Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 36 - Me and Fubuki All Alone...

"The ship is falling!" One of the S-class heroes shouted outloud as it caught the attention of everybody around the area, Including the still alive Melzargard

Bang: "Let's get out of here!"

Metal Bat: "But what about him?"

Atomic: "Theirs no time! Let's get out of here before we get completely crushed!"

All of them nodded as they started to run away, Leaving an angry Melzargard behind

Melzargard: "Damn you all!" He shouted 'Who killed Lord Boros?! Is it the intruder!?' he thought, Thinking that no way Boros was defeated unless if the intruder was stronger than even him, And as he was thinking, He saw there was some people left not far from, Melzargard seeing them decided to knock one of them out since he has nothing to do anymore since his leader is now gone

Tatsumaki: "Lets get out of this dump first" She said as her petite body glowed a green aura as she started to fly away to where it is safe to stay as Child Emperor and Darkshine followed behind, Though Fubuki was still their looking at the falling ship

Fubuki: "I probably should go now, he can handle himself after all" She said as her perfect frame became enveloped with a bright green aura as she started to fly away, But suddenly she saw a huge rock above her head as she stopped in her tracks and looked back to see Melzargard holding multiple huge rocks in each of his hand

Melzargard: "You won't go away that easily, You inferior creature!-


His body was squished into a tiny ball as Fubuki brought her hands back 'Now that's finished' she immediately started flying away from this area, Hoping to not get caught by the ship and getting completely crushed into pieces

Tatsumaki: "What we're you doing inside their Fubuki?"

Fubuki: "I just finished the rest of the job that's all" She said, Making Tatsumaki think for awhile until she understood what Fubuki meant


The huge ship crashed as, Making the heroes look away at the sudden shockwave that came from it

Tatsumaki: "Imouto, I'm just going to the ship to see something"

Fubuki: "Sure, I'll just be here" She said as Tatsumaki nodded and she floated away towards the ship 'I hope she doesn't find out that Saitama is an Esper, Otherwise things will get very complicated...I think, Well if he is one anyways'

Metal Bat: "Damn!" He said outloud as the shockwave subdued

Puri-Puri: "That was quite the powerful shockwave"

TTM: "So what do we do now?"

Bang: "Someone should send a word to the Hero Association that we managed to deal with the ship...Well with some suffering consequences"

"Suffering is indeed the right word to express this kind of destruction" A random voice joined in as the heroes turned around to see Amai Mask on top of a pillar of rocks

Amai Mask: "Care to explain this Metal Bat?"

Metal Bat: "What? Isn't it obvious already?! Use your eyes and take a look at yourself, You blind or something?"

Amai Mask: "Explain everything to me, What really happened that caused this? Good thing i was in the next town filming a TV Drama, If not then i wouldn't have gotten here quickly"

Metal Bat: "Monsters we're on that huge ship and attacked us and destroyed City A, What's left of it that is, Though we were able to care of it, And that's about us thorough as you can get, Is that enough?"

Amai Mask: "Bullshit, You took "Care" of the situation, And yet looked what happened, Wow! That's one way of seeing things!"

Metal Bat: "You didn't even helped, You we're filming your "TV Drama" while all of this shit happened"

Amai Mask: "And yet looked what still happened? You didn't even save a single life"

Atomic: "We we're at a meeting at the Headquarters, We arrived here as soon as the enemies attacked, City A was already wiped out when we got here"

Amai Mask: "So? You'll think the Media would let you get away by saying that?"

Puri-Puri: "Oy, Who do you think you're siding on? We did our best"

Amai Mask: "Justice, Of course, Having S-class like this is embarrassing" Amai Mask said as he slid down from the stone pillar that he was just standing on, Landing in front of the heroes

Amai Mask: "All of you should retire in disgrace"

Metal Bat: "You think you could talk crap about us?" Metal Bat said as he stood in front of Amai Mask

Metal Bat: "You think somebody would care about a person who looks like someone from a nasty yaoi manga?" He said to him, The other S-class heroes heard Metal Bat's remark as some of them held their laughter together

Amai Mask: "Do you know why i don't move up to S-class? I remain in Class A so that i can prevent a sack of shit and good for nothing weaklings like you from moving up-


A random cylinder metal looking thing landed not very far from the heroes as all of them had their eyes on the thing, Seconds later it opened as it revealed Metal Knight, He stepped out from his Space pod as he took a few steps and stopped to look at the massive ship in front of him

Metal Knight: "... Magnificent" Was the only word that came out of him, Genos though was a bit skeptical at his sudden appearance 'He appears whenever he wants to, Just like when he arrived when the Meteorite event occured, But when he was the one getting called to the meeting, He didn't bother to show himself, But suddenly he appears after the meeting is over, I have to keep him on my naughty list when i get back home with Sensei, He might be a great threat, Though just for safety purposes, He's in my naughty list'

