150. Does He Want to Avenge His Father?

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Nancheng Lie did bring a piece of good news. In this way the members of the detective agency could openly get close to Han Ping. Li Qinghao decided to have Nancheng Lie introduce Zhang Wei to Han Ping. Acker was too young; Spy was unsociable and eccentric. Considering that Zhang We used to be a policeman, Li Qinghao thought that he was the most suitable person for the job.

Nancheng Lie arranged with Han Ping to meet at his own apartment.

“This is Zhang Wei. His boss is a friend of mine. We’ve known each other for many years. He’s absolutely reliable.” Nancheng Lie motioned to them to sit down. “This is Han Ping, my junior high school classmate.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“You too.”

After exchanging the usual pleasantries, they took their seats. Han Ping told Zhang Wei roughly what happened to him. Although Li Qinghao had told Zhang Wei about the task, Zhang Wei was still surprised when Nancheng Lie appeared and brought him here. Li Qinghao was very young. Not only Zhang Wei, but also other other members of the detective agency were curious about how Li Qinghao became a friend of Mu Yinting and had his respect and complete trust. They thought that Li Qinghao was an extraordinary man.

Zhang Wen became more curious about Li Qinghao after knowing Nancheng Lie was Li Qinghao’s friend. That meant Li Qinghao had won the approval of Zhang Wei. If he still treated Li Qinghao like an outsider, he wouldn’t be curious about Li Qinghao.

“Mr. Han, I understand what you mean. Can I ask you a question?” Zhang Wei asked politely.

Han Ping leaned back on the sofa. Different from Nancheng Lie who was lazy and casual, Han Ping was graceful in manner. He seemed to have been specially trained. “Sure. Fire away.”

“Mr. Han, have you ever been deeply traumatized or have you received psychological treatment?”

Han Ping understood what Zhang Wei meant. He wasn’t offended. “Mr. Zhang, trust me, I’m absolutely mentally healthy,’ he answered honestly.

Zhang Wei looked like a man in his thirties. Seeing that Nancheng Lie respectfully called him Mr. Zhang, Han Ping showed him enough respect, too.

“Don’t get me wrong, Mr. Han. I didn’t mean to offend you by saying that.” Zhang Wei explained.

“I understand you. So what’s your plan? Can you tell me about it?”

“I plan to protect you secretly so as not to be noticed. In this way I can more easily find out who is following you. That’s called the trace-back investigation.” It was more conducive to his investigation about Han Ping.

“Mr. Zhang, you are an expert in this field. I’m only a layman. So, please take care of my safety.”

“I’ll do my best, Mr. Han.”

Nancheng Group began its cooperation with Yangming Electronics. In order to ensure that there was no problem with the production line, Nancheng Group decided to send people to check the factory of Yangming Electronics. Members of Technology Department were usually assigned to do such a job, but this time Nancheng Lie personally went to the factory.

“Mr. Nancheng, welcome to our factory.” Mr. Yang and his company’s engineers had been waiting at the factory gate for a long time before Nancheng Lie arrived.

“Don’t stand on ceremony, Mr. Yang. It’s hot outside. You should have waited inside.” Nancheng Lie looked around and continued, “I think your factory is located in a treasured place for investment and development. There are no other factories around. If you can buy the surrounding land and expand the scale of your factory, I believe Yangming Electronics will become one of the largest factories in China sooner or later.”

“Mr. Nancheng, to be honest, I have considered doing that. But it requires a certain amount of money. It is a pity that Yangming Electronics doesn’t have enough money to buy the surrounding land,” replied Mr. Yang.

“Mr. Yang, you can pledge the factory as security for a loan. Yangming Electronics has a bright future. I think you can easily get bank loans.”

“The interest on the loan is a very large sum of money. It requires hundreds of millions to buy the land. Although Yangming Electronics is developing well, I don’t think any bank will lend me hundreds of millions.”

“So you have to find a guarantor. Mr. Yang, I can be your guarantor if you want. If you don’t want to borrow money from a bank, I have two more suggestions for you. Are you interested in listening to me?” Nancheng Lie gave a smile. Completely different from what he used to be, today he was smartly dressed in a suit and tie, looking gentlemanly.

Mr. Yang answered politely, “Sure, I’m all ears.”

“Your first option is to borrow money from Nancheng Group. I’ll offer you the best interest rate. Your second option is to allow me to buy in as a partner. In this way you don’t have to pay interest.”

“Don’t pull my leg, Mr. Nancheng.”

There was absolutely no problem with Yangming Electronics. Mr. Yang was known as an honest man. Business people thought highly of him. If it hadn’t been for the rumor that had aroused his suspicions about Yangming Electronics, Nancheng Lie would have signed the contract with Mr. Yang earlier.

