118. Prepare for The Worst and Hope for The Best

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Before today, Nancheng Lie had believed that only the dead would be put in a freezer.

“Is that feasible? What if Xu feels cold? No, no, no. He should put on more clothes. Give me a thick down jacket. I have to clothe him.” How could they put a living person in the freezer? They were not living in a fantasy world.

“Bro, you are a layman. Please stand aside and don’t stick your nose in.” Nancheng Yunsen pushed Nancheng Lie aside and began to adjust the temperature of the freezer.

He had carried this freezer from his hospital to Yingli’s laboratory in order to freeze Li Qinghao.

Nancheng Lie said anxiously, “Bro, be gentle and don’t make the temperature too low. Xu will feel cold.” He had a strong impulse to punch Nancheng Yunsen, but considering Li Qinghao’s physical condition, he had no choice but to trust Nancheng Yunsen.

Nancheng Yunsen knitted his brows as he heard the words. “I’m not rude at all.” As a doctor, he was always gentle with his patients. “Don’t worry. The temperature inside the freezer is just a little lower than his body temperature. Once there are signs that his life is in danger, I’ll open the freezer immediately.”

This was a high-tech instrument. There was no need to explain its operation principle to the laymen like Nancheng Lie.

“Come on, have a glass of red wine made in 1982. It can help you calm down.” Mu Yinting tapped Nancheng Lie on the shoulder. “Rest assured, everyone here wants to save him.”

Nancheng Lie glanced at Mu Yinting and didn’t take the wine glass. “I’m not in the mood to drink. I can’t calm down.” He was in no mood for drinking. His heart was torn with anxiety because his beloved Xu was on the verge of death. How he wished he were lying in the freezer instead of Xu!

‘Damn it! I was wrong. I should have destroyed Frise and Keqi instead of following Xu’s advice and letting them off. But… if something happened to Keqi, the Han family would certainly be worried. If there was anything wrong with the Han family, Xu would be overwhelmed with guilt.

Nancheng Lie clenched his fists. For the sake of Xu, he had to restrain himself.

Yingli and Jin You were preoccupied with their experiment, because the experiment was now entering a crucial, critical phase and there must be no slips in the following three hours. Li Qinghao was running out of time. If the experiment failed, they had to start anew. Even if they had enough resources to do the experiment again, they couldn’t save Li Qinghao.

Nancheng Lie was keeping a close eye on the freezer. It didn’t mean that he didn’t trust his brother Nancheng Yunsen. Han Mingxu was now confronted with a crisis of life and death. Nancheng Lie couldn’t afford to take any chances.

“Bro, it’s been two hours. Is Xu all right in the freezer?”

“Take it easy. The freezer can adjust the temperature automatically. Trust me, he will be okay.” Nancheng Yunsen held Nancheng Lie’s hand, knowing that his words were not adequate to cheer Nancheng Lie up. He added, “This is just the beginning. Even if an antidote of TRKS is successfully developed, none of us knows what will happen to Xu after he takes it. So, if you break down at first, who’s going to take care of Xu?”

His words made Nancheng Lie at once become enlightened. ‘Yes, I have to be calm and strong, because Xu needs me,’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

“I see,” he said.

Then there was dead silence again in the laboratory.

No one knew what was waiting for them. Just as Nancheng Yunsen said, all they could do was to be mentally prepared.

One hours later, Yingli announced excitedly, “We made it!”

“Let me see.” Jin You checked the experimental data on the computer screen and concluded that they had successfully developed an antidote. “Now carry Mr. Li onto the bed. We need to get his temperature back to normal. Only when the virus in his body starts to revive can we inject him with the antidote. Otherwise, the antidote will not work.”

Jin You was one of the researchers who had taken part in the development of TRKS. No one in the world knew more about the virus than him.

“Okay.” Nancheng Yunsen turned off the freezer. Nancheng Lie promptly came forward and carried Li Qinghao out of the freezer. A cold shiver ran down his spine the moment his hand touched Li Qinghao’s body. “It’s so cold in the freezer.” How could a normal person withstand such a low temperature?

“Don’t worry. The virus in his body is constantly producing heat, so the low temperature can’t hurt him.” Nancheng Yunsen came up to help his young brother. They two worked together to carry Li Qinghao onto the bed. Then they stood aside, leaving the rest to Yingli and Jin You.