Metal Knight: "This will be perfect for making powerful weapons for the sake of peace" He mumbled outloud, Enough that the heroes heard it as he continued his way towards the ship

Amai Mask: "Even with the help of powerful weapons, In the hands of these heroes? They'd be wasting your hardwork"

MetaL Bat: "You're mine later pretty boy" He gritted his teeth at Amai Mask's statement

"I found some monster survivors!" Darkshine shared to all of them as suddenly, Amai Mask's appeared in front of the tied up monsters as they we're immediately killed by him, The monster's blood and guts covered the around the area of Amai and Darkshine, The other heroes just watched the scene happened

Darkshine: "What was that for?"

Amai Mask: "They we're evil, And they don't deserve to live, That was Justice in action, Right Genos..." He said as he turned around to face the Demon Cyborg

Amai Mask: "You have been busy since the exams, But from what i can see with the Deep Sea King incident, And today, You have been merely a dissapointment" He said to him as he walked past him, Genos looked back at the leaving Amai Mask, Though not before he stopped again and looked towards Fubuki

Amai Mask: "And why is their a B-class here with you?" He suddenly said, Making all of them looked at Fubuki who was on the side

Child Emperor: "Don't bring her up, She helped us in stopping the ship from possible causing even more damage" He said to Amai Mask

Amai Mask: "Oh really? I doubt it that she took down that ship, Right?"

Fubuki: "Just get out of here already" Fubuki suddenly said to him as Amai Mask turned to look at her

Amai Mask: "Pardon me?"

Fubuki: "Leave" She said as Amai Mask made his way infront of her

Amai Mask: "I'm sorry but did i make you mad miss Fubuki?"

Fubuki: "No, Get out of my face and leave" She said with a little tint of anger on her voice as everyone could only watch the two



I punched another wall as finally! I saw light

Camden: "Finally" I said as i was now on the outside of the ship, Though the first thing i saw was a girl with green hair 'Great'

Tatsumaki: "Oy! You!" She said rather angrily as she floated in front of me

Tatsumaki: "You think you could get away on what you said to me earlier?!"

Camden: "No, i think i couldn't get away on what i said to you"

Tatsumaki: "W-what?..."

Camden: "Look, I'm sorry if i may have made you angry and offended on what i have said to you earlier" I said to her she stood their very still, Thinking about my unexpected apology towards her

Tatsumaki: "Hmph! I won't forgive you!...Yet, But how did YOU! managed to get into the shop HUH?! Explain!"

Camden: "Well i climbed my way up here"

Tatsumaki: "You're kidding right? The ship was flying in the air! What we're you climbing on? Air?!"

Camden: "Nope, I used a rope"

Tatsumaki: "You used a what now?"

Camden: "A condo- I mean a rope sorry"

Tatsumaki: "What the hell kind of rope did you use that was able to reach here?!"

Camden: "A very, VERY long rope, Not just any rope, But a VERY long rope"

Tatsumaki: "UGH! I'm going back home, I can't take this right now, And theirs nothing to do anyways, Tell Fubuki i left"

Camden: "Who?"

Tatsumaki: "My sister, Fubuki, Rank 1 B-class hero, You'll find her with the other heroes at the bottom of the ship" She said as she left, Her body trailed a green line

Camden: "...You know what, That was better than i could've Imagined, It could've gotten worse if i was bald"

[User! I would like to notify you that you can now collect your reward for completing the recent mission!]

Camden: "Thanks for the reminder, Chiaki, But i'll collect it when im back at my apartment" I said as i made my way towards the edge of the ship as i saw the heroes at the bottom, Though for some odd reason, I saw Amai Mask standing in front of an angry Fubuki as far as i can tell from her facial expressions 'What the hell happened?' i thought as i made my way towards them


After awhile, I made it to where the others we're staying

Camden: "Yo" I interrupted the hot headed fight between Amai Mask and Fubuki as all of them looked at me

Genos: "Sensei!" Genos exclaimed as he ran towards me

Camden: "Oh Genos! Is that you?"

Genos: "Hai! It's good that your alright Sensei"

Camden: "Thanks, Same to you" I said as Amai Mask had his eyebrow raised when he saw me arrived

Amai Mask: "You? What are you doing here?" He said as i looked at him

Camden: "I just came here after i escaped the crashing ship, And i presume you we're busy filming your lateat TV Drama right?"

Amai Mask: "How did you know that?"

Camden: "Why is it surprising to you? You are popular right?"