Nancheng Lie felt himself to be a good judge of men. However, he was a little puzzled by Mr. Yang.

This man’s eyes were clear and steady when he was talking and laughing. Nancheng Lie couldn’t believe that such an upright person would be scheming against Nancheng Group. What was more, Nancheng Lie didn’t think Mr. Yang had the ability to brew such a plot. So, what on earth was he playing at?

“According to the contract, I’ll pay 50 percent deposit when you finish a third of the production task. I hope you won’t let me down, Mr. Yang. At the same time, I’m looking forward to a long and successful partnership with you.”

“Your words take a load off my mind. Mr. Nancheng, please rest assured that I’ll do my best to increase the volume of production and meanwhile ensure the quality of the final product.”

Nancheng Lie nodded and then drove away.

In the evening, Li Qinghao sat in front of his computer, listening to Zhang Wei’s report and browsing the web. A hacker, hired by Zhang Wei, had succeeded in stealing information from Han Ping’s computer. The website was one Han Ping visited frequently. In terms of content, it was a foreign, global discussion forum. There were posts in different languages on the forum. The forum had a translation function and could translate its posts into any language.

Thanks to the information provided by the hacker, Li Qinghao knew Han Ping’s username. After reading Han Ping’s posts, Li Qinghao was consumed with curiosity about what manner of man Han Ping was. We can get a rough idea of a person’s character from his articles. The short articles Han Ping posted on the Internet suggested that he was a man of unusual literary, however, which was totally different from what he was in the eyes of Li Qinghao.

Besides, Li Qinghao found that Han Ping posted a new topic on the forum at the same time every day.

Different from Li Qinghao who wore a peaceful facial expression, Nancheng Lie sitting in the study set his jaw grimly and knitted his brows. He was reading an investigation report provided by LD organization. His eyes were as cold as frozen pools.

“What are you reading? You get so absorbed that you even didn’t notice when I came in.” Nancheng Yunyu walked in with two cups of coffee. He seemed in a good mood.

Nancheng Lie looked up at his brother and smiled. “Do you think you would be allowed into the study if you were not my eldest brother?”

“Don’t brag.” Nancheng Lie put down the coffee cups and continued, “It seems that you are in a bad mood.”

“It’s such a pity that you are not a fortuneteller.” Nancheng Lie turned off the computer. The report provided by LD organization couldn’t be wrong. So… His eyes took on a murderous glow. That man should go to hell.

“Who makes you so angry?” asked Nancheng Yunyu.

“Don’t be so nosy, bro.”

“You haven’t been so angry for a long time. I remember the first time you flew into a rage… Two years ago you got so angry when you heard Xu had encountered killers… I know you wouldn’t be so angry even if our whole family were killed. You might say, ‘Life and death lie in the lap of the gods.’ So, this time it’s also because of Xu, right?” Whatever Nancheng Lie’s answer was, Nancheng Yunyu was sure that he guessed right.

“What do you think would happen if Xu’s story became known to the public, bro?”

“Take it easy. It wouldn’t be the end of the world,” Nancheng Yunyu teased. He was quite a serious person, but now he smiled and looked relaxed, because a great weight lifted from him.

“Ten years ago you and the King of Drugs were enemies. Was he very hard to deal with?” Nancheng Lie changed the subject.

“I never lose a battle,” Nancheng Yunyu answered in an arrogant tone. “If you want me to rate the degree of difficulty of defeating him, I think he can score 8 out of 10.”

“Then do you think his son can score 10 out of 10?” Nancheng Lie gulped down the remainder of his coffee and asked, “Would you like to go to the Budokan with me?”

Nancheng Yunyu narrowed his eyes. ‘What does he mean by that? The son of the King of Drugs…’ he thought.

“Does he want to avenge his father?”

He regretted not having rooted out King of Drugs and his family that year. No clue to the disappearance of King of Drugs had been found, although LD organization had done its best. Recently the son of King of Drugs appeared in China as a successful businessman. Nancheng Yunyu had the Intelligence Agency of LD organization check up on Wilbert Dom and was surprised to find that Dom was the son of King of Drugs. He had told his youngest brother everything about LD organization, because he always planned to hand over LD organization to Nancheng Lie.

So Nancheng Lie was very well aware of what had happened between LD organization and King of Drugs.

At that time, Dom was not their enemy. Nancheng Yunyu didn’t have the heart to hurt such an innocent boy, although he expected that Dom would become a threat to the Nancheng family in the future.

But he didn’t expect Dom to take action so soon.

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