89. The Virus Begins to Take Effect

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

After lying unconscious in bed for two years, he woke up and soon afterwards, he went to Leiluo Kingdom, in which he spent more than half a month fighting both with open and secret means with Frise and Keqi. He was tired, so after returning home, he wanted to rest for a few days instead of going to school immediately.

Mr. Li and Mrs. Li cherished their son, because they almost lost him. So they agreed with him about everything.

Li Qinghao changed into a white T-shirt, dark grey slacks and a beige linen blazer. He went downstairs and said to Mrs. Li, who was playing mahjong with her neighbors, “Mom, I’m going shopping. Need I buy something for you?”

“Nope, just take care of yourself.” Mrs. Li was on a lucky streak. In the past, every time her son went out, she repeatedly exhorted him to be careful. But now she devoted herself to earning money by playing mahjong.

Li Qinghao shook his head and chuckled.

After he left, Mrs. Li’s neighborhoods began to talk. “Mrs. Li, your son is becoming more handsome.”

“He looks like a star. I remember he was not so handsome as he is now. There is an old saying, ‘A girl changes eighteen times before reaching womanhood.’ Your son has changed a lot too.” In fact, Li Qinghao’s features remained unchanged, but his dressing style changed. The former Li Qinghao preferred fashionable clothes, but now he always dressed like a mature, charming man. He had the air of a debonair scholar. In the eyes of those women, the latter was more charming.

“Has your son got a girlfriend? He is now 20 years old, right?”

“My son just woke up from a two-year coma. He hasn’t got a girlfriend.” Mrs. Li smiled and continued, “There’s no hurry. My son is good-looking, and he must be popular among girls. I’m in no hurry. I hope my son will spend more time with me and my husband. If he got himself a girlfriend, he would stay with her all the day. By then I would be jealous. So, I don’t think it’s good of him to find a girlfriend early.”

“You are right.” Every mother was afraid that her son would ignore her when he had a girlfriend.

“Yes, a 30-year-old man is in his prime; besides, my son is only 20. I won’t push him into finding a girlfriend. By the way, my son brought some snacks from abroad the day before yesterday. We can taste them together.”

The snacks Li Qinghao brought from Leiluo Kingdom were the completely new food to those rich women. They had never tasted any of them before. After a few mouthfuls, they couldn’t help but praise, “These snacks are very delicious! Where did your son bought them? Next time when my husband goes on a business trip, I will ask him to buy some.”

“I’m thinking of signing up for a tour group. I can go and buy by myself.”

Hearing what they said, Mrs. Li felt proud. “These snacks are unavailable outside. A friend of my son is a prince of a certain country. Some time ago he invited my son to his country for a trip. These kinds of snacks are specially for the royals.”

Although Mrs. Li was proud of her son, she knew she should fight down the impulse to flaunt her son’s friendship with the new king of Leiluo Kingdom. If she told them that her son’s friend was a king, it would be a big shock. So she said that he was just a prince.

Li Qinghao didn’t hear a word of what they were talking about, but he enjoyed the homely atmosphere.

The driver of the Li family drove Li Qinghao to the square in the center of the city, then Li asked him to go back.

Li used to be a quiet man who seldom went out for shopping. Now he stood under the blue sky, listening to all kinds of sounds around him, including the music ringing in the square. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the soft touch of breeze on his face.

Several girls passed by him. They stopped to look at him, their eyes shining with excitement. Some of them even took out their cell phones and secretly took pictures of Li Qinghao. Then they ran away, screaming.

Li Qinghao thought it was an honor to be liked, and he didn’t stop them.

He walked into the square and came to a commercial area where fine men’s clothes were sold. He entered a random clothing store.

A tall and beautiful waitress came over and asked, “May I help you, sir?”

As expected, waiters in this commercial area of international top brands were well trained. Their smiles were perfect, like computer-generated artistic pictures.

“I want to try on that dark purple shirt. Er, I’m about six feet tall,” Li Qinghao said, pointing at the shirt on a mannequin.

“Please wait a moment.”

Li Qinghao walked into the fitting room with the shirt and put it on. Then he came out and looked in the mirror. A tall man with strong features passed by Li Qinghao and entered the fitting room. Nobody noticed they darted a sideways glance at each other.


That man was Mu Yinting.

Mu pretended to try on clothing. After entering the fitting room, he took out the antidote of TRKS from the pocket of Li Qinghao’s coat. When he came out, he held his cell phone and seemed to be talking with someone on the phone.

