98. Let Me Teach You How to Kiss

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

They drove to the villa belonging to Mu Yinting and Yingli. Mu Yinting greeted them at the gate. Nancheng Lie cast a suspicious look at Li Qinghao. He remembered Mu Yinting being a detective.

Nancheng Lie had entrusted MuYinting’s detective agency with the investigation two years ago after the attempted gun murder of Han Mingxu. Before Mu Yinting could find out the truth, Keqi told Nancheng that he had got everything settled, so Nancheng stopped digging into the gun murder. If he had the Intelligence Agency of LD organization launch a further investigation… But at that time, Nancheng believed what Keqi said without a shadow of doubt.

To Nancheng Lie’s surprise, Mu Yinting and Li Qinghao knew each other; or to be more exact, Mu Yinting and Han Mingxu knew each other.

With a smile, Li Qinghao explained, “When I was still a freshman, I accidentally saved the injured Yingli. Then we became friends. It must be fate.”

“I regret meeting you.” Mu Yinting snorted, “I have been out of luck since I met you.”

Nancheng Lie threw his arm around Li Qinghao’s waist and said, “I don’t think it was fate.” Xu should only belong to him.

Li Qinghao looked sideways at Nancheng. With raised eyebrows, Nancheng stared back. It was obviously a kind of provocation.

Jin You, who was following them, said, “Don’t ignore me.” It embarrassed him that Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao blocked his view completely.

When they came to the living room, Yingli happened to come downstairs with tousled hair. After having received a call from Li Qinghao this morning, Yingli had immediately gone back to his bedroom for a sleep. In order to develop an antidote of TRKS as soon as possible, these days he worked day and night, almost without eating or sleeping. He slept for only an hour, and then they arrived.

“Let me introduce you. Jin You, this is Yingli. Yingli, this is Jin You.” Li Qinghao had told Yingli everything about Jin You on the phone.

Yingli extended his hand towards Jin You and said frankly, “Bro, let’s work together to develop an antidote to TRKS.”

Jin You replied, “My pleasure.”

“Whether or not I can survive will depend on you two,” said Li Qinghao. He sensed that Nancheng Lie was on the edge of explosion.

Nancheng Lie and Li Qinghao left Mu Yinting’s villa and drove away. The car ran smoothly at low speed. Li Qinghao knew Nancheng was full of questions, but he didn’t dare ask Nancheng. It never occurred to him to tell Nancheng the truth so soon. But what Nancheng Lie did these days and Jin You’s appearance was driving Li Qinghao to lay out his secret.

Li Qinghao could’t bear to see Nancheng immersed in his self-accusation. He shouldn’t be responsible for all that had happened. In fact, he was the most innocent person. He just… fell in love with Han Mingxu.

The thought made Li Qinghao’s heart leap. He never intended to seriously reconsider his relationship with Nancheng Lie before he could resume his status as Han Mingxu. But now he was going to tell Nancheng that he was Han Mingxu. It meant that he had to face the fact that Nancheng Lie loved him.

He blushed. A friendship turned into a romantic relationship. Too fast for him! What was more, Li Qinghao didn’t know how to get along with Nancheng Lie, his best friend, and also his sweetheart.



They spoke in unison, and then both fell silent. After a short moment, Li Qinghao smiled and said, “You say first.”

Nancheng Lie rolled his eyes at Li Qinghao. Obviously, his smile and patience didn’t please Nancheng; instead, Nancheng got angrier. “When the hell do you intend to tell me the truth? I want to know your story, from the beginning to the end,” he said, emphasizing every word.

“I was going to tell you.” Li Qinghao felt he’d been wronged. If Nancheng hadn’t interrupted him, he would have begun to explain.

“Okay, said it.” Nancheng Lie parked the car at the roadside for fear that he would lose control of his emotions after learning the truth. A man in an excitable state shouldn’t drive.  “Make everything clear to me.” With that, he turned his head away and refused to look at Li Qinghao.

Li Qinghao stared at Nancheng’s handsome face and sighed deeply, “I’m Han Mingxu.”

“Uh-huh.” Nancheng’s voice was flat, but Li Qinghao saw clearly that Nancheng clutched the steering wheel abruptly, his veins popping out on the back of his hand.

“Two years ago, Li Qinghao begged me to bring him to you. At that time, I thought it would be a bustling and exciting scene if your old lover came face to face with your new lover. So I agreed to his request.” Then he suffered the consequences of his own actions. But even if he had refused Li Qinghao’s request, Frise and Keqi wouldn’t have aborted their plan.

“Uh-huh.” Nancheng Lie’s voice had an undertone anger. Li Qinghao realized that Nancheng got even angrier. Sure enough, he shouldn’t speak frankly to Nancheng. After all, no man who was having fun with his new lover, wanted the one he secretly loved to come to visit him with his old lover.

It meant that he didn’t care about him at all. That was why Nancheng Lie got angry. He even had an impulse to kick Li Qinghao off the car.

“Then we met killers on the way to your house, and I jumped out of the car with Li Qinghao. A bullet slammed into my chest before I lost consciousness.”

Hearing what Li said, Nancheng Lie instinctively tightened his grip on the steering wheel, and the car tooted. He accidentally honked his horn. Obviously, he was trying to restrain his anger.

Li Qinghao reached over and held Nancheng’s hand. Nancheng gradually calmed down. He unclenched his fist, and the car stopped tooting.

