will be taken to the demon world by Bai Ji.

Originally, he wanted to send them to the kindergarten, but these two guys were young, and they would turn into beasts when they were in a good mood. They were worried about scaring the children in the kindergarten, but Yin Zhu didn't want them to be alone without friends, so he just sent them to the demon world, where there were new born demons who could play with them.

After they have been to the demon world, these two guys have been playing very crazy there. Although Yin Zhu's blood is different, people in the demon world still regard Yin Zhu as their blood, especially Yin Zhu's blood is special. They can even suppress the ordinary orcs. Those people are very friendly to the two little girls. Of course, there are also some friends One is Yin Zhu. They are powerful, and no one dares to be bad to the two girls.

It happens that there are still people in the demon clan who teach little demons how to practice. They just throw people there to practice. Yin Zhu plans to wait until these two guys are ten years old, and then pick them up. At that time, they can control their emotions and body well, and they can come back to read anything.

Yin Zhu thought very well. She didn't think that the two little guys had adapted to the life of the demon clan. The more unwilling they were to come back, the more she could not control them.

But now Yinzhu has no mind to think about it. It's better for her to take care of the baby in her stomach.

Yin Zhu gently touches his stomach. As for the four cubs, it's better to have a few more next time and get rid of Bai Kun and Cheng An's children. Although it feels like doing a task, Yin Zhu thinks that it's his responsibility. It's better to get rid of the burden as soon as possible.

Of course, neither Bai Kun nor Cheng an put any pressure on Yin Zhu. In fact, they all know whether there are cubs or not depends on their luck, but they hope and want to, so Yin Zhu wants to give them.

In fact, it takes a lot of energy to raise so many children. In the case of Jinyu and Yuexuan, Yin Zhu also spends a lot of energy. There are still a lot of people taking care of them. The main reason is that the men and several elders in the family love the two little ones very much, which leads to the lawlessness of these two guys. Yin Zhu is willing to discipline them So now the two little guys are afraid of Yin Zhu alone.

In this way, Yin Zhu was very angry every time. She realized the feeling of being a mother.

Of course, neither Bai Kun nor Cheng an put any pressure on Yin Zhu. In fact, they all know whether there are cubs or not depends on their luck, but they hope and want to, so Yin Zhu wants to give them. It depends on their luck, but they want it very much, so Yin Zhu wants to give it to them.

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