109. Drawing A Snake Out of Its Hole

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Actually, there were very few flights to Leiluo Kingdom. In common undeveloped cities, there were usually no flights to Leiluo Kingdom. But this city was an exception. In this city there were flights to various countries, mainly because commerce here was flourishing. The headquarters of Nancheng Group was located here.

Nancheng Lie once said he would build a private airport if the government didn’t operate international flights. Now Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao were at the private airport belonging to the Nancheng family. It was convenient for them to go to any country by plane.

On the plane.

“Are you tired?” Nancheng Lie patted himself on the shoulder and continued, “You can lean against me and sleep for a while. I’ll wake you up when the plane lands.”

Li Qinghao shook his head and said, “I just awoke from a sound sleep. Let me remind you. Keqi is now in trouble, but anyway, you can’t kick him when he is down.” Considering Nancheng Lie’s deep hostility towards Keqi, Li Qinghao was really afraid that Nancheng Lie would act on impulse and do something to hurt Keqi.

“I wasn’t born yesterday. You don’t need to remind me again and again.” Nancheng Lie was unhappy. Keqi was a cold-blooded murderer, and there was no need to care about his feelings.

Li Qinghao looked at Nancheng with disdain and said, “Every time you deal with things related to Keqi, you behave childishly.”

“You are wrong.” Nancheng corrected, “I’m always smart and clear-headed unless it involves you.”

“Oh?” Li Qinghao raised his eyebrows, as if to make fun of Nancheng Lie. “You have a clear estimation of yourself.”

Nancheng Lie took Li Qinghao’s sarcastic remark as a kind of praise and brazenly accepted it. Nancheng Lie knew that Li Qinghao had a special affection for Leiluo Kingdom because of his father, but Nancheng didn’t think Li had feelings for people in Leiluo Kingdom. “Are you sure you want Keqi to remain in his position? In my opinion…” Nancheng Lie twisted his lips into a malicious smile and continued, “You can take the throne from him.”

Li Qinghao stood up, walked away from Nancheng Lie and sat on a seat near the aisle.

“What do you mean by that, Xu?” Feeling aggrieved, Nancheng Lie came up to Li Qinghao and sat down beside him.

“Get away! Do you think I’m not busy enough? Or are you jealous of my leisurely life?” Li Qinghao was not interested in the throne at all. “Even if I tell the people of Leiluo Kingdom that I’m the real Han Mingxu, will they believe me?”

“Yes, of course they will.” Nancheng Lie had believed it without hesitation when he had been told that Li Qinghao was the real Han Mingxu.

The stupidity of Nancheng Lie made Li Qinghao feel helpless. “You should be admitted to a psychiatric hospital instead of me.”

“Xu…” Nancheng Lie said softly, elongating the word. He felt helpless because Li Qinghao was too obtuse to take the hint of flirtation.

“What’s wrong?” Li Qinghao raised his eyebrows and gave Nancheng Lie a warning look, as if to say, “If you keep talking nonsense, I will push you off the plane.”

“Okay.” Nancheng Lie gave in to Li Qinghao’s threat. “What are you going to do? If you want to support Keqi as the king of Leiluo Kingdom, you will have to deal with Frise first. Besides, at the press conference, Keqi admitted that he’s gay. You know, homosexuality is forbidden in an absolute monarchy. People there despise gays. So, how are you going to help him clarify his sexual orientation?”

Li Qinghao analysed, “Frise asked me to get close to Keqi and create a piece of evidence proving that Keqi and I are gay. You know, Keqi was brought up by Frise. If Keqi were really gay, Frise should have had the evidence to prove it long ago, and she wouldn’t have asked me to get close to Keqi. Thus it can be seen that Keqi is not gay. I think Frise must be very clear about it.”

“Even if he is not gay, how are you going to prove it?” Nancheng Lie asked. “Don’t tell me you want to shoot a video of him having sex with a woman to prove he’s straight.”

“I remember you recorded what Frise said when she was hypnotized.”

“You want to threaten her with the recording?” “Nancheng Lie sneered,” I think Frise would be likely to go for broke.”

“It’s very likely that she would do that. If she were a man, Leiluo Kingdom would develop well under her leadership.” From an objective point of view, Li Qinghao admitted that Frise was wise and capable.

“But she isn’t. She has been deeply influenced by the patriarchy of Leiluo Kingdom. I don’t think she can be a good leader of a country. By the way…” Nancheng Lie paused for a second and continued, “Keqi was brought up by Frise, and he’s now 22 years old. Do you think a normal 22-year-old man might have never had a wet dream or had sex with women?”

If Li Qinghao had a hammer in his hand, he would swing it at Nancheng’s head without hesitation. Nancheng Lie got goose bumps when he met Li Qinghao’s cold eyes. “Xu, you must have misunderstood my words. I’m not flirting with you. I’m talking seriously.”


A look of pure disbelief formed on Li Qinghao’s face.

