90. A Scene of Domestic Bliss

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

It felt like someone jabbed a long and thin needle into his body.

Li Qinghao remembered that in high school he had once overheard several girls discussing about menstruation. At that time, one of them said that every time her period came, she suffered great pain and discomfort. Li Qinghao now felt the same way.


He couldn’t help but let out a little cry of pain, but he immediately bit his lower lip to stop himself from making any noise for fear of waking up Li Qinghao’s parents, who were sleeping in the next room. Sitting on the carpet near the bed, he was curled up in a tight ball, with his knees tucked up at his chin.

His snow-white teeth pierced and sank into his skin, and he tasted the blood. Gradually, his eyes became unfocused. He lost consciousness.

Before he passed out, his mind was invaded by worry. He was afraid that if he couldn’t wake up in time tomorrow morning, Mrs. Li might find him lying unconscious on the floor, and she would be worried to death.

Facts proved that his worries were uncalled-for. When he woke up, he found himself still lying on the carpet near the bed. He stretched himself out and found that the pain was gone. He got up and looked out of the window. The night had passed, and it was almost daybreak. It seemed that he was all right. He had no sequelae and could walk steadily.

Li Qinghao drew back the curtain and opened the glass door. He came out onto the balcony and took a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling refreshed.

He closed his eyes. A breeze caressed his cheeks and slowly relaxed his nervousness. He felt relaxed and peaceful.

Li Qinghao didn’t open his eyes until the first signs of the dawn appeared on the horizon. He went back to his bedroom, took out some clean clothes and then walked into the bathroom. It was still a little cold in May, but Li Qinghao wanted to take a cold shower.

He turned on the shower, and the cold water splashed on his naked body like raindrops. What a beautiful scene! His skin was as pale as the moon. Beads of water rolled down his back, like pearls of dew glistening in the sunshine.

Li Qinghao turned off the water, dried himself with a bath towel and then wrapped it around his waist. He tossed back his head, and beads of water flew in all directions. He picked up his hair drier, stood in front of the mirror and began to dry his hair.


The booming sound of the hair drier brought back memories of his past.

“Xu, please help me dry my hair.”

Nancheng Lie came out of the bathroom in a loose bathrobe, gave the hair drier to Han Mingxu and then sat in a comfortable position on the sofa, waiting for him to serve him.

‘Nancheng Lie doesn’t like blow-drying his hair, because he hates the booming sound of the hair drier. So, he just towelled his hair casually after taking a shower. When he came out, his wet hair was dripping. I have no idea when I developed a habit of drying his hair every time I stayed overnight in Nancheng Mansion.

Thinking back, he was so sexy in his bathrobe,’ Li Qinghao thought.

He curled his lips into a smile and became light-hearted.

When he came downstairs, the maid had already prepared breakfast. Mr. Li was already up because he was in a hurry to go to work. Mrs. Li was still sleeping.

“Why did you get up so early?” asked Mr. Li. He seldom saw his son during breakfast.

“I lay in bed for two years, and I’m in poor health now, so I intend to go to the gym for some exercise.” Li Qinghao sat down at the table and continued, “Dad, you got up earlier than me.” As the boss of his company, Mr. Li was never late for work. He made a good impression on his employees.

Mr. Li was obviously a man of good character. Li Qinghao wondered how the original owner of this body grew up to be an incapable man under his parents’ tutelage.

“Well, an old acquaintance of mine introduced me to a big customer from Germany. The customer is coming to visit our company today, so I’m going to meet him at the airport.” If it were in the past, Mr. Li wouldn’t tell Li Qinghao anything about his business. But for some unknown reason, he now felt his son was reliable.

To be honest, from the bottom of his heart, Mr. Li preferred Li Qinghao who had lost his memory. ‘My son now seems level-headed and dependable. I think he can smoothly take over my career after my death. But before he lost his memory, he was a troublesome child and always gave me a headache, ‘Mr. Li thought.

