Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 38 - Getting A Third Eye

[A Week Later.]

Genos: "Sensei, you are now ranked 2 in the B-class, behind just Fubuki" Genos said to me as I looked at him while eating some bananas, he left to go to the Hero Association earlier and I guess he saw some news about my ranking 'This is where Metal Knight should be rebuilding City A and making in into the new Headquarters location'

Camden: "Any other news?"

Genos: "Hai, the Hero Association also has plans with Metal Knight rebuilding City A to make a new place for the Headquarters" He said as I nodded 'What else should I do until we meet G4? I am staying here with nothing to do but play games, eat and sleep, and probably go out and kill some monsters'

[You're bored right User?]

Camden: "Yep, until the start of the events for Season 2 starts, I don't really know what to do"

[Well I could help you with that.]

Camden: "What do you mean?" I said as I suddenly heard a Ding! in my head

[Ding! New Mission Obtained!]

[Mission: Kill the monster Pluton.]

[Reward: Portal Creation/1,000$ in yen.]

The hologram appeared in front of me 'I forgot that big thing would attack, but atleast that's something to get mind occupied, though I wonder what's does this 'Portal Creation' ability do Chiaki?'

[I'll explain it to you when you complete the mission User!]

Genos: "Where are you going Sensei?"

Camden: "I'm just gonna kill some monsters, you?"

Genos: "I was about to go to Dr. Kuseno to think of my next upgrade, can you give me some of your ideas Sensei?"

Camden: "Well you can already pack a punch, how about focus on speed?"

Genos: "Thank you Sensei for the idea, I'll make sure to up my speed after me and Dr. Kuseno have finished the next parts" He said as I nodded and he left as I did the same

Genos: "Are you going to City Y Sensei?"

Camden: "Yes, I'll deal with the monster, you go to Dr. Kuseno and get started on the next upgrade for you" I said as he left with a bow, I closed the door to my apartment and walked out in the streets of City Z

Camden: "What's the thing doing right now?"

[He's currently at City Y and about to approach Z if you don't kill him User!]

She said as my body glowed a silver aura as i flew towards City Y 'Didn't know Chiaki could see whats happening around the City'

After sometime, I arrived and saw the big ȧss monster that was wrecking everything all over City Y 'I can't see that he has abilities, unfortunate, I thought i could steal some of it but oh well' I thought as I arrived in front of the monsters face, I pulled my katana out of my sheath and sliced off his head, I grabbed the falling head with my telekinesis as I slashed the remaining parts of his body, The remaining parts landed on a random street in City Y as i laid the head down on the ground

[Ding! Mission Completed!]

[Reward: Portal Creation/1,000$ in yen.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

The hologram again appeared in front of as it showed that i have finished my mission and I can now be able to collect my reward

Camden: "Hey Chiaki, can i get the Portal Creation ability first and get the money later, I don't want to go back and put my money away and then go back here"

[Of course User.]

She said as I pressed accept, though I didn't feel anything different

Camden: "What does this 'Portal Creation' ability do?"

She said as I was shocked, so does this mean I can go back to my world and meet up with my mom?

[Unfortunately, no User, you can't.]

Camden: "Why?"

[This ability can travel to different worlds and universes that you could think of sure, but returning to your world that you lived in previously will have some issues.]

Camden: "Like what?"

[Like messing up the timeline of the events and many more, though I know no more than that, the one that created me said that it would change how you're world looks because reasons unknown to me.]

Camden: "...*Sigh* Well shit, I think I should go home, I was planning on doing more but I think I have something better to work with, I hope atleast" I said as I teleported back inside my apartment, I collected the money as I put it away and discarded my hero suit and went and put on some normal clothes 'Come to think of it, if that's what you say, then that wouldn't make sense since I am here in a completely different world?'

[This is your first time here User is it not?]

She said as i just now understood of what she meant a moment ago 'So if you try to go back to the world that you already have been in, then it don't "Work" like that as Chiaki's creator says'

Camden: "Okay then, let's try this" I said as I activated my Rinnegan and thought of a portal appearing in front of me as a few seconds later, one big portal shaped liked a circle appeared as i took some steps backwards to see the whole thing with my eyes 'Good thing it doesn't suck everything that's in my apartment right now, otherwise we'll have some problems'

[The Naruto World?]

Camden: "Yep, I dont have much planned there but there are some powers that I would like to have, I don't know much Anime, but I do know atleast some...oh, and what will happen to this world when I enter into the Naruto world?"

[Nothing User, if you come back here it will be just as you left it before.]

Camden: "Thats a good thing to know...Wait, what timeline will i enter?"

[I don't know User, though take a look for yourself, you can go forward in the timeline if you want anyways.]

She said as I entered the portal as it shrunk down into nothing

[A Few Moments Later.]

