50. The Seeds of Love

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

‘Whoever is born in a hospital has a birth certificate. My brother can’t find anything about Xu’s birth. This means…’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

Although the Han family and the Nancheng family were old family friends, Nancheng Lie didn’t know much about the Han family. After the shooting, he learned that Xu was the prince of Leiluo Kingdom and the grandson of the present king. In addition, he also finally knew the story of Xu’s parents.

‘But these are far from enough! If Xu really has a twin brother, then the Xu at the Han Mansion must be fake.’ Nancheng Lie’s heart thumped with excitement. He ran towards the front door of the hospital. But as soon as he stepped out of the hospital, he felt a chill creep over him. ‘If the Xu at the Han Mansion is fake, what about my Xu? Where is he?’

His eyes lost their glow, and his heart was filled with fear. A horrible speculation flashed through his mind, but he didn’t want to prove it at all. He clenched his fists, trembling all over. He had never been so scared in all his life.

Even when he realized that he was gay or that he had fallen in love with his best friend, he hadn’t been so scared. He was more afraid of losing Han Mingxu than of being refused.

But… There was an expression of fierce determination in his deep eyes. At that time, when he sensed that he had fallen in love with Han Mingxu, he didn’t flinch; instead, he went on loving Xu without hesitation. No tempest was capable of shattering his firm determination.

Whatever the outcome, he had no regrets.

But he knew what the worst really was. He looked up at the sky and whispered in his heart, ‘Xu, I will tell you how much I love you after things are over.’

At the Han Mansion.

“You sure you don’t need me to drive you to school?” Keqi found that Li Qinghao looked very pale after he got up this morning. He panicked and immediately called the doctor. Then he was told that the pain in what was left of Li Qinghao’s knees was the sequelae of the car accident two years ago. Li Qinghao had been warned not to do much of movement within half a year, except for walking. But yesterday he was caught in the rain and his knees was chilled to the bone. That was why his knees hurt so badly. But this headstrong guy insisted on going to school.

“You seem so worried about me. It gives me an illusion that you’ve fallen in love with me.” Li Qinghao chuckled, as his eyes glanced momentarily over Keqi and looked far into the distance.

“Why do you think that’s just an illusion? Maybe that’s the truth,” said Keqi in a low, tempting voice. He pulled Li Qinghao toward him, his deep eyes gleaming with tenderness.

If there was someone in the world who could resist the temptation of this charming man, it must be Li Qinghao, because he had been the owner of this handsome face for so many years before he was transmigrated into the body of Li Qinghao.

“You said maybe… You are not certain, right? Furthermore… You are the successor of Leiluo Kingdom.” With that, Li Qinghao shook off Keqi’s hand and stepped into the car.

A tired expression formed on his face.

“Qinghao.” The car door was suddenly pulled open. Li Qinghao had no time to change his expression. Keqi’s handsome face appeared in front of Li Qinghao’s eyes. They looked naturally at each other. Keqi always thought that Li Qinghao was a proud man who was always vigilant against people around him. But now he seemed sad and tired. It was the first time Li Qinghao betrayed his weakness in front of Keiq, though it was only an accident.

Keqi’s heart ached for him. Once someone tugged at your heartstrings, you would gradually fall in love with him.

“Qinghao.” Keqi raised his hand and felt an irresistible impulse to touch this man’s eyes. Li Qinghao had such beautiful eyes that no one had the heart to hurt his feelings under the gaze of this pair of eyes. Keqi liked his confident smile, his cunning and guile… A throb of pain shot through his heart. Since when did he like this man so much?

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