147. There Is A Spy in Nancheng Group


Translator: Guy Gone Bad


“Why are you so excited today?” asked Nancheng Lie.

After sex, they lay lazily on the bed. The sheets had been replaced with new ones. The dirty sheets were strewn across the floor. Nancheng Lie liked to sleep with Li Qinghao in his arms. Li Qinghao lay obediently in Nancheng’s arms. In fact, he was just too lazy to push him away.

What was more, he knew that since he almost died from TRKS, Nancheng Lie had been assailed by emotional insecurity. He couldn’t sleep well without Li Qinghao in his arms.

“Because I’m in a good mood today.” His good mood was due to Nancheng Yunsen. “By the way, have you checked Yangming Electronics? Is there anything wrong?”

“Yes. Everything about Yangming Electronics seems normal,” Nancheng Lie answered in an uncertain tone of voice. Obviously, he was suspicious of the situation of Yangming Electronics.

“What are you going to do next?” Li Qinghao asked casually.

“If you are curious, just wait and see.” Nancheng Lie held Li Qinghao tightly, rested his chin on Li Qinghao’s shoulder and then took a deep sniff of Li Qinghao’s hair. “You smell good.”

Hearing this, Li Qinghao had an impulse to kick Nancheng Lie off the bed, but gave up, considering that he was short of strength. “If you have time recently, I want you to collect Li Qinghao’s personal information for me.”

“Why do you want his personal information?” Nancheng Lie felt puzzled.

“Just do as I say.” Li Qinghao refused to answer the question. He just wanted to know at what age the former owner of this body could be 183 cm tall. He was anxious to gain the initiative when having sex with Nancheng Lie.

“Okay, I’ll give you his personal information tomorrow.” Nancheng Lie was unaware of Li Qinghao’s intention. Otherwise, he would pray that Li Qinghao would never grow taller.

Li Qinghao was idle recently. In order to avoid Han Ping, he had been living in Nancheng Mansion. He was not afraid of Han Ping. He was just worried that Han Ping would find out that he was Li Qinghao. If that happened, things would be out of control. So, Nancheng Mansion was the safest place to him.

Besides, living here made it more convenient for him to contact other members of the detective agency by phone. But to his surprise, there was no news from Spy or Zhang Wei.

Li Qinghao sat on a swing. The grass under the swing was thickly carpeted. Nancheng Beibei sat on the carpet doing her homework. She was brave enough to turn to him for help when she got stuck. With his laptop on his knees, Li Qinghao was reading the investigation report that Zhang Wei had sent to him.

‘Han Ping leads an orderly life. The only thing that remains unclear is what he does in his apartment every night. If we can make it clear, we will know whether he is a foe or a friend,’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

“Cute guy, I want to play computer games.” Nancheng Beibei flung her arms round Li Qinghao’s legs, acting like a spoiled child.

“Have you finished your homework?” Li Qinghao closed his laptop.

“I’m tired. I want entertainment,” Nancheng Beibei protested.

Entertainment? Li Qinghao’s eyes lit up. “Beibei, you are so smart.” He rubbed Beibei’s head with his fingers and gave her the laptop. Then he stepped aside to phone Zhang Wei. “Hello, bro. Can you do me a favor? I know you used to be a policeman… Do you know any capable hackers?”

“Hackers? You mean…” Zhang Wei seemed to understand what Li Qinghao meant, but he didn’t speak out.

“I want them to hack into Han Ping’s computer and steal information.”

“It’s against the law,” Zhang Wei pointed out sharply.

“There is not a sharp division between right and wrong in this world. It all depends on your definition of justice.” Li Qinghao chuckled. “Bro, you used to be a policeman. Don’t you know you might be the target of the evil even if you always uphold justice? Or do you think that good people will live to be a hundred and evil people will be brought to justice? In my view, the world is like a battlefield. Whoever has the situation well in hand can live to the end, unless God wants him to die.” He thanked God for bringing him back to life. Because of the rebirth of his own soul, Li Qinghao firmly believed in the existence of Gods.

“You are very persuasive.” Zhang Wei burst out laughing. “Alright, leave it to me.”

Li Qinghao admitted, “That’s what I want. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have called you.”

Nancheng Group was throwing a competitive bidding today.

Sitting in the backstage office, Nancheng Lie looked at a monitor’s screen, from which he could see what was happening in the competitive bidding hall. The manufacturers, who were interested in cooperation with Nancheng Group, were all bidding for the production of the new temperature sensor. He was waiting for the final result.

“The results come out.” Yang Kai came backstage and panted, “Boss, the results come out.”

“Oh.” Nancheng Lie sat with his back to Yang Kai. “The winning bidder is Yangming Electronics, right?” It sounded like a question, but his tone was quite affirmative.

“Boss, I’m a little confused.” Yang Kai thought for a moment and decided to speak out his perplexity.

“What makes you confused?” Nancheng Lie turned his chair around and faced Yang Kai.

“Some days ago you heard that something seemed wrong with Yangming Electronics. After an investigation, Yangming Electronics proved to be all right. Then you decided to choose the cooperation partner by way of competitive bidding, and now Yangming Electronics wins the bid. I feel all this seems a conspiracy.” As the assistant to the general manager, Yang Kai had a high IQ.

Nancheng Lie curved his lips into a small, unobtrusive smile, his eyes gleaming with an almost unholy relish. Yang Kai gave a shiver, knowing that Nancheng Lie took it to heart. He was rather frightening when he took something seriously.

“Just when we decided to cooperate with Yangming Electronics, we heard the news that something was wrong with Yangming Electronics. Do you think it’s just a coincidence?”

‘Although at that time it was Xu who told me the news that Yangming Electronics was acquired, I’m very sure that even if he hadn’t, someone would have brought it up in Nancheng Group’s high-level meetings.

I guess the mastermind behind all this wanted to arouse my suspicions about Yangming Electronics.

After that, the investigation proved that there was no problem with Yangming Electronics.

It intensified my doubts about Yangming Electronics.

Now Yangming Electronics wins the bid. It proves that there is a spy within Nancheng Group. In order to get my attention, the mastermind did all this at the risk of revealing himself.

But I can’t figure out why he has to get my attention,’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

“There is a spy in our company.” Yang Kai quickly understood what Nancheng Lie meant. “I’ll launch an investigation right away.”

“Don’t bother.” Nancheng Lie stopped him. “I have entrusted someone with the investigation. Since our enemy wants to put us on high alert, just do as he wishes.”

“Okay, I got it.”

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