“What did your doctor say during your second visit to him, Qinghao?” asked Mr. Li.

Mr. Li hoped that his son would never restore his memory.

Li Qinghao didn’t know what Mr. Li was thinking. He replied in a jaunty tone, “The doctor said that the blood clot in my head was no longer present, and I was recovering day by day. But he’s not sure whether I can regain my memory. It all depends on God.”

With that, Li Qinghao gave a gentle smile. Mr. Li was gratified by his son’s reply. Meanwhile, Mr. Li was afraid that Li Qinghao would be upset because of losing his memory. So, he patted Li Qinghao on the shoulder and said, “No matter whether you can regain your memory or not, you are my dear son. So, don’t force yourself to restore your memory. All you have to do is base yourself upon the present and look into the future.”

Mr. Li’s words warmed Li Qinghao’s heart. He nodded and said, “Thank you for understanding, Dad. I’m a mature adult. I don’t care about that. By the way, dad, can you communicate with your customer from Germany smoothly?”

It was rare that Li Qinghao asked Mr. Li about the company. Mr. Li was happy to answer his question. “Don’t worry. I’ve hired an interpreter. What about going to the airport with me, Qinghao? Anyway, you will take over my company in the future. It’s good for you to take part in the running of our company earlier.”

Li Qinghao had no interest in inheriting the company, but he was willing to treat Mr. Li and Mrs. Li as his real parents and show filial obedience to them because he was very grateful to them.

After thinking for a short moment, Li Qinghao nodded, “Okay, but I have to change my clothes.” He was now wearing a black sports suit. It was obviously not proper business dress.

“Okay… Good. ” Mr. Li nodded. He grew increasingly satisfied with his son.

Li Qinghao changed into a white shirt, a black suit coat and beige slacks. He walked down stairs at a leisurely pace. He was 183 cm tall, looking handsome in this suit. Although he was thin, he had an air of haughty aloofness. When he smiled, he looked like a gentle prince in a fairy tale.

At the sight of Li Qinghao, Mrs. Li said to her husband, “Darling, my heart is beating fast.” She was already up. She had come downstairs in her pajamas because she wanted to give her husband a good morning kiss. To her surprise, Mr. Li told her that their son was going to accompany him to see a customer.

Mrs. Li’s fresh complexion made her look younger than she was. Li Qinghao remembered when he first saw Mrs. Li at the hospital. At that time, she wore a woebegone look. If not for her good features, she would have looked more miserable. She had focused on improving her health and appearance since her son woke up. That was why she could restore her elegance as a lady of high society in just two months.

No wonder women were crazy about skin care products and health care products.

Mr. Li seized Mrs. Li round the waist and said possessively, “Honey, as your husband, I hate to hear you say that your heart raced because of another man, even though he’s my son.”

A wave of warmth flooded Li Qinghao. He had never enjoyed such a happy family life. Although all members of the Nancheng family were very kind to him, he felt sad because they were not his real parents and brothers. But at this moment, he felt satisfied.

“Mom, if this guy were not my father, I would really like to compete with him for you.” On the surface he seemed aloof and detached, but he was naughty underneath.

Mrs. Li gave a hearty laugh. She was happy that two handsome men fought for her favor. She took her husband’s arm in one hand and her son’s hand in the other. Her face lit up with a happy smile.

When they arrived at the airport, the customer was not yet here, because they came early. Li Qinghao admired Mr. Li for having setting out almost an hour early, just in case of emergency. He was a businessman of integrity.

If it was Nancheng Lie… Li Qinghao gave a little chuckle. If it was Nancheng Lie, he wouldn’t set off early to see his customers. As the young master of the Nancheng family, he thought it was no problem to keep others waiting.

With Nancheng Group behind him, he was always the object of flattery.

Li Qinghao suddenly had an impulse to tell Nancheng Lie that he was Han Mingxu. He wanted to play a trick on Nancheng.