When Li Qinghao walked into the fitting room again, he found that the antidote was gone. Mu Yinting left a new cell phone with a SIM card. The phone number was only known by Mu Yinting. In other word, no one else wouldn’t know whom Li Qinghao contacted, unless they knew this phone number. Compared with the computer program written by Li Qinghao, it was more convenient.

What a smart man! Li Qinghao thought highly of Mu Yinting.

Nancheng Lie sat in his office, staring blankly at the papers on the desk. It had been five days since he came back from Leiluo Kingdom. According to the private detective’s report, the day after his return from Leiluo Kingdom, Li Qinghao went to a clothing store and bought three shirts; then he never went out again.

Nancheng Lie was amused at the thought of Li Qinghao having bought three shirts of the same style and different colors, including black, purple and white. This reminded Nancheng Lie of Han Mingxu, because Li Qinghao chose clothes in the same way as Xu did. Xu was lazy, and thought it was troublesome to try on clothes, so once a certain style of clothing happened to strike his fancy, he would buy some in different colors.

‘Wait…’ Nancheng Lie blinked in bewilderment. ‘What was I thinking just now? Why do I always associate Li Qinghao with Xu? Why do I have the feeling that Li Qinghao resembles Xu in character?

I act like one possessed. Many years ago when I realized I loved Xu, I was already completely captured by Xu. But what about Li Qinghao? How could I compare him with my beloved Xu?

Xu is unique in my mind, and Li Qinghao can’t compare with him.

But why do I always associate Li Qinghao with Xu?’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

His thoughts were all in a muddle.

“Boss… Boss… ” His secretary was more confused than him. Nancheng Lie was the general manager of their company, so she was here with a document which needed his signature, but he completely ignored her as if she were invisible. If there were a problem with the document, she would directly return it to its department. The problem was that Nancheng Lie made no response to the document.

“I’m sorry.” Nancheng Lie lifted his hands to press at his throbbing temples, then skimmed the document quickly. He was indeed an excellent student in the business management. In terms of action, he was undoubtedly a natural leader. He circled some figures and said, “Tell the Planning Department that the input cost of this product is too high, and it will absolutely cause the rise of its retail price. Do our customers have the ability to buy them?”

“I see.”

“Besides, ask them to discuss with the Production Department before buying raw materials. We can use some cheaper substitutes. Then ask them to cooperate with the Marketing Department. Have they done any market research based on this business plan? Remember to give them a stern warning. If they can’t show me a good business plan next time, I will dismiss them directly.”

“Okay, I got it.” The secretary went out at once.

Nancheng was a joker. He was easy-going and friendly, but once he was at work, he became a stickler for perfection, and everything had to be exactly right. In the eye of employees of Nancheng Group, Nancheng Lie was more horrible than their president, Nancheng Yunyu.

Nancheng Yunyu was absent from work these days. As the general manager, Nancheng Lie took full charge of the company’s business, which brought great pressure to the employees.

Nancheng Yunyu was in his forties. His personal charisma was not as strong as that of Nancheng Lie. As his youngest brother, Nancheng Lie was young and ambitious. Although Nancheng Group always maintained its dominance of financial markets in the world, it had many competitors. Nancheng Lie had the ambition to push Nancheng Group up to the world’s No. 1 position. In this regard, Nancheng Yunyu lacked motivation.

Nancheng Yunyu preferred an exciting life, so he spent more time developing LD Organization.

When a person born with a silver spoon in his mouth was tired of a carefree, wealthy life, he would set a goal and work on it till he achieve it. Nancheng Yunyu and Nancheng Lie were examples. Nancheng Yunyu had adventure in his blood. He was immersed in the thrill of dangerous tasks. Nancheng Lie was more civilized and elegant, compared with his eldest brother. He liked to stand at the top of Nancheng Group. He wanted to conquer the world.

Nancheng Lie was brought up by Nancheng Yunyu, and now he proved himself to be an outstanding man.

He would achieve more and stand higher in the future.

A spasm of pain brought Li Qinghao back to the reality.

Late at night, Li Qinghao felt as if numerous thorns were growing in his bone. He suddenly opened his eyes, his face covered with beads of sweat.

A spasm of pain brought Li Qinghao back to the reality.

Late at night, Li Qinghao felt as if numerous thorns were growing in his bone and waves of pain penetrated every pore. He suddenly opened his eyes, his face covered with beads of sweat.

Besides, there seemed to be something crawling in his body. He got up and turned on the lamp. The room was lit up by bright lights. He bowed his head and studied his right arm. Although he felt something crawling under his skin, his body didn’t look any different.

Damn it!

He clenched his fists. 49 days! The virus in his body was beginning to show its effect.

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