110. The King Is Being Held Prisoner

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

When they came to a presidential suite reserved for Nancheng Lie, the atmosphere became tense.

“As far as I know, our king is now being held prisoner.” Mu Ming’s voice was a stone that had been thrown into a still pond, causing thousands of ripples in the hearts of Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao.

They all knew what being held prisoner meant. It meant the loss of his royal power. Leiluo Kingdom was a monarchy. Mu Ming couldn’t understand how Keqi could be imprisoned.

But Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao understood Keqi’s helplessness.

Keqi grew up under the watchful eye of Frise. He had no freedom, no friends and even no one to trust. Everyone around him was like a bomb planted by Frise, which would explode one day.

So in fact, the royal power was in the hands of Frise instead of Keqi. “Young Master, the king is your friend. I think you’re here for the king, right?”

Nancheng Lie shook his head and answered, “I hope every one of my rivals in love will disappear in the world, even if he is my best friend.”

What?! Mu Ming was puzzled.

“You idiot! Get out!” Li Qinghao kicked at Nancheng Lie.

“Calm down. Your legs are not yet healed.” Nancheng Lie made no attempt to dodge. He raised his arms in surrender. “All right, Mu Ming. I admit that I’m here to help your king.” Nancheng Lie gave in to Li Qinghao’s  threat. He had no choice but to play up to Li Qinghao, because it was closely related to his future sex life.

“Oh? I’m just a nobody. I’m afraid I can’t help you.” Mu Ming didn’t intend to involve himself in serious trouble.

“Once your country is destroyed, you will know how foolish it is to stand by.” Nancheng Lie’s words successfully stopped Mu Ming from leaving.

Mu Ming hesitated for a moment before he walked back to the sofa and sat down. “All right, whenever you need help, you can turn to me.”

Nancheng Lie gave a triumphant smile, looking like the cat that ate the canary.

Li Qinghao looked at Nancheng and gave a helpless sigh.

“I want to see him. Will you be able to get me into the Royal Palace?” asked Li Qinghao. Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao had gone directly to the Royal Palace as soon as they had arrived in Leiluo Kingdom, because they wanted Frise to focus all her attention on them so that their men could find a way to sneak into the Royal Palace without being noticed.

“The Royal Palace is now a dangerous place. If we sneak in, we will probably be arrested as rebels.” Mu Ming knew who Li Qinghao was referring to. He knew that they were worried about their friend, Keqi. But considering that a coup might break out in Leiluo Kingdom at any moment, Mu Ming had no intention of risking his life for them.

“Even if it’s a totally enclosed room, I believe we can get in as long as we chisel a window in the wall.” Li Qinghao gave a soft smile. Mu Ming had a sudden sense of danger. He felt that he had underestimated the young man in front of him.

“Okay, I’ll find a way.”

Actually, Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao had an ace up their sleeves, but they intended to keep it until the last minute, because they were afraid that it would cause destruction to both sides.

That was why they wanted to see Keqi.

However, before Mu Ming could think of a way, Frise’s subordinate came to the hotel.

It was Jimmy, Keqi’s former steward.

“Mr. Nancheng, Mr. Li.” Standing in the living room of the presidential suite, Jimmy made a very civil bow to them like a gentleman and continued, “Princess Frise knows you two are His Majesty’s good friends. The pity is that His Majesty can’t move freely now; that is to say, he can’t come here to see you. So Princess Frise asked me to take you to her.”

Nancheneg Lie squinted at Jimmy and replied straightforwardly, “Go back and tell your princess that I don’t want to see her.” He was a blunt, proud man.

Jimmy didn’t get angry. “Princess Frise said you must be anxious to see His Majesty.”

Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao looked at each other.

Half an hour later, Jimmy appeared at the front door of the hotel, followed by Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao. There was a car parked outside. “Mr. Nancheng, Mr. Li, please get in the car,” said Jimmy.

The car drove away from the city. Obviously, their destination was not the Royal Palace. They were following a broad road through the trees. Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao knew that Jimmy was unlikely to take them to see Keqi, but they still cherished a hope that Jimmy would keep his word. Nancheng Lie smiled and teased, “Does your princess want you to take us to the suburbs and kill us?”

“Mr. Nancheng, you must be joking,” Jimmy said.

After a while, the car stopped at a luxury villa. The wall of the villa was about 5 meters in height. It was more like a jail than a residence.

The splendid villa was large but old.

There were four burly bodyguards standing at the gate of the villa. As soon as the car stopped, they went over to inspect.

“Mr. Nancheng, Mr. Li, let’s get off and go into the villa.”

