129. You Are My Sweetheart

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“Are you sure you won’t go with me, Xu?” Nancheng Lie stepped in front of Li Qinghao, blocking his view.

Li Qinghao, who was watching the news, looked up at Nancheng Lie.  He was casually dressed in a black shirt and beige linen trousers. He gave an elegant aura. “That party is specially held for you. Why should I go with you?” What was more, he didn’t like any noisy place.

“It’s not an important party. It’s just to pass the time.” Nancheng Lie sat down beside Li Qinghao and continued, “You will get bored with staying home. Why don’t you go with me?”

“Go with you?” Li Qinghao laughed and asked, “What if your friends ask about me?”

“I will tell them you are my sweetheart,” Nancheng blurted out.

Li Qinghao rolled his eyes at Nancheng Lie and asked, “Do you think that being known as a gay person is not enough? You want to get involved in a scandal of molesting a teenager? It’s a crime.” Why did this guy always act and speak without thinking?

“It doesn’t matter. I won’t be criminally charged as long as I have nothing to do with rape.”

Li Qinghao shook his head and said, “I’m going to see Mu Yinting. Yingli told me to have a blood test every week.”

“Let me drive you to his villa.”

Li Qinghao refused, “No, thank you.” He paused for a second and said seriously, “Lie, yes, we are having a romance, but it doesn’t mean that we should be always together, inseparable like shadows. After all, both you and I are independent individuals. Maybe we will get tired of each other if we stay together every day.”

“I’ll never get tired of you,” Nancheng Lie blurted out. “But it seems that you are tired of me and trying to drive me away.”

“Yes, you got it. So what are you going to do with me?” Li Qinghao flashed a look at Nancheng Lie. This guy was really a good debater.

“Are you sure you don’t need me? Anyway, it’s inconvenient for you to take a taxi.”

“I’ve made an appointment with your second brother. I’ll go to him first, and then we’ll go to visit Mu Yinting and Yingli together.”

Hearing this, Nancheng Lie was instantly on the alert. He was like a male lion who had just been told that someone had trespassed on his land. “My second brother? He’s already a middle-aged man above 40 years old. It’s immoral for him to rob the cradle.”

Li Qinghao covered his ears, a feeling of helplessness surging up in him. “Don’t measure other people’s corn by your own bushel. Alright, I’m going to the hospital to have my leg examined, and you can go with me.”

At the Nancheng Hospital.

A doctor X-rayed Li Qinghao’s leg and then studied the X-ray carefully. There was a heavy, brooding silence in the doctor’s office. Nancheng Lie couldn’t resist asking, “Is everything all right with his leg?” The doctor was not the original one. In order to shield Li Qinghao from suspicion, Nancheng Yunsen specially asked a reliable, old doctor to examine him.

The old doctor didn’t like impatient young people. He took a look at Nancheng Lie and fixed his eyes on the X-ray again. Nancheng Lie felt he had been wronged. In fact, he was a steady fellow. He could deal with everyone calmly except Xu. But at this moment, he had no idea how to explain.

“The leg’s coming on fine, but I suggest you receive acupuncture treatment, if you’re free. I think that with acupuncture and massage treatments you will be fully recovered within a month,” the old doctor promised earnestly.

Before Li Qinghao could speak, Nancheng Lie asked eagerly, “Really?”

Nancheng Yunsen was driven beyond forbearance. He dragged Nancheng Lie out of the doctor’s office and closed the door behind him. Now there were only Li Qinghao and the old doctor in the office. After a moment’s silence, Li Qinghao apologized, “Sorry, my friend is a chatterbox.”

“It’s nothing.” The old doctor took off his glasses and wiped them with a cloth. “He cares a lot about you.” He was a sharp-eyed elder. “You are lucky enough to have such a friend.”

“It seems that doctors are creatures of the emotions, too.”

“Not all doctors are completely indifferent to the dead lying in the mortuary. Sometimes I have nightmares at night.” The old doctor was a humorous man. Nancheng Yunsen introduced him to Li Qinghao, not only because he was a very experienced doctor, but because he had a good relationship with Nancheng Yunsen.

When Li Qinghao came out, Nancheng Lie and Nancheng Yunsen stood face to face, glaring at each other. The moment they saw him, their facial expressions changed. Li Qinghao was puzzled, but he didn’t ask. It seemed that they were concealing something from him.

“We are going to Mu Yinting’s villa. Are you going to the party now, Lie?

