Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 35 - The End Of The Dominator Of The Universe


Boros threw a punch at me with lightning speed, I parried it away as he threw a kick toward's my side, Leaving me to block it with my forearms as i was sent back, Boros leaving me no time to recover immediately dashes towards me as he appeared behind and readied an uppercut, But as his attack got closer, It suddenly stop a few inches away from my head, Making Boros surprised

Boros: "Why can't i hit you?" He said as i smirked, I turned around and kicked Boros upwards


A huge shockwave was formed as Boros was sent flying high in the air as he landed on top of the ship, He dropped on the ground with his knees as blood trickled down his mouth, His stomach had a huge dent on it but it was immediately healed as i made it on top of the ship as well, Looking at the kneeling Boros in front of me

Boros: "I am impressed, But i still have some in me!" He said as he stood right backed up, His body released a huge blue aura as he had a grin on his face

Boros: "This attack can vaporized bones instantly, Let's see how you handle it" He said as his stomach eye or something, Released a blue blast towards me, Seeing this i raised my right arm up as i created a big blue ball that was the same size as Boros's blast

Camden: "Oh yeah? Same as my big blue ball here except it vaporizes anything, Literally" I said as i clashed my big blue ball into Boros's blast


A very loud sound was made when our attacks clashed as it formed your typical beam struggle, Though mine was slowly winning as Boros struggled to stand on his feet

Boros: "I will not let this be my end yet! HA!" He said as my big blue ball stopped in place, Making me surprised 'First Genos was able to stop this, And now Boros, Geez' i thought as-


A massive explosion was created as our two attacks exploded at the same time, Making Boros fly back as i was standing perfectly fine and unharmed 'I wonder if the others are hearing this because if not, Then they are deaf'.



Tatsumaki: "What the hell was that?!" She said, Surprised by the sudden explosion that she had heard coming from the ship, Though Fubuki didn't pay it no mind since she already knows what's happening there

"Yeah, That was quite loud alright" A voice said behind the sisters as they turned around to see Darkshine and Child Emperor

Child Emperor: "I wonder what's happening there"

Darkshine: "Same, But who's up their anyways?"

Tatsumaki: "That's what im thinking" All three of them talked as Fubuki continued to stare at the ship as she kept sensing something their that was way too familiar to her '...No, There's no way' she thought, Thinking that she was sensing Saitama, Though it's impossible since the only two Espers left we're her and Tatsumaki 'If he is indeed an Esper, Then that tells me something that their is more than him that meets the eye...'

Tatsumaki: "Hey Fubuki?" Tatsumaki said to her as Fubuki looked at her

Fubuki: "Yes nee-san?"

Tatsumaki: "What we're you looking at? You we're zoned out for awhile"

Fubuki: "I'm fine, Though we're are the other S-class heroes?" She said, Changing the subject though Tatsumaki was suspicious at the sudden change of topic but she went with it anyways

Child Emperor: "Watchdogman is i don't know where, Probably back at his territory, Zombieman said to me that he has to do something and he apologized that he cannot go with us, He hoped for us we can take down this threat, Flashly Flash is probably doing some Flashy stuff since he was gone without a word, Pig God is God knows where, Metal Knight is absent for reasons unknown to me, And Drive Knight hasn't arrived yet" He said as they nodded

Darkshine: "How about we should help the others their" He pointed towards the other S-class heroes that we're fighting Melzargard

Child Emperor: "I think they got this, Though it would be faster if you helped Darkshine"

Darkshine: "...On second thought, I'll stay here with you guys" He said as Child Emperor looked at him as Darkshine could only scratch his head in embarrassment.

Child Emperor: "Well then let's wait and see if anything happens, Though i'm worried that if this big ship falls, Then we're doomed"

Tatsumaki: "Then let's wait and see then, If it does fall then me and Fubuki can easily deal with it" She said as she crossed her arms together 'I don't think she can lift this, I can certainly but i won't expose my superior Psychic prowess yet' Fubuki thought.

Boros: "U-ugh..." Boros ġrȯȧnėd out as he stood up shakily, His body was filled with bruises and blood, Though they we're immediately healed back as i made it in front of him

Camden: "Is that all from the Dominator of the Universe?" I taunted him as he gritted his teeth hard as he dissapeared immediately and reappeared behind me

Boros: "Take this!" He said as he pulled his arm back and launched a punch towards my back, Intending to launch me high up in the air, Though suddenly his punch went through me as he fell on the ground

Boros: "What the?" He said in shock as he turned to look at me but was surprised to see my eyes turned black with 9 white glowing dots around it, Boros staired deep at my eyes, His body stayed in place, Not moving a muscle

Camden: "I think you would survive this, Amaterasu!" I said as black flames formed on his arm as he immediately screamed in pain, Boros instinctively cut off his arm as he regenerated a new one, He controlled his heavy breathing as i deactivated my eyes back into my normal brown eyes

Boros: "W-what was that?"

