97. My Tutor Sold Me to T Organization

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Nancheng Yunseng raised an eyebrow and replied, “Bro, you are sharp-eyed and clear-minded. You say first.” Actually, he was in complete bewilderment.

It was so strange! Nancheng Lie treated Li Qinghao as if he were Xu.

As the master of the house, Mr. Nancheng asked seriously, “What have you discovered, Yunyu?”

Nancheng Yunyu’s gaze swept across their faces. “I have the right to remain silent.” With that, he took out a tissue and wiped his mouth. “Enjoy your breakfast. I’m going to work.”

“Lie now takes charge of the whole company. You can take a rest at home,” Nancheng Yunseng said loudly, smiling like a ruffian. His eldest brother looked too serious. To be honest, he was very tempted to break his eldest brother’s calmness.

Nancheng Yunyu replied briefly, “Staying at home is boring.”

Nancheng Lie took Li Qinghao to the guest room where the researcher was. He knocked at the door several times before the researcher answered the door. “Sorry, I overslept.” The researcher in a T-shirt and short pants had unkempt hair and a pale face. He looked very thin.

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be a slob. Was such a person fit for a researcher?

The researcher explained, “When I was in T organization, I always worked by night and slept by day. Although I have complete freedom now, I haven’t changed my habit. Sorry.”

Nancheng Lie found that he was wrong. This guy didn’t go downstairs for breakfast, not because he didn’t like to communicate with others, but because he was accustomed to sleeping by day. No wonder he had looked absent-minded yesterday when Nancheng Yunyu had brought him to Nancheng Mansion. He must have been sleepy at that time.

It seemed that he was a simple man. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have agreed to come to China with Nancheng Yunyu even if Yunyu promised him a job.

“How was your life in T organization?” Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao sat down on the sofa, while the man went to the bathroom to freshen up.

“In fact, after we finished work, as long as we were obedient to them, they treated us as if we were kings.” The man brushed his teeth, washed his face and then combed his fluffy curly hair.

When he walked out of the bathroom, Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao were surprised to find that he was handsome. What was more, he was very young.

“How old are you?” It was amazing that T organization thought highly of such a young man.

“25.” The man sat down opposite Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao. “I neglected to introduce myself. My name is Jin You.” His voice became cheerful, “I really want to thank Yunyu. If not for him, I would have been all washed up.”

“Are you Korean?” Jin You had been talking to them in English. Li Qinghao had thought that Jin You was accustomed to speaking English because of having stayed abroad for a long time, but hearing of his name, Li Qinghao suddenly realized the real reason was that he could not speak Chinese.

“Yes, I’m Korean.” Jin You gave a friendly smile and continued, “Yunyu said his brother’s friend was infected with TRKS. It’s you, right?”

When he saw Nancheng Lie come with Li Qinghao, he immediately realized something.

He was a smart man.

If he were not smart, he wouldn’t have been chosen by T organization.

“Yes, it’s me. My name is Li Qinghao. Nice to meet you.” Li Qinghao extended his hand. Li felt well disposed towards Jin You, because he seemed as vigorous as Nancheng Lie. But in fact, they two were different underneath.

Nancheng Lie had a bright and bubbly personality, because he had a powerful family behind him and always lived a carefree life. As for Jin You, he was by nature an optimist. After a long period of imprisonment by T organization he was still lively and optimistic.

Jin You liked making friends. He looked at Li Qinghao, his big eyes twinkling like stars. He had a handsome young face. His rosy lips were a sharp contrast to his fair skin. In a word, he was a charming man.

“How did you get caught by T organization?” Li Qinghao was more interested in Jin You’s story than in TRKS.

Jin You’s face paled, his eyes burning with anger. Noticing Jin You was suffering from violent mood swings, Li Qinghao realized that he shouldn’t ask the question. “Sorry.” He didn’t mean to touch Jin You’s sore spot.

“It doesn’t matter. It’s not an unmentionable subject.” Jin You forced a smile. He hid his sadness beneath his smile. “My tutor sold me to T organization.”

“What?!” Nancheng Lie was surprised to hear that.

“The reason T organization successfully collected so many researchers from all over the world was because of the help of go-betweens. My tutor was one of them. Without those go-betweens, T organization couldn’t have set up its lab. I didn’t know until I joined T organization that my tutor had tricked many excellent people, including some of my seniors, into T organization in the name of researches and experiments.” It was painful to find himself being cheated by his tutor. “Some people couldn’t stand working day and night, and went insane in the end. Some couldn’t stand being cut off from the outside world. They tried to escape more than once. Do you know how T organization dealt with those people?”

Li Qinghao and Nancheng Lie didn’t answer. Obviously, those people had come to no good end.

