148. None of Them Can Compare with Han Mingxu

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Han Ping was very depressed recently. He always had the feeling that he was being watched, but didn’t know who was watching him. So he called the police.

The police came but found nothing, so they had to retreat. When they were about to leave, Han Ping said to the police captain, “I’m still worried about my own safety. Would you please give me around-the-clock protection?”

The police captain smiled kindly and answered, “Of course.”

“Really?” Han Ping was pleasantly surprised. He felt it was worth paying tax.

“Yes… But you have to wait for some time. ”

“How long must I wait?” Han Ping thought that it was okay to wait a few more hours.

“Wait until you become a mayor or a millionaire.” The police captain gave Han Ping an encouraging look. Hearing this, Han Ping was stunned. He thought that the police captain was mocking him.

Han Ping gave a helpless sigh and felt that he needed some comfort. However, he didn’t know who to share his feelings with. Suddenly, he thought of Nancheng Lie.

“Hello, this is Han Ping speaking. Are you free after work? How about a drink tonight?”

Nancheng Lie sat in his office, reading the contract that he was going to sign with Yangming Electronics. Now that Yangming Electronics won the bid, he had to fulfill his promise anyway. He was thinking about what to do tonight when he received the call from Han Ping. Li Qinghao was busy with his own business recently. What was more, he forbade Nancheng Lie from coming too close to him. Nancheng Lie felt lonesome. Han Ping’s invitation was timely.

They arranged to meet at a gay bar, which was very famous in this city for two reasons. First of all, it was an expensive bar. Second, there were lots of beautiful people in the bar.

It was already dark when Nancheng Lie arrived at the bar. He was late because he had been asked to attend an unscheduled meeting. He had thought that Han Ping would get impatient of waiting, but when he reached the door, he found that he was totally wrong.

The bar resounded with music. He saw Han Ping playing piano. The bar was usually noisy, but at this moment, everyone was quiet. Occasionally some of them whispered about Han Ping.

Nancheng Lie had no intention of interrupting Han Ping. He came up to the bar counter, asked for a glass of beer and sat down. Han Ping caught sight of Nancheng Lie out of the corner of his eye. He stopped playing the piano at once, stood up and walked towards Nancheng Lie.

There was a stir of excitement as he walked through the crowd.

Some bold guys even came up to ask for his phone number. Han Ping pointed to Nancheng Lie and replied, “Sorry, I have a partner…” Soon he sat down next to Nancheng Lie and said, “Sir, a gentleman is never late.”  With that, he asked a bartender to give him a glass of fruit wine. He liked the taste of fruit wine.

“I think I came too early. My sudden arrival spoiled your fun, right?” Nancheng Lie glanced around at the hostile faces watching him and continued, “There are a lot of people here. Don’t tell me none of them can relieve you from loneliness.”

“Hahaha…” Han Ping laughed uncontrollably. “None of them can compare with Han Mingxu.”

Nancheng Lie squinted at Han Ping, his eyes shining cruelly. The atmosphere became unpleasant.

“Sorry, I’m so sorry. I’ll punish myself by drinking a glass of wine.” Han Ping lifted his glass and drank up the wine. “You change your face whenever Han Mingxu is mentioned. By the way, how is he doing?”

Nancheng Lie slowly took a few sips of beer and asked, “Why did you suddenly mention him? Do you take a fancy to him?” Xu was everything to him. He couldn’t tolerate anyone coveting his Xu.

“Don’t be so serious, I’m just asking.” Han Ping thought that Nancheng Lie was too narrow-minded. “If you hadn’t threatened me with violence at that time, I might have won his heart. After all, I’m so handsome. How can he have the heart to refuse me? Alas, it’s all because of you that I’m still single.”

“You can easily get the latest news about him on the Internet.” Nancheng Lie didn’t want to talk about Han Mingxu anymore. “By the way, have you done anything to provoke my cousin? He gets angry whenever I mention you.”

Han Ping squinted at Nancheng Lie and gave a meaningful smile. “I think it’s you who has done something awful to him.”

Nancheng Lie gave a shiver and said, “Are you crazy? He’s my cousin. I’m not a beast who always acts on its most primal instinct.”

“An irresponsible man is worse than a beast.”

Nancheng Lie put down his glass and looked into the eyes of his old classmate Han Ping. “Is it really not you who left those hickeys on him?”

