136. Max Did Try to Seduce Me

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

When Li Qinghao and Nancheng Lie arrived at Yuelao Temple, there were so many cars that they couldn’t find a parking space. At the risk of getting a parking ticket, Nancheng Lie parked by the roadside. There were already long queues of people at the ticket office. It was estimated that they would have to wait half an hour before they could the tickets. Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao didn’t have the patience to wait.

“It’s time to seek privileges,” said Nancheng Lie. He took out his cell phone and was about to make a call when Li Qinghao stopped him, “Forget it. Let’s go for a walk and have a meal nearby first… In the past, my classmates often told me that night markets were interesting. This is a tourist spot. I think there should be a night market nearby.”

Li Qinghao remembered when he first heard about night markets from Nancheng Lie.

Once Li Qinghao overheard Nancheng Lie talking about night markets with his friends. At that time, he watched Nancheng Lie from a shadowy corner. That was the first time he saw Nancheng Lie wearing such an animated expression. From this he knew that Nancheng Lie liked to go to lively places.

But Nancheng Lie never took him to those places.

For example, Nancheng Lie often went to various gay bars, but Han Mingxu was forbidden to go with him. On the one hand, Nancheng Lie was unwilling to take him to those places; on the other hand, Han Mingxu was too lazy to go out. In retrospect, it seemed that he was accompanied by Nancheng Lie every time he went on a trip. Even when he wanted to go abroad for a holiday, his airplane ticket and passport were prepared by Nancheng Lie.

Li Qinghao looked up at Nancheng Lie. This guy was so handsome. There were many people coming and going on the streets, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Nancheng Lie.

“Night markets?” Nancheng Lie was a little confused. ‘Night markets must be bustling now. But as far as I know, Xu prefers quiet places. I can’t believe that he asked me to take him to a night market. Maybe it’s because his classmates mentioned night markets to him that his curiosity was aroused. The night market nearby must be crowded now. What if Xu falls down and gets trampled in the night market?’ Nancheng Lie’s mind was wandering off.

“Come on, let’s go.” Li Qinghao looked at Nancheng Lie, amused. Although there was a lot of noise around, Nancheng Lie still heard a note of pleasure in Li Qinghao’s voice. He lowered his head and happened to meet Li Qinghao’s eyes. He blinked at Qinghao and gave a faint smile.

Nancheng Lie bent down and whispered in Li Qinghao’s ear, “You stole a glance at me, didn’t you?”

Li Qinghao shook his head with a smile and said, “No, I never do things covertly.” With that, he pushed Nancheng Lie away and walked forward. Nancheng Lie looked at Li Qinghao’s receding figure. He looked thin but had a powerful personality. Just as Li Qinghao was about to disappear into the crowd, Nancheng Lie ran up to him. “Xu!”

Nancheng Lie recalled the days of chasing Li Qinghao. At that time, Li Qinghao was unaware that Nancheng Lie loved him; Nancheng Lie gazed bitterly at Li Qinghao’s retreating figure countless times; every night in Nancheng’s mind he kept reliving the moments with Li Qinghao. However, at this moment his heart was filled with happiness.

Nancheng Lie caught up with Li Qinghao, took his hand and began to run.

“Hey… Hey… ” Li Qinghao tried to stop him but but in vain.

Nancheng Lie looked over his shoulder and gave Li Qinghao a charming smile. He looked conspicuous and charming in the lamplight. Li Qinghao was dazed for a second and then instinctively began to run with Nancheng. In fact, Nancheng Lie was so much running as walking. He knew that Li Qinghao couldn’t run too fast because of his injured leg.

They came to the night market. There were not many people in the night market. Maybe it was because a festive event was being held in Yuelao Temple that most of people went to join in the fun. Anyway, it was good for Li Qinghao and Nancheng Lie. With only a few people around, Li Qinghao felt comfortable.

It was the first time Li Qinghao ate spicy hot pot, kebabs and… As a matter of fact, every time he tried try something new, Nancheng was with him. In the future, they would go forward hand in hand.

“Lie.” The relaxed atmosphere between them vanished when they walked out of the night market. Li Qinghao looked at Nancheng Lie, frowning. Nancheng Lie narrowed his eyes. “We have been followed since we left the Nancheng Administration Building.”

Someone was following them.

“Is it a paparazzo?” asked Li Qinghao.

“No, it isn’t.” Nancheng Lie was very familiar with the paparazzi. “This is not the paparazzi’s style. I don’t think the local paparazzi are still interested in me. After all, it is generally known that I’m gay. In other words, I’m not newsworthy at all, unless…” Nancheng Lie left the sentence unfinished, but from his serious expression, it wasn’t hard to guess what he meant– “unless the paparazzi target Li Qinghao”.

