130. A Family Man Shouldn’t Stay Out Late at Night

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Before Nancheng Lie could shake hands with Max, Lewis drew Nancheng Lie aside and said, “I feel that you are concealing something from me.”

Nancheng Lie rolled his eyes at Lewis and answered, “What do you mean by that? What do you want to know?”

“Don’t play the fool. We all know that you are gay and so is Max. What’s more, you two know each other. So…” Lewis said, arching an eyebrow. Nancheng Lie knew what he meant.

“Are you interested in him?” Nancheng Lie shook off Lewis’s hand from his arm and continued, “We’ve known each other for a long time, but I didn’t expect you to be interested in men.”

“Just for fun. After all, I don’t have to be responsible for men, but if I make a woman pregnant, it will be a troublesome problem,” Lewis replied, smiling like a ruffian. “This party is especially for him.”

Nancheng Lie agreed with Lewis. The rich men were not afraid of scandal, but they feared to make their lovers pregnant. Nancheng Lie once fantasized about what would happen between them if Han Mingxu were a woman. Perhaps Nancheng would screw Han Mingxu and make him pregnant so that he could only marry him. But it was just a fantasy.

“Don’t play with his affections. He’s different from us. He can’t afford to get involved in a sex scandal with you. ” Anyway, they were friends, so Nancheng Lie didn’t want Max to lose all standing and reputation. “Curiosity killed the cat. Lewis, you are not gay. You’d better stay away from gay men.” Nancheng Lie looked at Lewis with a serious expression on his face. “Once you feel a stirring of curiosity, perhaps you will be completely addicted.”

Nancheng Lie had many gay friends. Some of them entered the homosexuality circle with the same thoughts as Lewis at first, but later, they became gay and had no desire for women. Some of them were straights at the beginning. They entered the homosexuality circle out of curiosity, but gradually, they became gay.

Nancheng Lie was gay, so he didn’t look down on the gay community. But in his opinion, those who couldn’t eradicate homophobia should stay away from the gay community.

Some people became gay, but they refused to admit it. They even tried to pretend to be straights. This would hurt themselves and others.

“Completely addicted?” What Nancheng Lie said didn’t discourage Lewis’s interest in Max; instead, he became more interested.

“What are you whispering about? Come here,” Nancheng Lie’s old schoolmate, Arnold shouted.

“Wait a moment.” Lewis waved to Arnold and fixed his eyes on Max, who was talking and laughing among the crowd. That guy was indeed charming and graceful. Lewis leaned forward and whispered in Nancheng Lie’s ear, “You had sex with him before, didn’t you?”


Nancheng Lie pushed him away and answered, “Don’t talk nonsense.” He didn’t like to gossip about people behind their backs. From his point of view, it was immoral to to slander others.

“Humph! Genuine knowledge comes from practice. I’ll have a try.”

The party was in full swing, but Nancheng Lie was bored and desired to go home. He felt that he was a family man and shouldn’t stay out late at night. So, he bade farewell to Lewis, “I have to go home now.”

“Why do you have to leave so early?” Lewis was a little unhappy.

Nancheng Lie used to be out on the tiles every night. Lewis didn’t expect that Nancheng was the first one to leave today. “Han Mingxu is not here today. What are you afraid of?”

“You don’t understand.”

“Yeah, I don’t understand why you are so afraid of him. In my view, there’s no need to be afraid of him, although he’s taciturn, aloof and detached.”

“Let it go at that. I’m leaving. Have a good time.” Han Mingxu was very special to Nancheng Lie.

Nancheng Lie came to the parking lot. He got into his car and drove away. He was about to drive out of the underground car park when a figure rushed up to him, causing him to slam on the brakes. It was so dangerous because the car had been picking up speed just now. Nancheng Lie rolled down his window. Just as he was ready to curse, he saw a familiar face. “Max?” He realized that it was not an accident. He bowed his head, a flicker of sharpness in his cold eyes. When he looked up at Max, he was smiling his usual friendly smile.

“I’m going home, too. Just now I tried to hail a taxi, but failed. Can you give me a ride?” Max hadn’t wanted to attend the party, but considering that Lewis’s family company carried considerable weight in the entertainment industry, he finally accepted Lewis’s invitation. He could have a firm foothold in the showbiz as long as he established a good relationship with Lewis.

“Yes, of course.” A gentleman wouldn’t refuse a reasonable request from his friend. Max got in the car, and Nancheng Lie asked curiously, “I remember you majored in accounting at university. Why did you choose to enter the entertainment circle? Lewis said you are a popular film star, but I haven’t heard of you.”

Max chuckled, “I didn’t get an Accountant Qualification Certificate. Afterwards, I dropped out of university. I entered the entertainment circle by accident. A talent scout discovered and recruited me. He got me an audition, and the director cast me as the hero of his film. Film stars, as we all know, can make lots of money, so I tried to be a film star. I know clearly that you always avoid getting entangled with entertainment stars although you are gay. What’s more, you never pay attention to the entertainment news. So, it’s normal that you haven’t heard of me.”

“Hahaha…” Max’s words amused Nancheng Lie. “Do you know why I always avoid getting entangled with entertainment stars?”

“I would hazard a guess… Can I just say it?” They hadn’t seen each other for many years. Both Nancheng Lie and Max changed. Max used to be a man of few words, but now he was a good mixer. Nancheng Lie used to be a childish boy, but now he was a mature man. They were just killing time by chatting.

“Speak up.”

“If you get entangled with entertainment stars, you will be targeted by paparazzi. You are not afraid of gossip, but you’re afraid to implicate the one you really care about.” Max knew who Nancheng Lie really cared about.

“Oh?” Nancheng Lie gave a vague answer.

“I’m just guessing.” Max gave up questioning any further. He knew when to stop asking questions.

“You’ve changed a lot.” As time goes by, everyone changes. But Nancheng Lie didn’t expect Max to change so much.

Just then, the car stopped. They had reached the destination– a very high-grade residential quarter where Max lived. Nancheng Lie remembered that Max had rent the smallest room of a certain three-bedroom apartment when they two had been having a romance.

“Are you curious about me?” Max looked meaningfully at Nancheng Lie and had no intention of getting off the car.

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