Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 13 - Getting Promoted To...

It is now the next day, Me and Genos made our way to one of the Hero Test Locations to register as a full-fledge certified hero courtesy of the Hero Association, And this is how it went, So first of the Physical test, Do i even have to say it? I mean, You probably know the answer to that by now... Alright fine i'll tell, I managed to score a perfect 50/50 with the Physical exam, There i told you now deal with it, Oh fine, Let's just say i dominated every test they have to offer to me, Well i didn't destroy their equipment like Saitama did because im THAT kind of person, But i was just in a whole other level compared to the other 11k borderline 12k candidates, You get the point right? Yeah you do Because you are smart

Now for the Written portion of the Hero test, See here's the thing about the Written exam, It was easy as shit, I don't know how Saitama failed it, But that shit was easy, Even pre-schoolers could do better than him, Maybe, I don't know if im underestimating Saitama or overestimating pre-schoolers intellect, You decide for yourself

But anyways, Me and you are getting sidetracked, Let's get into the juicy stuff if you know what i mean, I got a perfect score at the Written Test as well, Now see, I decided to not be at C-rank right out of the gecko, But i also don't plan on becoming promoted or placed high in the rankings, So this is either 50/50, First one is if i get promoted to a very high rank, Or i get promoted lower but at least not C-class hero, Now hold on, I did say i don't want to mess up the timeline, And your right, But i took a gamble and hope to at least get promoted to B-class, Even if i am placed last in the rankings

Genos: "Sensei" Genos interrupted my thoughts as he walked next to me in one of the locker rooms that one of the staff so kindly gave to us after we have completed both of the exams

Camden: "You're done?" I said as he nodded his head

Genos: "Hai, The Physical and Written test was very easy"

Camden: "Yep, Oh and by the way, When do we get the results?"

Genos: "I heard from one of the operators of this registration that it will take 1 hour to receive the results Sensei" He said as we talked for a bit to by some time, Oh yeah, After this Genos and I would have our "Spar", I can't wait to for that, Though i already know the results, I'm gonna give Genos a glimpse of my powers, Hehe, And i didn't forget about my reward from yesterday's mission, I already see some of you saying "hEy! yOu FoRgOt tO ReCeIvE tHe ReWaRd", I didn't forget it okay?! Put that frowny face away from me

"Here are your resul-Oh..." Said a woman who was one in many who was in charge of examining the candidate's scores as she had a huge blush on her face when he saw me

Camden: "Oh, Our results are done?" I asked her as i made my way in front of her, Making the woman blush more as her legs were starting to shake

"Y-yes, H-here's both o-of your results" She stuttered out to me and handed me two brown folder's, I can't wait to see what my rank is now

Camden: "Thank you so much" I said as i brought my hand up to grab the two folders, But accidentally, I touched her wrist, Making her squirm

"Eep!" She squealed out, Reacting very shy to me wrapping my hands around her wrist

Camden: "Oh um, Sorry!" I pulled my arm back from that accidental move as i tiny taint of blush appeared on my cheeks, I looked at her blushing face as she twirled her fingers together, I hope that's the right kind of word to describe what she was doing

"I-it's okay, I-i don't mind" She shyly said as she offered the folders again, I grabbed the two brown folders without creating another scene as she left hurriedly with her creamy white hands covering her blushing face, And i just realized i was still wearing my undėrwėȧr, Which made me blush even more

Camden: "...That was my first time even making close contact with a girl, Even before i died i have no girlfriend" I muttered as i went to go back to Genos, I hope he didn't saw that embarrassing moment of me not doing good with the ladies

Genos: "Sensei! Are those the results?" Genos excitedly got up from where he was sitting as i walked next to him

Camden: "Yes it is, Now let's see where we are in the class" I said as i gave the other folder to Genos who had his name written on it, I was about to say to Genos to open it together but i was to late as he immediately opened the folder

Genos: "I'm an S-class hero" He said as it showed that he got perfect scores on both of the exams, And in the middle is a big letter S, Signifying he is a new S-class hero

Camden: "As expected of my Disciple" I said as Genos immediately turned around to face me, And bowed

Genos: "Thank you for your congratulations Sensei!" He said as i sweatdropped

Camden: "Well, Now it's my turn" I said as i opened the folder up as Genos watched me, I pulled the paper containing my results as it showed that i am now a...B-class hero!

Cue audible gasp if you can, Lol

Genos: "B-class?!" He said in surprise as he observed the paper in my hands with his cyborg's eye of coolness

Camden: "Oh..." I just said 'So i think i have an idea on how the system works, Anyone who was really insane powers, Are the ones who have the higher chance of getting promoted higher than say someone like me, But i have powers, I just didn't bother to show them, Or maybe you did something very serious that even the Hero Association wonders who did it, Like Genos, Who destroyed the House of Evolution and that led the Hero Association to interview him if he is the one who really destroyed it, Even though i did most of the work, But i'm not gonna do ma boy Genos like that, At least that's my thought process of it all, Bare with me okay? I'm trying my best to be smart like you'

Camden: "I guess im a B-class hero now, Though why no rank?"

Genos: "I'm guessing they haven't thought of what ranked should we be yet Sensei" He said as i nodded, Sometimes having a Genos in your life is pretty fun

"Saitama-san, Genos-san, Please come to the Lecture Hall #3 where all successful candidates come for a quick seminar" The speaker in the locker room echoed around the place

Camden: "Come on Genos, Let's finish this" I said as we got up and went to where we are going to have some life lessons from sneck i think was his name, Weird name to be honest but i'm not gonna protest.


Eyelashes: "Fubuki-sama!" He shouted as he made his way towards Fubuki, Their Leader, As he was making his way up to her room

*Knock* *Knock*

Fubuki: "Who is it?"

Eyelashes: "It's me Fubuki-sama!" He shouted through her door 'Geez, What is he shouting for?' She thought as she has never seen him talking so loudly

Fubuki: "What is it?"

Eyelashes: "Someone has been promoted to B-class!" He said, Making Fubuki surprised

Fubuki: "Do you know who the person is?"

Eyelashes: "I think his name was Saitama" When she heard that name, She immediately widened her eye's

Fubuki: "Are you sure that's his name?" She asked him again, Thinking that he might have messed up the names

Eyelashes: "No Fubuki-sama, The records in here say's Saitama" He said as she didn't believe it as Fubuki immediately stood up and opened the door to her room, Making Eyelashes surprised by the sudden action of her leader

Fubuki: "Give me that" She said seriously as he gave it to her and closed the door, Leaving Eyelashes to leave and let Fubuki examine the records he had gotten from the Hero Association after they have finished with the Hero Registration

Fubuki: "What?" She said in shock as she looked at the picture of the man in front of her, Making her blush a little, But this is not time for some dilly-dallying, She cannot believe it, This wasn't supposed to happen, Not in a million years did she thought that this would have happened, She can't think of anything that makes sense for this event to happen, Unless...

"How? There's no other explanation except that i'm...In a different universe".

[I hope this is a good chapter.]

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