“Well, go ahead.”

“Two months ago when I regained consciousness, I was surprised to find that two years had elapsed. What amazed me more was that I became Li Qinghao. I almost thought that my life as Han Mingxu was just a dream, and I almost believed that I was the real Li Qinghao.”

Hearing this, Nancheng Lie clenched his fists again. “Uh-huh.” They spent 15 years together. How could he take it as a dream?

“What happened next is well known to you, except for my meeting with Mu Yinting. Every time I saw Keqi, I trembled instinctively. Every time I saw you… my heart raced uncontrollably.”

Nancheng Lie’s hand trembled with excitement. Despite his unwillingness to let Nancheng down, Li Qinghao decided to speak honestly, “Don’t misunderstand me. It was the body which reacted spontaneously. Yingli examined me with the most advanced medical instrument and found that the memory of the gun murder was still locked in my subconscious. We used a brain wave sensor to copy what Li Qinghao saw just before his death. Do you know what? Keqi killed me. In fact, even if he hadn’t killed me, I would have died.”

“He… How did he kill you?” Nancheng Lie’s voice was so low that Li Qinghao could hardly hear him. Nancheng could feel the anger growing, bubbling up inside him.

Li Qinghao thought about telling a lie, but the last thing he wanted to do was to cheat Nancheng. “He thrust a dagger into my heart.”

“Bang…” Nancheng slammed his foot on the accelerator and soon the car was speeding off. Li Qinghao leaned back uncontrollably and asked, “What are you doing?”

Nancheng Lie roared, “I’m going to kill him!” It was not a joke. Li Qinghao knew Nancheng was serious.

“Stop the car!” said Li Qinghao.

Nancheng Lie glanced at Li Qinghao and stepped on the accelerator harder to speed up the car.

Li Qinghao’s heart ached. Nancheng Lie’s eyes took on a murderous glow, but he managed to restrain his anger because he was afraid of hurting Li Qinghao. He was possessed by a frenzied urge to destroy Leiluo Kingdom and kill Keqi. Li Qinghao couldn’t forgive Frise and Keqi, but he didn’t want Nancheng to become caught in a whirlpool of hate. Nancheng Lie should live a happy, carefree life.

“Lie…” Li Qinghao whispered in a soft, low voice. “Calm down, I’m still alive.” His hand gently touched Nancheng’s face. He was so familiar with Nancheng’s features that every time he closed his eyes, Nancheng’s handsome face and loving eyes swam into his mind.

Nancheng Lie blinked and gradually calmed down. He stepped on the brake and parked the car at the roadside. Then he turned around and held Li Qinghao tightly in his arms with all his strength. Li Qinghao felt a pain in his shoulders and his brows furrowed slightly, but he didn’t make any noise. After a while, he felt his shoulder wet. There was still a dead silence in the car.

Li Qinghao realized that Nancheng was crying silently. His tears needled Li’s heart.

After a long silence, Nancheng Lie finally said in a husky voice, “I hate you. I really hate you.”

“I know it.”

‘He hates me, because I kept everything to myself. I knew he was suffering, but I hesitated to tell him the truth,’ Li Qinghao thought to himself.

“If I hadn’t found out the truth, you would have continued to hide it from me, wouldn’t you? If you were still alive four months later, you would tell me that you are Han Mingxu. But if you died, I would be kept in the dark forever. Am I right?” Nancheng relaxed his grip on Li Qinghao’s shoulders and pinched Li’s chin hard with one hand. Then he fixed his eyes on Li Qinghao’s lips, like a beast staring at his prey. He was waiting for an answer.

Li Qinghao remained silent. He knew his answer would provoke Nancheng. But if he didn’t answer, Nancheng would also get angry. “Do you know what? When I found that I was no longer Han Mingxu, I very much wanted to go back to the past; I hoped you could recognize me. I… I miss you very much.”

Nancheng Lie’s face softened, but he didn’t let go of Li.

Li Qinghao sighed. He cupped Nancheng’s face in his hands and said, “Do you know how I felt after becoming Li Qinghao? When I realized that I no longer had the right to enjoy your tenderness, I was so sad. At that moment, I finally understood that you are so important to me. You are more than just a friend to me. I don’t feel sick when making love to you.” With that, Li Qinghao detached Nancheng’s hand from his chin, and then pressed his lips firmly on Nancheng’s.

His kiss was gentle. He slipped his tongue cautiously into Nancheng’s mouth and sucked the tip of Nancheng’s tongue.

Spittle oozed down their jaws. Nancheng Lie’s heavy breathing rang in Li Qinghao’s ears.

After a while, Li Qinghao felt like a clown because Nancheng Lie made no response to his kiss. He let go of Nancheng and said, “Never before have I kissed any of my friends… To be more exact, I haven’t kissed anyone except you. So, I’m not good at kissing. But anyway, don’t keep a poker face when I kiss you. All right, I’ll practice more… Ah…” Nancheng suddenly pinned Li Qinghao against the seat. Li Qinghao let out a little cry of surprise and asked, “What are you planning on doing?”

“I’m happy that you confessed your love for me, so I decide to respond to your affection…” He curled his lips into an evil smile and continued, “Let me teach you how to kiss first.” To be honest, his lips and tongue hurt as a result of Li Qinghao’s rude kiss.

Li Qinghao was dazed by Nancheng Lie’s evil but bright smile.

His patron saint was back, like a beam of light lighting up his world.

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