117. I Don’t Hate You

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Keqi had never associated Li Qinghao with Han Mingxu. But strangely enough, he didn’t seem to find Li Qinghao’s question abrupt.

Keqi was surprised at what was on his mind. He opened his mouth and wanted to ask something, but what he actually said was against his original intention. “Say it if you want.” He was not interested in Han mingxu’s story, because to some extent he grew up listening to it. But Li Qinghao’s words interested him, because he guessed that Li Qinghao would tell him something that he didn’t know. “Qinghao, can you start with Han Mingxu’s death?”

Keqi looked Li Qinghao in the eye, knowing that Li Qinghao was aware of the story between Han Mingxu and Keqi.

Li Qinghao turned his back on Keqi. “I’m going to play a recording.”

He had a recording of what Frise had said when she had been hypnotized by Elen. Li Qinghao thought that Keqi had a right to know that his parents hadn’t abandoned him.

Li Qinghao pressed the ‘play’ button, and Frise’s voice rang out in the room. As the recording was playing, Keqi’s face gradually changed. Finally, he chuckled, “I don’t believe what Frise says.”

He was no longer the naive boy who longed to meet his parents. Even when he was told that his parents hadn’t abandoned him, he remained unmoved. But Li Qinghao’s next remark cut Keqi to the quick.

Li Qinghao suddenly said, “Han Mingxu changed his name after his death.”

“What?!” Keqi was confused. Was it necessary for a dead man to change his name?

“He’s now called Li Qinghao.”

Li Qinghao’s words kept ringing in Keqi’s mind. It was to be expected that Li Qinghao had a close relationship with Han Mingxu, but Keqi never expected Li Qinghao to be Han Mingxu.

‘Han Mingxu is now called Li Qinghao… Han Mingxu is now called Li Qinghao. Does it mean that…?’ Keqi thought to himself. His eyes widened in shock. He looked at Li Qinghao. His throat had tightened and he couldn’t utter a single word. He searched for a sign of lies on Li Qinghao’s face, but there was none.

Obviously, Li Qinghao was serious.

“You… You are Han Mingxu?” Every word he uttered out seemed to be pieces of broken glass, cutting his throat from the inside.

Li Qinghao looked back at Keqi. The serenity in his eyes gave Keqi a sense of strangeness. Li Qinghao explained, “When I woke up, I found myself transmigrated as Li Qinghao,”

Keqi thought it was funny. He burst into uncontrollable laughter. His voice was full of bitterness. He felt that what Li Qinghao said was almost a scathing satire on him. He laughed and laughed until his jaw and cheeks ached.

In the past few months, he had developed quite an affection for Li Qinghao. But now he was told that Li Qinghao was his twin brother Han Mingxu… This must be the funniest joke in the world.

How he wished he could be less rational! He didn’t want to believe what Li Qinghao said, but logic prevailed and he was convinced that Li Qinghao was telling the truth.

Li Qinghao was the one whom Keqi liked and wanted to spend the rest of his life with. But he hadn’t expected Li Qinghao to be his twin brother Han Mingxu, whom he had killed two years ago.

Han Mingxu was his biological brother. He owed him a life.

Keqi wanted to say something to deceive himself. He even wanted to say, “You must be joking! It can’t be true.”

But finally, he asked, “Why are you telling me all this? How are you going to get back at me?” Keqi suddenly remembered that day when he had confessed his love for Li Qinghao. At that time, Li Qinghao must have regarded him as a mockery.

Keqi burst into self-mocking laughter. ‘I think God is being jealous of me. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have made me such a sad character,’ Keqi thought to himself.

Li Qinghao never thought of himself as a good person. If he were a good person, he would keep his real identity a secret from Keqi instead of telling Keqi the truth. He knew clearly that it would hurt Keqi, but he did it anyway. So, he was not a good man. “Be a good king if you feel guilty about my death.”

“Don’t try to make a fool of me!” Keqi roared.

Nancheng Lie standing outside the door had a strong desire to rush in and tear Keqi to pieces. His eyes shone dangerously. ‘How dare Keqi roar at Xu?! I can’t bear anyone who treats Xu so rudely,’ Nancheng thought angrily.

“I’m serious.”

“You are serious? Stop making fun of me.” Keqi raised his lips and eyebrows as if he had just heard the world’s most hilarious joke. “I would much rather you pointed a gun at me.”

“I don’t hate you,” said Li Qinghao. If he hated Keqi, he’d want to do more than just point a gun at Keqi.

“Yes, you don’t hate me now. If you hate me… You once hated me, didn’t you?” Keqi remembered that Li Qinghao had looked at him with hatred. At that time, Li Qinghao must have hated him very much. Keqi couldn’t forget all things about Li Qinghao. His every twinkle and smile tugged at Keqi’s heartstrings. But now there was no emotion in his eyes when he looked at Keqi.