They attached various wires to Li Qinghao’s body.

“What’s this?” Nancheng Lie asked nervously.

Jin You explained, “This is just an Electrotherapy Stimulator. Rest assured, the micro electric current generated by this instrument can promote blood circulation and revive the virus. It will do him no harm. Nowadays many office workers and elderly people often use electrotherapy medical apparatus to stimulate blood circulation. It’s a very safe and scientific therapy.”

Forty minutes later, Li Qinghao’s temperature got back to normal, and his face became rosy. Nancheng Lie reached out and felt Li Qinghao’s forehead. “He develops a fever again.”

“His fever is never gone. We used the freezer to low his temperature. Without the freezer, his temperature would rise as a matter of course. What’s more, once the virus in his body revives, it attacks his body cells even more aggressively,” Yingli said, taking out the antidote.

The antidote was liquid. Yingli drew the antidote into a syringe and said, “Lie, the antidote has been tested on many animals. When I inject the antidote into his vein, he may or may not wake up with pain. The pain is more than most people can bear. So, if he wakes up, you need to hold him tightly.”

“Okay, I got it.” Nancheng Lie swore that he would never let anyone hurt Xu again.

He held Li Qinghao tightly in his arms. He would do anything to make his Xu happy.

Yingli and Jin You exchanged a look and reached a tacit understanding. Then Jin You injected the antidote into Li Qinghao’s body. The antidote in a liquid state could melt into his blood faster.

“Xu’s body is getting even hotter!” Considering that the body cooled itself by circulating blood to dissipate heat through the skin, they undressed Li Qinghao. So, Li Qinghao was naked now, and Nancheng Lie could feel Li Qinghao’s temperature rising continuously.

“Take it easy. It’s because the virus in his body has started fighting with the active ingredient of the antidote.” Yingli turned down the temperature in the room.

“It’s no use. His temperature is still rising.” Nancheng Lie suggested, “Can we put Xu back in the freezer? At this rate, he would probably die of a high fever.”

Jin You flatly refused. “No, we can’t. If we put him back in the freezer, the virus will become dormant again and the antidote won’t work.”

“But…” Nancheng Lie didn’t know what to say.

Yingli picked up a thermometer and took Li Qinghao’s temperature.

“What’s his temperature?” asked Jin You.

If Li Qinghao’s temperature was over 40 ℃, they were not sure whether his high fever would leave him with serious aftereffects .

“39.4 ℃.” Yingli replied. “I think we should give him another injection. What’s your opinion?” It was nice to have someone to whom he could discuss with.

“I think…” Jin You paused for a few seconds before he continued, “The dosage of antidote should be based on the patient’s physical condition. If we give him another injection, the virus in his body could be eliminated more quickly, but it would probably cause harmful side effects.” Jin You seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact, he was explaining to Nancheng Lie.

Nancheng Lie was smart and immediately understood what Jin You meant. He asked, “What if we don’t increase the dosage?”

“If we don’t increase the dosage, the virus’s life will be prolonged and his temperature will continue to rise. By then…” Death would be his final destination.

Nancheng Lie hesitated. He turned around and asked Nancheng Yunsen, “What do you think?”

Nancheng Yunsen shook his head and answered, “I don’t know.” In such a situation, he could only leave the decision to Nancheng Lie.

Nancheng Lie grew silent. His face turned pale. Every second appeared like an hour in length. “Give him another injection,” Nancheng Lie said, frowning deeply. He looked calm, but everyone present knew that his heart was aching.

“It will cause…”

“Yingli,” Nancheng Lie interrupted him. “The worst result is that death separates us. You know, I once lost him.”

He had once lost Xu, so he was no longer afraid of separation. At least, this time he was mentally prepared. At least, Xu was now in his arms.


Yingli knew what Nancheng Lie was talking about. Actually they had no other choice, although they knew what might happen. In this case there was no need to think too much.

All they could do was to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Jin You was ready. He gave Li Qinghao another injection in the arm.

Yingli put the the electronic thermometer under Li Qinghao’s armpit. He kept his eyes fixed on the thermometer. After being given another injection, Li Qinghao’s temperature gradually rose from 39.4 ℃ to 39.8 ℃. Yingli began to get nervous. To be honest, he had never been so nervous, even at the moment when the experiment had been declared a success.

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