“Dad, I want to do some shopping in Quick Convenient Store across the street.”

“Well, you can do what you want.”

The reason Li Qinghao got up so early this morning was because he wanted to go out to buy some medicine. Now that he was at the airport, he decided to go to Quick Convenient Store for shopping. In this way he could save time and effort.

Li Qinghao got himself some painkillers. The Quick Convenient Store stocked a comprehensive range, because it was located near the airport.

The painkillers were used to relieve pain. Li Qinghao was afraid that without painkillers he would wake up Mr. Li and Mrs. Li when he was attacked by the pain caused by the virus again. When he got back to the car, Mr. Li asked him what he had bought. Li Qinghao didn’t hide it from Mr. Li, but he told a white lie, “Some painkillers. I had a toothache yesterday. I guess I have a bad tooth. So I’ve prepared some painkillers.”

“You should go to see a doctor. If your tooth is decayed, you need a filling. My dear son, you should take care of yourself.” Mr. Li shook his head helplessly. He didn’t doubt of Li Qinghao’s words.

Half an hour later, the big customer from Germany showed up.

The customer was a very tall man. To be exact, he was about 195 cm tall. He had a rugged, bearded face. Undoubtedly, he was a very attractive man.

The man looked at Mr. Li with sharp eyes, as if to read his mind.

Under the man’s intense gaze, Mr. Li trembled and felt as if he was going to be guillotined. In spite of his fear, he straightened up. The man gave a little short laugh and said, “Don’t be so nervous. I’m not a bad guy.” He spoke fluent American English.

He spoke English to Mr. Li, because English was the most common language in the world. Thus it could be seen that he was a gentleman. At least he took Mr. Li’s feelings into consideration. Meanwhile, it also proved that he was a very cautious man.

Although Mr. Li had a bachelor degree, his English was poor. He couldn’t understand a word the man said, so he subconsciously turned to look at the translator.

The translator was a young college student. He was part-time. Mr. Li didn’t think it was necessary to hire a full-time German translator, because few of his customers were German. So, he hired a student who majored in German.

The student was experienced. He quickly translated the German customer’s words into Chinese.

Mr. Li didn’t expect the man to tease him. He was stunned for a moment. He had never met such a customer before.

A few seconds later, he came back to his senses. The man gave him a feeling of pressure, and he didn’t know how to respond to the man’s words.

“Bad guys will not admit they are bad guys,” said Li Qinghao, in a melodious baritone.

The man noticed Li Qinghao at the beginning. Li Qinghao had a wonderfully beautiful face and a pair of clear, bright eyes, but he was not a frail porcelain doll. No one could see through his mind. The man’s instincts were telling him that Li Qinghao was not a simple man. When the man was thinking about how to accost the youth in front of him, Li Qinghao spoke first.

The man burst into uncontrollable laughter at Li Qinghao’s words.

The reason Li Qinghao dared to say that was because there was a touch of peace in the man’s voice. The man’s casual and impudent style were the same as Nancheng Lie’s.

So, Li Qinghao played a joke on the man. After showing his humor, he extended his hand and said, “Hello, Mr. Wilbert, I’m Li Qinghao. This is my father.” There was no need to give a detailed introduction. Li Qinghao believed that the man must have made a full investigation of Mr. Li.

“Hello, Qinghao. Hello, Mr. Li. You can call me Dom. ‘Mr. Wilbert’ sounds like an English old gentleman.” ‘Mr’ was a courtesy title widely used among British people.

They walked out of the airport. Li Qinghao and Wilbert walked ahead of others, talking and laughing, followed by Mr. Li, the translator, Wilbert’s assistant and two bodyguards. Mr. Li and the translator couldn’t get a word in edgeways. Wilbert avoided mentioning anything about the contract. They talked about the English courtesy title ‘Mr’, Chinese ancient titles “Xianggong’ and ‘Niangzi’, and the like. Li Qinghao found that Wilbert was very interested in appellations of different countries.

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