49. The Identity Mystery

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

“What’s the result?” Nancheng Lie received a notice the day after giving Li Qinghao and Keqi’s hairs to his second brother.

At the office of the Director of the hospital.

“Here are the DNA test reports of the two hair samples you gave me yesterday. And here are another two reports. One of them is Mingxu’s DNA test report that was done when he was a child. And the other one is the DNA data record left by Li Qinghao when he was sent here two years ago. The conclusion is that the degree of similarity between the two latest DNA test reports and the two DNA data records is 100%.” Even fathers and children couldn’t have the completely same genes.

“So…” Nancheng Lie wanted to say something, but his brother interrupted him, “In order to help you, I will give you a gift in private.” Nancheng Lie’s second brother opened the drawer and took out two documents.

“What are these?” Nancheng Lie took the documents from his brother’s hand. “Ah! These are Grandpa Han and Li Qinghao’s parents’ DNA testing reports?” Why did he do the reports?

“Yes. Considering that the DNA data records in our database might have been maliciously altered by someone, I specially checked the DNA of Mingxu, Grandpa Han, Li Qinghao and Mr. Li. It has been proved that Li Qinghao is Mr. Li’s biological son. Although Mingxu and Grandpa Han are not father and son, the similarity of their DNA can prove that they are related by blood.”

“So, Li Qinghao is Li Qinghao, and Xu is Xu. I’m thinking too much?” No! Nancheng Lie wanted to convince himself to believe the evidence in front of him, but there was still the suspicion deep within him.

“That’s not exactly true.”

His second brother’s words offered him a glimmer of hope. “You mean that my guess may be correct. The present Li Qinghao may not be the former Li Qinghao, and the present Mingxu at Han Mansion may not be my beloved Xu.” He was so excited that his words directly exposed his love for Han Mingxu.

“Your beloved Xu?” Nancheng Lie’s brother raised an eyebrow and teased in a low voice, “My dear little brother, you seem very possessive about Mingxu.”

Nancheng Lie rolled his eyes at his brother and replied, “I haven’t possessed him yet.” The blood in his veins began to boil. The impulsion of possessing Xu in both body and soul had been tormented Nancheng Lie since he realized that he had fallen in love with Xu.

His heart sank at the thought. Why… When he thought of Xu, the face of Xu two years ago instead of that of the present Xu came unbidden to his mind. All the evidence suggested that they were the same person, but why…

“I’ve told you all I know.” Nancheng Lie’s second brother stood up and glanced at his watch. It was time to go to the meeting. “But I’d like to remind you of one thing. Although the degree of similarity between their latest DNA test reports and former DNA data records is 100%, There is another possibility… They both have a twin brother. Of course, this is just my personal opinion, only for your reference.” With that, he patted Nancheng Lie on the shoulder and heaved a sigh before walking out of his office.

Twins… Twins… Did Xu and Li Qinghao both have a twin brother?

The door was pushed open with a bang. Nancheng Lie’s second brother stood by the door and said in a humorous tone, “Excuse me, I forgot to tell you that I already investigated Li Qinghao’s background. It is certain that he has no twin brother. As for Mingxu…” He shrugged and continued, “I can’t find anything about his birth.”

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