88. I Wanna Get You Laid…

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Waves of tiredness flooded Li Qinghao when he relaxed his vigilance. In the past, he led a carefree life. But these days he had to socialize with Nancheng Lie, contend with Keqi and pretend politeness and compliance in front of Frise. All this was a kind of a torture to him.

He used to live a peaceful life, so he seldom racked his brains. But in the past month, his brains had been operating at high speed. He was now exhausted.

So he fell asleep soon after he got on the plane. He slept soundly. When he was awake, he thought, ‘Maybe it was because Nancheng Lie was by my side that I had a good sleep.’

Five hours later, the plane landed. It was six in the evening.

In May, the days were long. But today was a cloudy day, so the sky was gloomy and grey.

Li Qinghao hailed a taxi. Before getting in, he asked Nancheng Lie, “Do you want to go to my house?”

Nancheng Lie shook his head and motioned Li Qinghao to look ahead. His family’s driver came to pick him up. He waved his hand lazily and left.

Li Qinghao got into the taxi and blurted out an address. But soon he realized that what he was saying was the address of Han Mansion. He paused for a moment and told the taxi driver Li Qinghao’s home address.

The driver suddenly asked, “Have you offended anyone, sir?”

“What do you mean by that?” After a good sleep in the plane, Li Qinghao felt refreshed. He was happy that he returned to this familiar city. A faint smile formed on his lips and flattered his pale skin and dark hair. He looked elegant and handsome.

As a taxi driver, the man had seen all kinds of people. He was eagle-eyed. He saw at a glance that this handsome guy, who leaned lazily against the seat, was not an ordinary man. “The car behind has been following us for a while. I don’t think anyone would follow me, so you are the target of that car’s owner.”

“Oh?” Li Qinghao looked up into the driving mirror. He had just returned to China and not offended anyone yet. If Frise or Keqi sent someone to track him, they would make sure that their plan was flawless. But that tracker was trailing him in an open way. So… When Li Qinghao was wondering who had sent people to follow him, his phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the screen and gave a little chuckle before answering the phone, “Mr. Nancheng, we separated at the airport just a few minutes ago, but you seem to miss me very much now.”

A mocking laughter came from the other end of the line. Nancheng Lie said in a low voice, “Yes, I miss you. I wanna get you laid…” Speaking of which, he suddenly stopped.

Two years ago his final conversation with Xu also ended with this sentence. Nancheng Lie’s silence recalled the old days to Li Qinghao, but he soon came back to himself. “What’s up? Come straight to the point.”

Li Qinghao’s cold voice rang in Nancheng Lie’s ears. He replied seriously, “I want to tell you that I’ve hired a private detective to follow you. Now you must have noticed him, but you don’t need to be alarmed.”

It turned out that car’s driver was a private detective. Nancheng Lie must have fixed it all up before returning to China, so he had let go of Li Qinghao so easily at the airport.

“Thank you for telling me this, and I hope he won’t expose my privacy to public notice. Remember to tell him to turn off his camera when I make love with women.”

“Haha…” Nancheng Lie laughed loudly. “Do you know how to make love with a woman?”

Li Qinghao’s eyes shone dangerously, but Nancheng Lie, who was at the other end of the phone, didn’t see it. “Are you asking me to teach you, Mr. Nancheng?”

“Ahem…” The driver in his prime coughed. He was shocked by the openness of Li Qinghao’s words. As a taxi driver, he had met some female passengers in daringly low-cut dresses. He had been aroused, but when he had returned home, he had been too tired to make love. The accumulation of lust tormented him. Now he was aroused again when he heard Li Qinghao’s words.

Nancheng Lie turned a deaf ear to Li Qinghao’s words. “I thought you were gay, but I didn’t expect you to be a bisexual. Can you get sexually aroused by women?” he asked a provocative question.

“Don’t you know of your poor sex skills?” Li Qinghao regarded Nancheng Lie as a lustful asshole. “That’s all for our conversation. I’m approaching my home. Bye.” He hung up without hesitation, because he didn’t want to continue with such a vulgar topic.

Li Qinghao took out some notes from his wallet and raised his head, surprise to find that the driver had cotton in his nostrils. Li Qinghao patted the driver on the shoulder and said, “Bro, you’ve really done a hard work.”

“It’s worth it.” The driver was happy, because Li Qinghao gave him an extra 200 Yuan, which was equal to his one day’s income. Although he got a nosebleed, he thought it was worth it.

Li Qinghao stood in front of the villa belonging to the Li family, thinking about what to say after entering.

The bright lights of the villa warmed his heart. He slowly cast off the feeling of gloom. He knew that the people in the villa were waiting for his return. They were very concerned about him. He yearned for those innocent days of his childhood with his mother, so he didn’t want to hurt Li Qinghao’s parents although he was a stand-offish type. On the contrary, he wanted to make it up to them because their son had died for him.

The best way to compensate them was to play the role of their son.

He reached for the doorbell, and before he could ring it, the door opened and a maid came out with a bag of garbage in her hand. She was going to throw it into a dustbin outside the villa. “Young Master?” She got excited at the sight of Li Qinghao. “Master, Madam, our young master is back!”

On hearing this, Mr. Li and Mrs. Li, who were having their dinner, immediately put down their chopsticks and eagerly ran out, like crazy fans running to their idol.