Camden: "That was my eyes, And these eyes know you've got something else up your sleeve, How about you reveal them now if you want to live" I said to him, Making Boros mad at what i had just said to him as a terrifying aura was present in Boros, Covering the area with his aura alone as his body changed again, His hair got longer as it turned into a bright white color, Same as his body, Atleast that's what i was seeing with my eyes

Boros: "Meteoric Burst!" He shouted out loud as he launched himself in front of me and landed a punch on my face


A destructive shockwave came out from Boros's punch alone, Decimating almost everything on the ship as i was sent back far

Boros: "Behind!" He said as he threw another punch, Though i released a shockwave right on time as Boros was launched back into a wall

Camden: "Heh, Making shockwaves with my mind is pretty op, Though i think i won't abuse it...yet" I said as Boros came out from the crater unharmed, Appearing behind me and grabbing my cape and throwing me high in the air

Boros: "Meteoric Burst!" He said as he launched himself towards me and readied his leg as he kicked me straight up high in the air, He landed back on the ship, His knees we're on the ground again as his breathing got heavy


I landed on something as i got up and saw a very black place, Though the one that really caught my attention was seeing the Earth! And if that's the case then-

Camden: "Boros launched me into the moon!...Wait how am i talking?"

[...Okay i may have something to do with that User.]

Camden: "Oh, What did you do Chiaki?"

[I added a secret ability when i gave you the power of an Esper.]

Camden: "And that secret ability is that i can talk and survive in the atmosphere of space and probably more without worrying about my lungs going nuts?"

A/N: Cut me some slack will ya... please?

[Yes User! How did you know?]

Camden: "It's because i know you too well, Chiaki"

[I'm a really that predictable User?]

Camden: "Yup...I think"

[Well you still have to go back and defeat Boros User, We could talk later.]

Camden: "Okay Chiaki" I said as i stood up from the hole that i was in when i landed as i had an excellent idea, I turned my head to the right as i saw a Meteor that was waiting to be used

Camden: "Jackpot!" I said as i used my Pyschic powers to bring the Meteor to me as i climbed on top of it

Camden: "Now this is what i call a Cannon Ball!" I said as the Meteor started to go towards the Earth 'I don't know if i'm going to land back at Boros's ship, Though i think i am, Why not surprised him a little?'.

Boros: "I'm almost out of time, This form will only last any moment no-"


A huge ȧss Meteor landed in front of Boros, Resulting to thhe ship getting tilted upwards a little bit as i revealed myself to him, Standing on top of the Meteor as Boros could only watch with his eyes, I mean sorry EYE wide open

Camden: "Good thing i made it back" I just said as Boros couldn't contain his anger anymore as he rushed at me in an attempt to finish me off, Though that resulted to him getting punched in the stomach as he spit out a huge amount of blood and was sent back, Though he managed to make himself stable by locking his feet on the ground as his mouth was filled with blood, Oozing out every time he opens his mouth

Boros: "Yes...Keep going, Fight me more!-"

*Slash* *Slash*

His body was immediately cut into thousands of pieces, Though he regenerated himself again as he was in the air, His energy inside of him was getting released, The area around us was starting to get destroyed by his unstable energy flowing around him

Boros: "I will defeat you with this attack! All of my energy will be released into one final blast that will blow you and this planet down!" He said as he brought his arms together as it was filled with his energy, Waiting to be released at any moment

Boros: "Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon!" He said, Releasing the planet killing blast towards me with no signs of stopping

Camden: "Well then, First time using this move, Killer Mover Serious Series: Serious Punch!"


My punch collided with the planet destroying blast, Resulting into a massive shockwave that reached throughout the Earth! Splitting the clouds in half and hitting Boros, Killing him in an instant

As the blast was nothing left to be seen, The corpse of the burnt body of Boros laid on the ground a few feet away from me

Camden: "Is he gonna say something?" I said as i made my way towards him

Camden: "That fight was kind of a joke to be honest, I guess i really am too strong for my own good" I said as i waited for Boros to say his final lines or something

Camden: "I guess he died instantly, Or I don't know" I said as suddenly, The ship starts to shake 'Yep, He died instantly' i thought as the ship was now starting to fall, Courtesy of the power sphere being destroyed, Though right before the ship was about to hit the ground, I heard a Ding! in my head.

[Hope the fight was good! I tried my best :D]

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