His words left Han Ping dumbfounded. How could this guy turn the facts upside down? “No. If it were me, I would take him to Holland to register for marriage. After all, I’m very interested in him.” Han Ping was puzzled. ‘Judging from that boy’s words and actions, Nancheng Lie should be the one who had sex with him. Was I deceived by him? That’s interesting,’ Han Ping thought.

“A word of warning: don’t offend him. He leads a more chaotic life than I do.” Nancheng Lie was suspicious of Han Ping’s motives. ‘It seems to me that Han Ping’s interest in Xu is unreasonable. Why is he trying to get information from me about Xu?” he thought.

“Is that why you asked me out?” Although they were old schoolmates, the more they chatted, the stranger they felt. After all, they hadn’t seen each other for so many years.

“Of course not. I just want to ask you if you know any reliable private detectives.” Han Ping’s expression grew solemn.

Nancheng Lie frowned and asked earnestly, “Reliable private detectives? What happened to you?”

“I don’t know if it’s just my illusion. I feel that someone is following me these days.” Han Ping took a cigarette from the bartender and lit it up. The pale smoke which billowed from his nostrils gradually obscured his face.

Nancheng Lie teased, “Maybe it’s one of your crazy admirers.”

“Don’t joke around.”

“Alright, no kidding. I know a private detective. I guarantee that he is a very reliable man.”

“Oh, really? Please introduce him to me. Nowadays the police are unreliable. So we have to rely on ourselves.”

“You are quite right.”

After a few more drinks, Nancheng Lie decided to go home because it was getting late. If he got home too late, Xu might be asleep. He was afraid that he would wake Xu.

“Well, I’d like to stay a little longer. Maybe I will meet a handsome guy and have a one night stand.”


After Nancheng Lie left, Han Ping ordered a large glass of beer and drank it thirstily. After downing a few glasses, he was a little dazed and dizzy. Some people were planning to come forward to flirt with him. Although he was a little drunk, he was still conscious. He had been celibate since he returned to China. To be honest, he felt the need to vent his lust. He ignored people around him and walked directly towards a certain table. Then he grabbed a man by the collar and asked, “Would you like to have a one-night stand with me?”

The man’s friends all clapped their hands. The atmosphere became suddenly excited.

No one came here just to drink. That man had paid close attention to Han Ping since he began to play the piano. Because of Nancheng Lie, He didn’t take action. Almost 70 percent of the people here knew Nancheng Lie was the son of the Nancheng family, so no one dared to compete with Nancheng Lie for a man. But they hadn’t expect Nancheng Lie to leave so soon.

“You asked for it,”said the man, in a melodious baritone. He stood up and carried Han Ping on his shoulders. People around finally found that the man was more than 190 cm tall.

In a dark corner of the bar sat two men. They were Zhang Wei and Acker. Zhang Wei felt increasingly uncomfortable under Acker’s steady gaze. “Why are you staring at me instead of our target?” asked Zhang Wei.

Acker thought for a while and anwered seriously, “I’m wondering why I’m the one who came to this bar with you, not Spy.”

Zhang Wei had an impulse to give Acker a slap in the face, but he refrained from doing that. If Spy were here, everyone in the bar would regard them as rioters. “Let’s go. Han Ping is leaving.”

Han Ping and the man went to a nearby hotel. When they were checking in at the reception desk, Zhang Wei came up behind them and happened to hear their room number. Then he chose a room next to theirs. His heart ached slightly when he paid the bill, because he didn’t know if his hotel expense could be recoverable from the company.

Acker sat in the car and watched Zhang Wei’s back disappear in the hotel. He felt like a tragic figure. As a racing driver, he should be on the track. But actually he was a common driver most of the time. Fortunately, he was highly paid, and money could take away his gloom.

After a bath, Li Qinghao lay on his bed reading a book. Suddenly, his cell phone rang. It was Zhang Wei. “This is Li Minghao. What’s up? … You saw Lie?! Okay, I got it.”

After hanging up the phone, Li Qinghao continued reading. Zhang Wei’s words didn’t attract much attention from him.

Nancheng Lie came back home and saw Li Qinghao sitting at the head of the bed reading. He regretted having gone out for a drink with Han Ping. He felt that he had wasted time. If he had stayed at home to keep Xu company, he would have successfully… A medical book flew towards him and brought him back to the reality.


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