Mr. Li had seldom taken part in social activities since Li Qinghao’s coma due to the shooting incident two years ago. He went home to his wife whenever he had the time, because he was afraid that his wife would be lonely and get lost in various fancies and conjectures. Gradually, he was used to staying at home to keep his wife company. They were an affectionate couple.

“Qinghao.” Mrs. Li opened her arms and gave Li Qinghao a big hug.

Mr. Li and Mrs. Li looked well. Li Qinghao came to the conclusion that Frise hadn’t done anything bad to them yet.

“Mom.” Li Qinghao took Mrs. Li in his arms. His voice was deep but gentle. No wonder people said that a son was his mother’s lover in a previous life.

Seeing this, Mr. Li was touched, but also jealous.

“Where did you go? Your mom and I haven’t seen you for more than half a month.” Mr. Li picked up Li Qinghao’s luggage and asked them to come in. The maid served Li Qinghao a bowl of rice. He sat down at the table and picked up his chopsticks.

Before eating, he asked the maid to fill another bowl of soup for him. “Dad, do you remember my senior Han Mingxu? Two years ago he was with me when the accident happened.”

“Yes, of course. One month ago you moved to join him in his home. Later, your mom tried to reach you, but the line was busy. We considered going to Han Mansion to see you, but when we calmed down, we realized it was improper to do so. After all, the Han family is a powerful family, and what’s more, the Hans and the Nanchengs are old family friends. If we rashly visited them, it would leave a bad impression on them. So we gave up the idea.” Mr. Li was a self-made man, engaged in the manufacture of small electrical home appliances. He owned his own factory. Although his factory was small and had only fifty workers, its profits were handsome. This proved that he was an unusual man. Li Qinghao admired his sharp business brain and management skills.

“I went to Leiluo Kingdom to attend Han Mingxu’s enthronement. He’s the grandson of the old king of Leiluo Kingdom. The old king died, and he had to go back to Leiluo Kingdom and inherit the throne. I happened to stay in his house, so he invited me to go with him. That day I dialed our home number, but mom happened to go out. My cell phone doesn’t have international roaming service. I was so excited when I arrived in Leiluo Kingdom I forgot to contact you. I’m sorry.” Li Qinghao first explained Han Mingxu’s real identity to Mr. Li, and then explained why he went to Leiluo Kingdom. Mr. Li was smart. He knew it was good for his son to keep a good relationship with Han Mingxu. He gave Li Qinghao a knowing smile and stopped asking questions.

“Dad, Mom, I have gifts for you. Auntie, this is for you.” After dinner, Li Qinghao opened his luggage and took out the gifts that he had bought yesterday.

Although the gifts were not too expensive, they were a token of Li Qinghao’s regard. Mr. Li and Mrs. Li were moved.

“You can have a careful look. As for me, I’m tired after a long flight, and I want to go back to my bedroom and have a sleep.”

“Okay, you need a rest indeed. Remember to take a bath first.” Mrs. Li suddenly remembered something, “Gosh, I forgot to run you a bath. I’ll go upstairs and…”

“Mom, I can do it myself. You try on this dress. I’m sure you will look beautiful in it and Dad will love you more.” Li Qinghao gently pushed Mrs. Li into Mr. Li’s arms and then went upstairs.

Mrs. Li looked at Li Qinghao’s retreating figure, then at Mr. Li. “Darling, I’ve seldom felt so happy.”

Mr. Li remained silent for a few seconds. Then he patted Mrs. Li on the shoulder and said, “Go and try on the dress. Don’t disappoint our son.”

The dress that Li Qinghao gave to Mrs. Li was the most popular style among noble ladies of Leiluo Kingdom, looking beautiful and elegant. Such a dress was unavailable in China. What was more, it set its owner’s figure off to advantage and was suitable for banquets. Mrs. Li was good-looking, and Li Qinghao inherited his mother’s beauty.

Li Qinghao went back to his room. He filled the bath with warm water and added a few drops of lavender essential oil. Then he came to his study. His study was adjacent to his bedroom. He liked the design.

Nancheng Lie was a man of great sagacity. Li Qinghao knew that if he phoned Mu Yinting, Nancheng Lie would soon discover the relationship between him and Mu. Some days ago in Leiluo Kingdom, he had no choice but to call Mu in Nancheng lie’s presence, but this time he needed to be more careful.

Li Qinghao programmed his computer to hide callers’ number. You could enter a phone number into the computer at will and when you got through, you could talk with the one at the other end of the line, but your number wouldn’t appear on his or her screen. It was the so-called mysterious phone call.

Mu Yinting glanced at his phone screen and knew it must be a call from Li Qinghao. He answered the phone, “What are you playing at?”

“Our relationship shouldn’t be exposed for the time being. I’ve got two-thirds of antidote of TRKS. Come and take away the antidote so that Yingli can expedite his research.”

Mu Yinting complained, “Because of you, I haven’t had sex with Yingli for half a month!”

Li Qinghao advised, “You can satisfy your lust with your hands.”

Mu Yinting snorted, “It doesn’t feel good.”

“I have a way.” Li Qinghao grinned slyly and continued, “I’ll give you a surprised in a few days.”

They talked for a bit before Li Qinghao hung up.

Lying in the bathtub, Li Qinghao had a feeling of happiness. He felt as if he were at his own home. The thought made his heart flutter. He was surprised that he already regarded this place as his home.

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