Li Qinghao was silent for a moment, and then answered, “Yes, I did.”

He had once hated Keqi.

Hatred of Keqi had once filled his heart, especially when he had learned that he and Keqi were twins. However, Nancheng Lie’s love and protection gradually healed his broken heart. His hatred for Keqi disappeared before he knew it. When he knew that Keqi had a very unhappy childhood, he didn’t have the heart to hate him. Compared with Keqi, he was a lucky dog.

“You want me to be a good king? Is it what you really want?” He yearned for freedom and pursued it all the time, but now freedom became insignificant, in comparison with Li Qinghao. Keqi closed his eyes.

That was not what Li Qinghao wanted.

But he didn’t want to be implicated in the battle for the throne of Leiluo Kingdom.

What was more, he wanted to protect the Han family from being dragged into a whirlpool of danger. After all, Leiluo Kingdom was now threatened with a coup. So, Li Qinghao was selfish. “Yes, I want you to liberate Leiluo Kingdom from feudalism and make it a democratic country where men and women are equal. Can you do it?”

“You have set a goal for me, and I don’t have the right to refuse, do I?”

“Keqi.” For the first time, Li Qinghao called his name in such a serious tone. “You have to get out of Frise’s control and become stronger.”

Only when he became strong could he decide his own destiny.

After a long silence, Keqi replied briefly, “Okay.”

That was enough.

Li Qinghao turned to leave.

“Qinghao.” Keqi got out of bed, walked quickly to Li Qinghao and hugged him from behind. “Qinghao, please continue to hate me, please.”

Yesterday he had determined to go to China to see Li Qinghao as soon as he abdicated. But today he was told that Li Qinghao was his twin brother and there was no possibility that they would be together. “Qinghao…” Keqi whispered in a hoarse voice. “Please hate me… You can hate me, but please don’t be so indifferent to me…”

It was incredible that he was begging Li Qinghao to hate him.

Li Qinghao didn’t want to deceive Keqi. He was so hard-hearted that he even refused to tell a white lie. “I don’t hate you.” He shook Keqi’s hands off with force and left without looking back at Keqi.

In the past, Keqi had disguised himself as Han Mingxu and had the Sword of Damocles hanging over his head at every moment. But from now on, he could completely replace Han Mingxu and didn’t have to worry about being unmasked.

In the past, he had had to mimic Han Mingxu. But from now on, he wouldn’t have to do it.

Nancheng Lie was leaning against the wall next to the door. As soon as Li Qinghao walked out of the room, Nancheng smiled and reached out a hand towards Li Qinghao. “Have you reached an agreement with him?”

Li Qinghao glanced at Nancheng Lie’s large hand and answered with a smile, “Yes. From now on, Li Qinghao is my only name.” He took Nancheng Lie’s hand. From now on, he would live as Li Qinghao. As his childhood sweetheart, Nancheng Lie would be his lifelong companion. “Lie, I…” He lost consciousness before he could finish his sentence.

“Xu!” Nancheng Lie cried out fearfully, an edge of panic in his trembling voice. Keqi was startled by Nancheng’s shouting, but soon came to himself. In a big stride he came out of the room. “What’s the matter with Qinghao?”

He walked over and wanted to touch Li Qinghao’s forehead, but Nancheng Lie stopped him. “Get away! Don’t touch him! Don’t you know you are the root of of his misfortune?”

Nancheng Lie picked up Li Qinghao and looked at Keqi coldly. “Don’t think you can be forgiven. I’ll make you and Frise pay a price one day.”

His hatred for Keqi and Frise would never fade.

In China.

It had been two days since they came back from Leiluo Kingdom. Nancheng Lie learned from Mu Ming that the political situation of Leiluo Kingdom had stabilized. But what made him distraught was that Li Qinghao was still unconscious.

Nancheng Lie was seized by a strong desire to avenge Li Qinghao.

In Yingli’s lab, Nancheng Lie roared impatiently at the researchers, “Why is he still unconscious? I don’t think an attack of TRKS would keep him in a coma for that long.”

Jin You explained, “In the past few days, the number of virus particles in his body has increased sharply, and too many of his cells have been infected. That’s why he has a constant fever. Had it not been for his great willpower, he would have slipped into a coma much earlier.”

“What should we do now?” Nancheng Lie was in no mood to understand how the virus spread in the human body. He wanted a way to save Han Mingxu.

“The antidote to TRKS will be developed in three hours.”  With dark circles under his eyes, Yingli let out a long sigh. “So now we have to freeze his body so as to prevent further transmission of TRKS inside him.”

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