Amai Mask: "Yes i am, Though i didn't expect other heroes to know my personal schedule"

Camden: "Probably because no hero would have the time to learn about your new TV Drama" I said, Making him look straight into my eyes as veins started to appear in his forehead

Amai Mask: "You've just insulted me" He said as he walked in front of me with his face right up on me

Genos: "Sensei!-" I brought my hands infront of Genos to stop him as he gritted his teeth

Camden: "You can't take an insult?"

Amai Mask: "Probably because your nothing but a weak B-class hero, And you dare insult me?"

Camden: "And i'll do it again for fun"

Amai Mask: "Why you!" He said as he brought his hands up to launch an attack, But before the heroes tried to stop him, Amai Mask stopped mid way through his attack, His knees landed on the ground as he looked at me with sweat covering his face, The heroes except Fubuki notices it as they stopped to look at the kneeling Amai Mask

Camden: "Leave, Before i have to go any further than i already have" I whispered so that he's the only one who can hear it as i disabled my menacing aura, Once it was gone, Amai Mask left, But not before threatening me with his thumb crossing it with his neck

Genos: "What did you do to him Sensei?"

Camden: "I don't know, He just suddenly kneeled in front of me" I said as he nodded 'Good thing i managed to control my aura very well, Otherwise everyone would've felt the pressure'

Camden: "You should go first Genos, I have something to do first"

Genos: "But Sensei-

Camden: "No buŧŧs, Just booba!"

Genos: "...I don't get the word 'Booba' that your saying Sensei"

Camden: "Forget it, Just go already!"

Genos: "Hai! I'll be waiting for you back home Sensei" He said as i waved at him goodbye

Metal Bat: "I think i should leave too, Zenko's probably waiting for me now" Metal Bat also left not long after Genos did. Puri-Puri, Tank-top Master, Darkshine, Atomic Samurai and Iaian went their seperate ways also, But not before saying goodbye to everybody as Child Emperor and Bang we're left, Also Fubuki

Child Emperor: "I'm going to inform the Hero Association about what happened, Anyone want to come?"

Bang: "I'll go with you Child Emperor, See you both around" Both wave their hands at us as we returned the favor aswell, And moments later, They we're both out of sight as i looked at Fubuki

Camden: "Your Fubuki-san right?" I said to her as she nodded her head

Fubuki: "Yes, And i presume yours is Saitama correct?" She said as i nodded 'This is weird, She's not like this in the show, She would've offered me a chance to her group by now, But no?'

Camden: "I guess you know your class to well Fubuki-san"

Fubuki: "Please, no need to be formal, Just call me Fubuki, After all, We are in the same class"

Camden: "Alright then Fubuki, Though i have something to say to you?"

Fubuki: "Oh? Tell me"

Camden: "The S-class hero Tatsumaki left already and i was told by her to tell you that she left" I said as she nodded

Fubuki: "Is that all?"

Camden: "...Yeah, That was pretty much it"

Fubuki: "Well in that case, Can i ask you a question?"

Camden: "...Sure...What is it?"

Fubuki: "Be straight with me, Are you an Esper?"

*Boom* *Boom*

A gunshot traveled through my brain as i held back a slight gasp 'Well, It was gonna happen eventually, I just don't know when, Well now i do'

Camden: "Why would you say that?"

Fubuki: "Oh don't play with me" She said as stepped closer to me

Fubuki: "I know when you're lying or not" She whispered as i was very uncomfortable when she unexpectedly came closer to me, She brought her head back as she awaited at my answer

Camden: "Alright alright, You caught me"

Fubuki: "See? Wasn't that so easy?"

Camden: "Are you gonna tell this to your sister?"

Fubuki: "Oh no, We'll keep this to ourselves until the time comes"

Camden: "And when is that?"

Fubuki: "Do you really want to know?"

Camden: "...Maybe...not"

Fubuki: "As expected, Do you wan't to come with me?"

Camden: "To where?"

Fubuki: "Where do you live?"

Camden: "In City Z at Ghost town"

Fubuki: "Perfect"

Camden: "Wait, You live in Ghost town?"

Fubuki: "No, Though i am very close to that area" She said as she grabbed and pulled my arm as i was forced to walk back to City Z with her by my side 'I didn't know she lived near us, Well considering she easily entered ghost town and arrived in front of my apartment in the show' i thought as me and Fubuki shared short questions while we we're walking side by side, Though Fubuki's question's caught my attention, Not the question's she was saying in particular, The way her tone felt like she was demanding an answer everytime she asked me something, Feels weird, Though let's leave it at that and get on with the other thing that happened, And i have no shame, My eyes we're constantly looking at Fubuki's brėȧst, I'm down bad i know, But i mean, Who wouldn't? 'Shit! Don't get hard not now damn it!' and the rest of the trip was me holding my urge, An urge that no man has to go through whatsoever.

[I think i might give myself some rest for the few days, Bye and hope you enjoy.]


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