“Mr. Jimmy.” The bodyguards were respectful to Jimmy, which proved that Jimmy often came in and out of this villa. “According to the rules, anyone who wants to enter the villa needs to be body-searched.”

Jimmy nodded and raised his arms in a gesture of cooperation.

After searching Jimmy, the bodyguards turned to Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao, hinting that they had to be body-searched too.

“Does your princess always treat her guests like that, Jimmy?” Nancheng Lie gave a mocking smile, his eyes shining dangerously. As the young master of the Nancheng family, he wouldn’t be treated so badly even if he went to see the queen of England or the president of America.

With the Nancheng family and LD organization behind him, people always gave him the full VIP treatment, no matter where he went. How dared that damned woman treat him like that?

Jimmy explained, “Mr. Nancheng, they don’t mean to offend you. They just want to ensure the safety of the people inside the villa.”

“Lie, don’t argue with him.” Li Qinghao didn’t want to waste time on arguing. He said to the bodyguards, “You can search me first.” Chinese people usually tried fair means before resorting to force. Frise had injected him with TRKS. What was more, she treated him with indignity. Li Qinghao swore to make Frise pay a price as long as he could get out of here alive.

“No, I won’t allow anyone to touch you.” Nancheng Lie took Li Qinghao in his arms and cast piercing looks to each one of the bodyguards. “I will chop your hands off if you dare to touch him,” he said in a deadly flat voice. His gaze was like a stab into their hearts. The bodyguards froze, trembling slightly as like the temperatures dropped suddenly.

“Mr. Nancheng, I have been told that you are arrogant and wayward. Now I see that’s what you are.” A female voice came from inside the gate. It was Frise.

“An old Chinese saying goes, ‘Women and snobs are hard to deal with.’ I guess you don’t understand the meaning of this sentence. Let me tell you. Women and snobs are crafty and very hard to deal with. Your Highness, you are a typical example,” said Nancheng Lie. He could be very courtly and chivalrous when he wanted to. But he was by nature a rebel. He never showed mercy to the people he disliked. He always acted as he pleased and never cared about what others might think.

Nancheng Lie hugged Li Qinghao from behind and rested his chin on Li’s shoulder. “It’s all because of you that I’m willing to tolerate her insolence.” He had never been treated in this disrespectful way.

Li Qinghao turned his head, and his lips brushed gently against Nancheng Lie’s cheek. “Now I see that you really have a sharp tongue,” he teased.

Nancheng Lie grinned, “I also have good kissing skills. Do you want to try?” With that, he raised Li Qinghao’s chin with his finger and was about to kiss Li.

Jimmy gave a little cough to attract their attention and said, “Aren’t you going into the villa?”

“That depends on whether you are going to search us.” Nancheng Lie turned around and gave Jimmy a dirty look. “Alright, I don’t want to waste my time anymore.” Nancheng let go of Li Qinghao and took him by the hand. “It seems that we are not welcome by Princess Frise. Let’s go, Qinghao.” They tried to leave, but only walked a few steps before they stopped. “Humph! You asked your men to point guns at me? Are you threatening me, Frise?” There was no mistaking the anger in his voice.

Li Qinghao knew that Frise’s action infuriated Nancheng. His anger would have serious consequences for Frise.

“Mr. Nancheng, you stopped investing my theme park. Aren’t you threatening me?”

“Are you taking revenge on me, Your Highness?” Nancheng Lie instinctively tightened his grip on Li Qinghao’s wrist. Li Qinghao felt a little pain and his eyebrows knitted together in a little frown. Nancheng Lie soon came to himself and gradually relaxed his grip on Li Qinghao’s wrist. “All right, those who suit their actions to the times are wise. I’m a wise man.” He raised his arms and continued, “Come on, you can search me now.”

Li Qinghao knew that it was all because of him that Nancheng Lie gave in to Frise. “Lie.” He tugged at Nancheng Lie’s sleeve.

Nancheng Lie looked back at Li Qinghao and gave him a tender smile. “Remember to repay me in the future.” Although they were in danger, Li Qinghao’s heart raced uncontrollably when he saw the tenderness in Nancheng’s eyes.

Li Qinghao gave a little chuckle. He didn’t speak, but at this moment, silence was more than a thousand words.

They had nothing but their cell phones with them. The bodyguards took their cell phones and let them into the villa.

The villa was so big, like a leisure playground, that they felt an overwhelming sense of space and emptiness as soon as they walked in.

Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao didn’t know that this was where Keqi grew up. Despite its size, the villa was more like a prison to Keqi, because he had been imprisoned here from birth to the age of 20.

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