“Yep. Have you changed your mind and decided to go with me?”

“No, I just wanted to tell you that you don’t need to pick me up tonight, because I don’t know when I can go home.”

“Hahaha…” Nancheng Yunsen burst out laughing. He was happy to see his younger brother suffer a setback. Nancheng Lie gave Nancheng Yunsen a stern look. Then he took Li Qinghao in his arms, planted a kiss on Li’s forehead and left. Looking at Nancheng Lie’s receding figure, Nancheng Yunsen and Li Qinghao laughed out loud at the same time. Nancheng Yunsen sighed, “Only in front of you does he look like a childish boy.”

Li Qinghao corrected him, “To be more exact, he’s a problem child.”

They drove to Mu Yinting’s villa. A strong smell of delicious cooking assailed their nostrils before they walked into the front door of the villa.

Li Qinghao turned to Nancheng Yunsen and said, “It seems that we’ve come just at the right moment.”

“I can’t believe any of them can cook the meals.” Nancheng Yunsen was surprised.

“Hey, don’t look down on househusbands.” Mu Yinting appeared in the doorway with a kitchen knife in his hand. People inside and outside fell about laughing.

The meal was made by Mu Yinting. He was an all-round man. Although he was tall and strong looking like a male chauvinist, in fact, he was very fastidious about his food.

Nancheng Yunsen praised, “Mr. Mu, you are as good as those chefs at any six-star hotel.

“Thank you for your compliment.” Mu Yinting was proud of himself.

Yingli poured cold water on Mu Yinting, “Mr. Nancheng, you think too highly of him.”

“I’m telling the truth. I have a refined sense of taste, and is able to tell what spices are used with only one bite. What’s more, my stomach is completely full now.”

They were eating and talking happily in the villa. Meanwhile, at a club Nancheng Lie leaned against the window, surrounded by his friends. He regretted having come to the party instead of accompanying Li Qinghao to Mu Yinting’s villa.

“Mr. Nancheng, the party has just begun, but you are absent-minded. Is it because the party is not interesting enough?” A rich young man came up to Nancheng Lie and said mysteriously, “Rest assured, there will be a wonderful performance.”

“Oh?” Nancheng Lie raised a questioning eyebrow. “Are you sure the performance can interest me? After all, we’re all experienced playboys.”

“Humph!” Another rich young man snorted. “Let’s wait and see. By the way, we haven’t seen you for a long time. What happened to you? Don’t tell me that you are married and your wife forbids you to go out at night.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. We all know Mr. Nancheng is a real gay person.”


“You reminded me of somebody,” a young man, who was very familiar with both Nancheng Lie and Han Mingxu said. “How is he doing?” These men all knew Han Mingxu. Although they had only met Han Mingxu a few times, they were very aware of Han Mingxu’s importance to Nancheng Lie.

The reason this man was familiar with both Nancheng Lie and Han Mingxu was because he grew up with them, although Nancheng Lie refused to admit it.

From small to large, they were schoolmates. In other words, in addition to Nancheng Lie’s family, only this man knew that Nancheng Lie was in love with Han Mingxu.

“Uh-huh?” Nancheng Lie raised his eyebrows and felt a little more cheerful. “He’s fine.” The only bad thing was that Xu was now a minor and couldn’t satisfy his lust.

“Yeah, of course he’s fine. After all, he’s now the king of Leiluo Kingdom.” The man sighed and asked, “What about you?”

A young man interrupted, “Hey, what are you talking about?” Their conversation made him feel puzzled. “Wow, here he comes!” Suddenly, he shouted out, “Max, come here!” He waved to Max who appeared in the doorway. “Let me introduce him. He’s a new film star and just won the best actor award.”

“Hi, Lewis.” Max waved at him, too.

Max’s presence was a surprise to everyone except Lewis. They didn’t expect Lewis to invite Max. But soon they composed themselves. They all came from rich and powerful families, and a film star was nothing to them.


“Hello, Max.”

Although they didn’t take Max seriously, they greeted him warmly.

“Hello, everyone.” Max responded with a smile, came up to Nancheng Lie and looked at him with smiling eyes. “Long time no see, Lie.”

His attitude towards Nancheng Lie aroused everyone’s curiosity. Nancheng Lie’s old schoolmate gave him a playful poke and said, “You are such a playboy!”

Nancheng Lie rolled his eyes at his old schoolmate. Then he turned to Max and extended his hand. “Long time no see.”

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