70. Nothing Is More Important Than Life

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

He pointed a gun at the man and a red dot appeared on the man’s forehead. Li Qinghao knew that Nancheng Lie was a crack shot. It was thanks to the wealth and power of the Nancheng family that he received an all-round education.

“You dare not kill Li Qinghao, right? But I don’t care whether you are alive or dead.”


“I advise you to think carefully. No matter who will become the next king of Leiluo Kingdom, it has nothing to do with me. But if you get in my way… Oh, I neglected to introduce myself. I’m Nancheng Lie, the unruliest young master of the Nancheng family.” Nancheng Lie was a man with self-knowledge.

The man, of course, knew Nancheng Lie. He also knew that Nancheng Group always maintained its dominance of financial markets in the world.

“I don’t care what are you going to do to him, but anyway, I want him to stay alive under my nose.” Because only Li Qinghao knew where Xu was. “Maybe your master can easily kill me, but if Nancheng Group cuts off the economic lifeline of Leiluo Kingdom…” Nancheng Lie shrugged and made a dismissive gesture.

When the man was hesitating, Nancheng Lie shot. The man dodged the bullet, but the next moment, Li Qinghao seized the opportunity and kicked him in the crotch.

The man’s face twisted in pain. He helplessly watched their backs disappear.

Nancheng Lie caught Li Qinghao’s hand and pulled him to safety. He, who always took a cynical attitude towards life, now was filled with boiling anger. With a bang, he pinned Li Qinghao against the wall and roared angrily, “Why did you do that? Do you really want to die? Now we both know that Xu and Keqi have the same DNA. What the hell do you infer from the news?”

Li Qinghao didn’t understand why Nancheng Lie was so angry. He composed himself and replied, “I’m sorry but I can’t answer you. You promised me that you wouldn’t ask me any questions in the following four months.”

“You…” At this point, Nancheng Lie had an itch to strangle Li Qinghao. But his heart softened at the sight of Li Qinghao’s pale face. “Are you okay?” Li Qinghao was a fair-skinned type. Now he looked very haggard and worn.

“I…” Li Qinghao wanted to give Nancheng Lie a comforting smile, but he was too weak to curl his lip. He leaned against Nancheng Lie and said casually, “My leg was hurt in the car accident, and I haven’t recovered yet. My doctor told me not to move a muscle for half a year, but just now I gave that man a hard kick. So, my leg begins to ache again.” He attempted to make light of his discomfort, but Nancheng Lie knew that he was suffering great pain. He was ashen and trembling.

Nancheng Lie picked Li Qinghao up and said, “I’ll take you to the hospital.” He wouldn’t stand aside when someone was in peril.

“Don’t do that. If we went to hospital, they would find us…”

“Nothing is more important than life.” Nancheng Lie looked at Li Qinghao and said word by word, “Nothing in the world is more important than life.” There was a strain of lamentation in his voice. Li Qinghao was shocked. He understood what Nancheng Lie meant.

In a hospital.

The X-rays showed that Li Qinghao’s shin bone was severely hurt. Now he was just suffering from rheumatism. But if he went on like this, his condition would worsen. Maybe it would cause extreme muscle weakness. Hearing this, Nancheng Lie’s face clouded.

“Don’t you feel pain?”

‘What kind of person is he? Sometimes he is smart. Sometimes he is muddle-headed. Sometimes he has a puritan streak in him. But why does he keep an ambiguous relationship with Keqi? If he is now having a romance with Keqi, why did he have sex with me?’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

“Here.” Li Qinghao pointed at his own chest and continued, “My heart is aching badly, so I subconsciously ignore the pain in my leg.”

“That’s nonsense.” Nancheng Lie got the medicine from the pharmacy and paid the bill. “Do you want to go to the hotel with me or go back to Keqi?”

‘I made a scene in the Imperial Palace. Now I can’t go back. I didn’t hate Keqi before. I know everyone is selfish to some extent. It is understandable that he killed me for the throne. But after learning that Keqi and I are probably twins, I can’t forgive him.

Does he want to succeed to the throne?’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

A cold smile appeared on his face. ‘I won’t let him get what he wants.’

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