“They were treated as human subjects for virus experiments.” Jin You curved his lips into a cold, bitter smile. His eyes gleamed with cruelty and anger.

There were two reasons for his survival: first, he had a strong will; second, he armed himself with ruthlessness and indifference.

“But now everything is fine. I don’t know how I can possibly thank Yunyu enough,” Jin You said. Nancheng Lie noticed that Jin You’s eyes lit up when he talked about Nancheng Yunyu.

‘He seems… His affection for my eldest brother seems to have increased almost to idolatry. What’s more, he addresses my eldest brother by name! I admire him for his courage. My brother always keeps a poker face and seldom smiles. Even our father is a little afraid of him,’ Nancheng Lie thought to himself.

“What about TRKS?” That was Nancheng Lie’s top concern.

“I told Yunyu that TRKS is a semi-finished virus developed by T organization.”

At the beginning, T organization was well-funded, and each of viruses that we developed brought huge economic benefits. But the leader of T organization was a crazy man. He was constantly developing new viruses and could not make ends meet. Besides, governments the world over cracked down on virus makers. There was no money for the further development of TRKS.  So, T organization had to sell TRKS as a finished virus. But in fact, it’s a semi-finished virus with no antidote.” His last sentence was a key point.

With that, he looked at Li Qinghao with a serious expression on his face. This man was injected with TRKS! Who on earth did such a cruel thing to him?

Jin You couldn’t help admiring Li Qinghao’s calmness. Although he already knew there was no cure for TRKS, he remained calm and unruffled. His self-control and aloofness were almost inhuman.

Jin You knew that the Nancheng family was very famous. Nancheng Lie was the young master of Nancheng family. So, Li Qinghao, who was in the good graces of Nancheng Lie, couldn’t be an average man.

“Can you develop the antidote?” asked Nancheng Lie.

“I know the composition of TRKS very well. Although it’s just a semi-finished virus, I have its structural chemical formula. So, give me some time, and I’ll be able to develop the antidote.” Jin You enjoyed doing research. Even if his tutor hadn’t tricked him into T organization, he would have probably been willing to join it. However, if he were asked to develop new viruses that threatened human life, he would refuse point-blank.

But he might finally give in, because nothing was more important than life. Where there is life, there is hope.

“Really?” Nancheng Lie’s face lit up with delight. He instinctively tightened his grip on Li Qinghao’s wrist. “There is still a ray of hope.” He looked affectionately at Li Qinghao. The love in his eyes was so strong that Li Qinghao could no longer turn a blind eye to it.

They were lovers?!

Jin You was suddenly enlightened.

“Excuse me.” Jin You blushed. “I need a lot of money to buy laboratory equipment, but I don’t think it’s a problem for Nancheng Group.”

Nancheng turned to look at Jin You, waiting for him to go on speaking.

“You need a team, don’t you?” Li Qinghao asked. He could hardly contain his delight.

Jin You raised his eyebrows, while Nancheng Lie exchanged a knowing look with him. Apparently they came to the same conclusion.

“Do you have a research team?” asked Jin You.

Li Qinghao nodded. He didn’t intend to keep it from Nancheng Lie any more. These days Nancheng held an ambiguous attitude towards him. Li Qinghao saw from the expression in Nancheng’s eyes that he must have known something. Otherwise… “I want to introduce you to my friend. His team needs your help.”

“May I know who your friend is?” Jin You was very excited. His blood began to boil at the thought of what challenges was being prepared for him.

Li Qinghao answered, “Leonardo Yingli.”

“Leonardo Yingli?!!” Jin You couldn’t restrain his excitement. “The Leonardo family is powerful in England. If he were not a Leonardo, he would have been a target of my tutor.”

Leonardo Yingli was a curiosity in medical circles.

Li Qinghao smiled without a word. If Yingli were tricked into joining T organization, Mu Yinting would immediately get him out by bombing T organization’s base.

“I’m curious. Tell me,” Nancheng Lie asked, “How did you know Yingli?” At this moment, he was very sure that Li Qinghao was Han Mingxu.

Li Qinghao looked at Nancheng Lie. The nervousness in Nancheng’s eyes needled Li Qinghao. He opened his mouth and wanted to tell everything to Nancheng. But after a moment’s silence, he bit back the words he would like to have said. He just sighed, “Let me introduce Jin You to Yingli, then I’ll explain it to you, okay?”

Nancheng Lie squinted at Li Qinghao. His eyes were like two icy knives, preparing to cut through Li’s pretense. He held Li Qinghao’s hand tight enough that he wouldn’t be able to break free. “Okay,” he replied in a sonorous voice.

Nancheng Lie had a feeling that his Xu was coming back.

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