Nancheng Lie’s love affair with an adult of the same sex was not newsworthy, but if his sex scandal involved a minor, it would be very newsworthy.

“That guy is gone. You knew someone was following us, but you still behaved affectionately towards me.” Li Qinghao knew very well what was in Nancheng Lie’s mind. ‘If he had wanted to keep the relationship a secret from the paparazzi, he wouldn’t have brought me here,’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

“Are you angry?”

Li Qinghao didn’t answer; instead, he asked, “How long have you been followed?”

“For two days,” Nancheng Lie answered honestly. “I found myself being tracked yesterday when I met a client. After work, I managed to shake him off. Later, considering he worked very hard, I decided to give him a reward.”

“You are so kind-hearted, but what if the paparazzo reports on me?” asked Li Qinghao. If Mr. Li and Mrs. Li learned that a teenager, who looked exactly like their son when he was a child, was with Nancheng Lie, they would be completely shocked.

With a confident smile, Nancheng Lie answered, “He won’t do that.” He dared to bring Xu here because he had absolute confidence. “What’s more, if the paparazzo hadn’t got what he wanted, he would have continued to follow us. It would be rather troublesome if he found where we lived.” He didn’t allow anyone to disturb them.

“You are trying to lure the ‘puppeteer’ into the open, right?” Li Qinghao nodded. “Good idea.” Speaking of which, he recalled Mu Yinting’s new case. “By the way, I accidentally learned that Max is a famous star.” Li Qinghao had been very surprised to know that Max is a star. He remembered when Max was with Nancheng Lie many years ago. At that time, Max was a likable young man with clear, bright eyes. But now Max… It must be hard to be a star.

“Yes. I met him at the party. That day you didn’t go with me, remember? Later, I drove him home.” Seeing that Li Qinghao mentioned Max, Nancheng Lie hastened to explain what had happened between him and Max. He was afraid Li Qinghao would misunderstand his relationship with Max.

Li Qinghao was amused at the sight of Nancheng Lie being so nervous. “Your fame has spread far and wide. Didn’t he invite you upstairs for a cup of tea?”

Nancheng Lie knew that Li Qinghao was making fun of him. He looked at Li Qinghao, feeling aggrieved. ‘How could Xu describe me as lecherous? But…’ Nancheng Lie thought. He blushed. “He did try to seduce me.”


Li Qinghao could not help chuckling.

“Don’t you believe me?” As a very handsome man, Nancheng Lie was often seduced by various people. He chose to tell everything to Li Qinghao for two reasons. First of all, he wanted to know how Li Qinghao would react to what he said. Second, he felt it was necessary to make it clear that he had nothing to do with Max. He had no intention of keeping anything a secret from Xu.

“Yes, I do,” Li Qinghao answered without hesitation.

“Really?” Nancheng Lie suspected that Li Qinghao said that just to satisfy him, because Li answered too quickly.

“I’m a pretty good judge of men. Don’t you think so?” Li Qinghao raised his eyebrows and answered his question with another question.

Nancheng Lie had a brainwave and understood what Li Qinghao meant. “Yes, of course I do.”

‘It must be because I’m very handsome and charming that Xu chose to be with me,’ he thought confidently.

Li Qinghao looked at Nancheng Lie who was smiling smugly, and sighed. ‘What the hell does that stalker want from Lie?” he thought, his eyes gleaming coldly.

Some people like to sleep with their lights on. Some people like to sleep with their lights off. Some people like to make love with their lights on. Some people like to make love with their lights off.

The reason people turn on the lights at night is mostly because they want to tell those who want to intrude into their houses that the people inside are still awake. In this way those thieves would give up trying to sneak into their houses. But what if the invaders knew the house owners’s living habits?

Max liked to sleep with the light on and make love with the light off.

He was sleeping soundly. But gradually, his eyebrows knitted together in a little frown. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes. He saw a man sitting on the sofa by his bed. He instantly came back to his senses and jumped out of the bed. “How did you get in?”

The man sitting on the sofa had a handsome face. His eyes gleamed with evil intentions as he looked at Max speculatively. He twisted his lips into a cold smile and replied, “I have the key of your apartment.” He raised his hand and showed the key to Max.

“I remember changing the locks.” Max looked at the man with cold eyes. He knew clearly that the man could still get into his apartment easily even if he changed the locks.

Instead of answering his question, the man said with a smile, “If you don’t want to see me again, you can move out. But in fact, you still live here. You are waiting for me to come see you, aren’t you?” The man stood up and walked towards Max while taking off his clothes. “You miss me, don’t you? Lei Wen can’t satisfy you, right?”

With that, the man pressed Max down firmly beneath him.

“Let me go!” Max struggled.

“Let you go? I think you need me.” The man put his hand between Max’s legs.

Soon, the room was filled with groans and gasps. The light was turned off, and Max’s apartment was plunged into total darkness.

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