I appeared in a middle of a crowded place, luckily I was in a village of some sort

Camden: "Im in a village but what village is this?" I said as i looked around the area around me, it was a very sunny day here, people walking around the area, shops we're opened, though once I looked up I immediately knew where I was

Camden: "5 heads?... Tsunade?" I said as i looked around the Konoha for a little bit, honestly, I don't know where to start, I think I need to go at the middle of the War Arc or something since that will be my best bet to get some powers

Camden: "I wonder where they are" I said as i activated my Rinnegan, and as expected, I saw everyone's chakra, though I saw a bunch of peoples chakra around to where the front gate of the village is located at 'So Jiraiya and Naruto are about to leave huh' I thought as I deactivated my eyes and I teleported on top of the gate as I saw the Konoha 12, Tsunade, Shizune with the pig which name that I forgot, Kakashi with his book, and Jiraiya and Naruto talking to one another, after awhile both Jiraiya and Naruto left as the others could only watch and wave their hands towards the two

Camden: "I don't why I lingered longer than I have too, but let's move on" I said as I activated my eyes and made a portal and went in

After awhile, I arrived at a rocky battlefield which laid a bunch of trees of some sort around the place, bandages hanging from the edge of trunks 'Infinite Tsukuyomi? Could i just rip out Madara's Rinnesharingan and put it on my forehead? Or you already have something in mind Chiaki?'

[Yes User, just remove the Rinnesharingan from Madara's forehead and I'll tell you the rest.]

She said as I looked up in the air and saw Juubidara as the Naruto fans would say, holding his staff in his right hand as truth seeking orbs we're on his back, the Infinite Tsukuyomi and the moon loomed over him. I also saw Sasuke's Susanoo with Six Paths Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi inside 'Im not affected by the Infinite Tsukuyomi, interesting'

Camden: "I'll end this quick, I don't want to deal with the four of them" I said as I arrived in front of Madara, kicking him straight down to the ground


A massive sound came from the impact of my kick to Madara to the ground as I landed in front of the crater that he was in right now, Madara ġrȯȧnėd as he tilted his head up to see me in front of him

Madara: "Who are you?!"

Camden: "Names Saitama, don't forget it" I appeared in front of him and brought my hands towards his Rinnesharingan, Madara seeing where my hand was going immediately widened his eyes, he grabbed his staff and tried to hit my arm back, though i held his arm containing the staff in place as i grabbed the Rinnesharingan and pulled it out from his forehead, Madara shouted when he felt the force of my pull, The hole in Madara's forehead that was once occupied by the Rinnesharingan was healed back to normal, I let go of his arm as i looked at the Rinnesharingan in my hand

Camden: "What do i do now Chiaki?"

[Eat it User.]

Camden: "Oh...well how about I should eat this back at my apartment"

[You sure you wan't to head home already? Maybe try and explore the different places in here, maybe even try to live some days in this world.]

Camden: "Nah, I am more comfortable back in the Onepunchman world, it feels home sweet home to me"

[Well if you say so User.]

She said as I pocketed the Rinnesharingan as I looked in front of me and saw Black Zetsu who was also looking at me

Zetsu: "..."

Camden: "I think Geryuganshoop wouldn't mind a snack, Kamui!" My eyes turned to a nine tomoe Black Rinnegan as Black Zetsu was sent to my Kamui Dimension we're i expect Geryuganshoop to be grateful that I have sent his dinner for the time being

Camden: "That should do i-"

"Oy!" I suddenly heard someone behind me, I turned around to see Sasuke's Susanoo greatly talling me over as the four of them alternating their eyes at me and Madara

Sasuke: "Who are you?" He said as he gripped his sword tightly, not letting his guard down at all as all of them did the same

Camden: "I'm Saitama"

Naruto: "How did you manage to attack Madara?"

Camden: "Look, I would like to answer your questions, but for now, I need to leave" I said as I flew high in the air with a silver aura enveloping my body, I was about to create a portal but not before Sasuke catched me with his Susanoo arm as he brought me in front of them

Sasuke: "Tell us how you are not affected by the Infinite Tsukuyomi before I'll kill you!"

Naruto: "Don't Sasuke, he just helped us and now you're gonna kill him?"

Camden: "Ugh fine, use your Rinnegan and combine it with some Nine tail's Chakra to end the Infinite Tsukuyomi" I said as broke out of Sasuke's Susanoo arm and created a portal back to the Onepunchman world

Naruto: "Wait! Don't go! What do you mean by tha!-"


The portal dissapeared as it cut off Naruto, I arrived back at my apartment as I grabbed the Rinnesharingan from my pocket, I looked at for a few seconds before eating it immediately, closing my eyes and suddenly, my forehead formed my very own Rinnesharingan, my eyes heaved right open as a very bright light came out, though it quickly subdued and it returned back to my Black Rinnegan

Camden: "...It taste like strawberry, besides the taste, I think I have some new abilities right?" I said as I deactivated my Rinnegan and Rinnesharingan, feeling that Genos would ask a million questions if he saw it, but I'll soon show it too him, just not now... actually, I think it's probably better to tell him now than later...nah

[Yes User.]

Camden: "Great! I would like you to tell me about it later, for now, I think I deserve some peace and game time" I said and I booted up my PlayCo as i grabbed my controller and laid sideways on my sleeping mattress

Camden: "Now this is what i thought my life would be, and i am not disappointed....yet".

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