Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 14 - Getting Myself A New Sword

After some time, We arrived at the Lecture Hall for our quick seminar, As expected, Sneck was there in front of the room, Since me and Genos we're the only successful ones to be able to get promoted, There were no people in the room whatsoever, Except for us three, Sneck started to talk but i mostly ignored him or didn't listen at all, I think that's the same meaning but whatever, And after about a long time, Almost an hour actually, I thought it was a short seminar, Lying bastards, After the seminar was finally finished, We headed outside since we are now free to go home, But now we're going home as a certified hero

Genos: "Sensei"

Camden: "Yah?"

Genos:: "Can i request a spar?" He said as i stopped walking and he did the same 'Straight to the point as always' i thought

Camden: "Sure, When?"

Genos: "Tomorrow Sensei"

Camden: "Where do we spar?"

Genos: "Hmm, I have a place in mind, I'll come pick you up tomorrow Sensei"

Camden: "Cool, Are your new parts finished?"

Genos: "Yes Sensei, Unfortunately, I have to go to Dr. Kuseno right now to start implementing it for tomorrow, Which means i cannot come with you tonight, Sorry Sensei"

Camden: "It's fine, I'll see you tomorrow then" I said as Genos bowed at me and started to make his way towards Dr. Kuseno, I don't know where that Doc lives, But i didn't press on to that matter as i started to walk to my apartment, And surprisingly, Sneck didn't arrive to teach me about crushing newbie heroes or something, Well good thing he didn't come, Otherwise, He's going to suffer what Sonic suffered

As i arrived at my apartment, I felt like a nice cold shower will be good, I smelled like sweat, Good thing it didn't get noticed as i took a long cold and nice shower, After i was done with my showering activities, I put on my pajamas and laid in my sleeping mattress

Camden: "Oh yeah! My reward" I just remembered that i have an unclaimed reward, See i told you i didn't forget about it

[Reward: Unbreakable Sword/ Mastered Swordsmanship.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

I read through the hologram that was in front of me, I mean I don't really need it, But a weapon is always a good thing, Especially when you get bored just by punching monsters with just a raise of a fist, A good contrast if i say so myself, Besides, It'll make me more badass than ever before, Even if you disagree or not, I won't care...Just kidding, I care for you, After about a long time of thinking to myself like a lonely person would do, I pressed accept as the hologram disappeared with a Ding!

After the holographic picture disappeared, I heard a thud right beside me, I turned my head towards that direction and saw what appears to be a Sword, Tch duh, But suddenly, I have a massive headache on my head, I forgot about the other reward, The Mastered Swordsmanship, I think that means how well you can swing and use a Sword, No style's, You just know how to swing the damn thing, After awhile my brain was bȧrėly able to comprehend all of the information i got from the system

Camden: "Hey system, Maybe you could've warned me about that, Okay?"

[Well you didn't ask about it, Hmph!]

The system said as i had a sweat mark appeared on my forehead 'He or probably she at this point, Is becoming a little more...I don't know what word to describe my systems behavior'

[You know i can read your mind right User?]

Camden: "Hey! Don't listen to it! That's privacy!"

[Well then stop being so mean!]

Camden: "I haven't been mean to you"

[You said the other day that i was playing and toying with you!]

Camden: "Well that was just an ȧssumption"

[Just don't be mean to me anymore, Okay?]

The system said softly, I was kinda weirded out by my systems attitude and behavior, Especially since this is my first time hearing my system talk with me about something else and not like a mission or something

Camden: "Okay okay, I'm not going to be mean to you anymore"

The system said, Making me sigh, Then i turned back my attention to the Sword that was laying right next to my sleeping mattress, The handle of the sword itself has black coloring all over with red dots in the front running straight into, Like a circular thing that seperates the handle from the blade, I don't know what this stuff is, I'm not a Sword expertise, Or a Demon Slayer fan to know this sort of stuff, For the record, I haven't watched Demon Slayer so i ȧssumed that the anime would explain what Swords are and what names of a specific part of the Sword is, I don't know, Let's just call it the base of the handle which was colored in gold, Yeah I'ma call it that, The blade itself has black material on the right side of the blade that stops in the middle, The other half has metal or silver kind of material running through it, Some red lines that were placed in the middle of the Sword that was shape like a DNA, We're you know it goes up and then slides, Yeah you get what i mean, And your wondering where the sharp side of the Sword is? I probably guessing you already know it but it is in the Metal or Silver, Maybe even Aluminum material if im seeing this correctly has the sharp edge on it

Camden: "I'll leave it here for now until me and Genos are finished with out Spar, Because i have reasons" I said as i picked up the beauty of a Sword, And suddenly, Something Just came through my mind just now

Camden: "Isn't there like supposed to be something that will cover the blade up?" I said as out of nowhere, A scabbard is i think the name of it, Appeared on my mattress

[I forgot to drop that, I'm sorry User.]

Camden: "It's fine" I said as i pick up the sheath for my sword, And boy those it look fire! Black and red flames could be seen as i put it on my Sword for hygiene purposes, I know that the Sword is unbreakable, Atleast that's what the system says, But i don't care that much as i placed it inside on my closet, Yes, Don't judge me, You'd do the same too if a random Sword appears in your house.


Eyelashes: "What is it Fubuki-sama?"

Fubuki: "I want you and Mountain Ape to spy on the new B-class hero tomorrow, Got it?" She said to Eyelashes

Eyelashes: "Just spy on him?"

Fubuki: "Follow him where ever he may go, When night comes, You come back here and report what he did all day, Are we clear?"

Eyelashes: "Hai Fubuki-sama!"

Fubuki: "Good, Tell Mountain Ape about this now, Or you might forget to tell him again" She said as Eyelashes went to look for Mountain Ape as Fubuki laid down on her Queen Size bed, Looking at the ceiling with her beautiful green and shiny eyes 'I never expected this, Him getting to B-class, There's something going on and i must find out, Though i haven't seen him yet, Only Genos so far, He somehow has hair, This is so confusing!' She thought, Being stressed about this for some time now after Eyelashes delivered the news to her as she grabbed the records of the new B-class hero again, Looking at the man with a blush on her face 'Not to mention his eyes, I've ever only seen them once before' she thought, Never seen something so mesmerizing in her life

Fubuki: "Argh! Now's not the time Fubuki" She said to herself, Putting away the picture, She couldn't help but think about meeting him soon, Of course she would have her chance since he is a B-class hero, Though she could care less about his rank 'Soon, We'll meet....Saitama'.

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