Nancheng Lie explained, “Do you know Cao Cao? He was one of the most celebrated figures in the Three Kingdoms period. Cao Cao had a firm hold over the emperor and ordered the dukes about by his name. He was an unquestioned successful politician. What do you think of him, Xu?”

On hearing this, Li Qinghao looked up at Nancheng Lie, his eyes sparkling brightly. Nancheng Lie felt a bit shy under Li Qinghao’s intense gaze. “Don’t look at me like that, Xu.”

Li Qinghao was amused by Nancheng Lie. “I underestimated you,” he said.

“What?!” Nancheng Lie protested with a teasing smile. “We’ve had sex several times. Why do you still question my sexual capacity?”

This guy… Li Qinghao got back to the point, “You are right. If I were Frise, I would have done everything possible to get Keqi to father a son in the past few years, and then get him killed in an accident after he inherited the throne; by then, Keqi’s son would be the unquestionable heir to the throne, and Frise could easily control the emperor and command the nobles. It’s much easier for her to make herself the regent than to make herself the king.”

“We both know Frise is a smart woman. Hasn’t she considered doing that?” asked Nancheng Lie. A small, charming curved his thin lips. He looked sexy and seductive.

Li Qinghao’s heart missed a beat, but he soon came back to his senses. “So?”

‘This guy is arrogant and bossy. If he knows my heart is beating violently for him, I’m afraid that he will do something even crazier,’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

Nancheng Lie replied, “The same idea must have occurred to Frise, but why didn’t she do that?”

Li Qinghao didn’t answer; he just smiled with that serene smile of his.

Frise had half expected Nancheng Lie to come to Leiluo Kingdom. After all, in view of the relationship between Nancheng Lie and Han Mingxu, Nancheng Lie was unlikely to be indifferent after learning Keqi’s scandal. So, Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao were already put under strict surveillance when they appeared at the gate of the Royal Palace and asked to see Keqi.

To their surprise, Keqi refused to see them.

Nancheng Lie said with a smile, “Maybe we shouldn’t make such a rash act.”

It was 8:00 p.m. They drove up to the Royal Palace as soon as they got off the plane. Although Nancheng Lie was the young master of Nancheng family, his power was limited in Leiluo Kingdom. So, the best way to attract other people’s attention was to come straight to the Royal Palace to call on Keqi.

Li Qinghao smiled and replied, “We have to do this to draw a snake out of its hole.”

Since Keqi refused to see them, they went to the hotel owned by Nancheng Group. The person in charge of the hotel, who had been informed in advance that Nancheng Lie would come, was now waiting at the front door of the hotel for them. “Young Master.” The head of the hotel was a man in his mid-thirties. He seemed broad-minded and lively. Besides, he was thick-set when compared with Nancheng Lie.

“Mu Ming.” Nancheng Lie waved at the man. “This is Mu Ming, the CEO of this hotel. This is my sweetheart, Li Qinghao.”

Nancheng Lie and Mu Ming were very familiar with each other, not only because Nancheng Lie was Mu Ming’s superior, but also because Mu Ming had sent Nancheng Lie to the hospital in time once when he had had alcohol poisoning in Leiluo Kingdom. That was the beginning of their friendship.

“Nice to meet you.” Mu Ming extended his hand. He didn’t feel embarrassed when he heard Nancheng Lie address Li Qinghao as sweetheart. It was thus clear that he was chivalrous.

“Me too.” Li Qinghao shook hands with Mu Ming, surprised to find there were some special calluses on the palm of Mu Ming’s hand. “You got these calluses from sword practice, right?” It sounded like a question, but his tone was affirmative.

“Oh?” Mu Ming raised his eyebrows. He did not deny it.

Nancheng Lie explained, “Qinghao used to like swordplay. He’s from a literary family, and almost all of his ancestors were proficient in fencing. In a word, he’s adept with both the pen and the sword.”

“I like Chinese culture too. If there is a chance, I would like to communicate with Mr. Li.” Mu Ming was very interested in Chinese culture.

“No way!” Nancheng Lie immediately refused. “I won’t let him out of my sight.”

Hearing this, Mu Ming gave a meaningful smile. He was a tall, exotic type of man. The smile added to his charm.

“Don’t listen to him. He is oversensitive and suspects everybody.” Li Qinghao rolled his eyes at Nancheng Lie. “You can call me Qinghao. I’m 20 years old. I guess you should be a few years older than me.”

“Qinghao… It’s really a good name.”

Li Qinghao smiled with embarrassment. After all, he was not the real Li Qinghao. He didn’t know if there was any special meaning of this name.

Li Qinghao was just about to say something, but Mu Ming spoke first, “Please call me by my name, Qinghao. I think we belong to the same generation. I hate being called Mr. Mu.” He had guessed what Li Qinghao was trying to say.

“Okay, I see.”

“Hey, don’t ignore me. You should consider my feelings.” Nancheng Lie threw his arms around Li Qinghao’s shoulders, drew him aside and then said to Mu Ming in a possessive tone, “He’s mine.”

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