Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 39 - Fubuki Is Back For More

The rest of day was just me playing games, no distractions, It was pretty lonely when Genos didn't come back, well I expected that since him and Dr. Kuseno have begun starting on creating some new upgrades for Genos, I cooked some instant ramen and ate it as my dinner for the night, I was gonna cook but I felt some noodles would be a change of pace from hotpots and steaks, I did my night requirements and went to sleep

[The Next Day.]

I woke up like any other day, I did my morning routines and wore a simple sleeveless shirt with a comfortable jogging pants as I laid on my sleeping mattress...and that's it 'Geez, I have to overcome this boredom!' I thought as I grabbed my naughty manga next to me and continued to the page where I last left on reading

*Knock* *Knock*

Camden: "Come in" I said as I heard the door open, and eventually it closed, I didn't bother to see who it was because I know who could possibly come here then Genos, or Bang but in this time? Probably not

"So? This is what type of manga you read huh" I heard someone say to me, but that wasn't Genos's voice, I immediately brought the manga that was covering my face down and saw Fubuki with a tint of red in her cheeks, I closed my hėntȧɨ manga and sat up, I put it away as I looked at her


Camden: "Sorry you have to see that"

Fubuki: "No, It's..what I have expected from you anyways" She said as she grabbed a seat and sat down crossed leg with her green robe covering her bottoms, though when she looked at me, she blushed again

Camden: "...Is there something wrong?"

Fubuki: "No no! Their is not!" She said as I nodded 'Why did he have to wear a sleeveless shirt'

Camden: "Well what brings you here all of a sudden?"

Fubuki: "I thought I'd visit you and continue our little conversation a few days ago"

Camden: "Your pretty interested in me"

Fubuki: "I am, because their is more to you than I know yes?"

Camden: "What do you want to know?"

Fubuki: "Well that's nice of you to cooperate, I thought I'd persuade you into telling me more about you but that seems unnecessary now"

Camden: "Geez, you think I was not gonna cooperate?"

Fubuki: "Well, people usually try not to answer a random strangers questions about your personal life"

Camden: "But like you said the other day, we know each other if that makes any sense"

Fubuki: "Oh it does"

Camden: "Like how? We we're sent here sure, but that's just about it"

Fubuki: "That's why I'm here to settle things clearly"

Camden: "Then let's get started" I said as she nodded

Fubuki: "Do you have any other powers or abilities that I may not know?" She asked as I lifted a finger and created a small Energy ball, Fubuki seeing this went closer to look at it

Fubuki: "What does it do?"

Camden: "Vaporizes anything" I said as I made the Energy ball disappear, she nodded and went back to her seat

Fubuki: "Anything else?" After she said that, I dissapeared and reappeared later at my sleeping mattress, Fubuki was surprised when she saw me missing and seconds later, was back to where I just was

Fubuki: "Invisibility?"

Camden: "Nope, Teleportation"

Fubuki: "Oh..Well that's quite unexpected, any more?" She said as I closed my eyes, my forehead revealed my Rinnesharingan as I opened my eyes to unravel my very own dual nine tomoe Black Rinnegan, and damn that sounds cool

Fubuki: "W-what?.." She said as she looked at my Rinnesharingan and examined it, Fubuki was shocked to see that I have this and again didn't expect it, and after awhile she looked at my Rinnegan...'Welp, she's been affected' I deactivated everything as Fubuki shaked her head

Fubuki: "Again, never thought that you would have that"

Camden: "Yup, same to be honest"

Fubuki: "So you have Esper powers, Blast's that could vaporized anything, Teleportation and the most powerful eyes from the Naruto world, oh and probably you have experienced with swords right?" She said as I nodded 'I'll hide my portal creations for now, she'll probably use me when I show-....fuck'

Fubuki: "So you have one more ability, Portal Creation"

Camden: "...Yes"

Fubuki: "What does it do?" She said as I kept quiet

Fubuki: "Hey, I'm not gonna use you if you're worried about that since why would I? I just want to know more about you that's all, besides, you could kill me in seconds anyway"

Camden: "You have a point, but fine I'll tell you, I can travel into different universe at anytime I want" I said as she AGAIN was in shock

Fubuki: "Quite a force to be reckon with eh?" She said as I nodded

Fubuki: "Oh this one's good, how did you get here?"

Camden: "I died from a truck, moments later I was Saitama 3 years before the events of the anime starts, you?"

Fubuki: "I died with my parents, then suddenly I was reborn as Fubuki"

Camden: "Well I guess you know the future events?"

Fubuki: "And you too as well"

Camden: "Probably, but I'm still way behind when it comes to the manga"

Fubuki: "Don't worry, good thing I had all the OnePunchMan volumes back when I was still alive"

Camden: "Otaku at it's finest I see"

Fubuki: "I'm flattered by your words, but I think I'm finished here, or do you want to talk more?"

Camden: "I feel like some company would help, I've getting bored each day"

Fubuki: "I guess the boredom never left you huh"

Camden: "Heh, pretty much, I thought buying games could help, Though it the beginning, I probably should play other games"

Fubuki: "Well I hope to see a gaming set-up soon"

Camden: "I don't know about that, though I'll think about it, and you? You've been here for 23 years, Seems you're quite happy"

Fubuki: "Yep, I trained for Esper powers to the brim and I am even more powerful than Tatsumaki"

Camden: "How's living with her anyways?"

Fubuki: "It was better than I imagined"

Camden: "Never thought she would be the caretaker type"

Fubuki: "Same here...and Saitama"

Camden: "Yah?"

Fubuki: "Can I take a look at the manga that you we're reading when I came?"

Camden: "Why? You read hėntȧɨ too!?"

Fubuki: "What? No, I just want to see the title"


Camden: "W-well maybe another time?"

Fubuki: "Come on, let me see" She sat up and started to walk toward's to where the manga was, I tried to grab it but Fubuki used her Psychic powers to hold my hand in place as she grabbed the manga with her free hand

Camden: "Is it really necessary that you have to read it?" I said as I saw her looking at the title while blushing

Fubuki: " 'How to make a women feel in heaven' " she read the title outloud as I sighed

Fubuki: "W-well, I now know where your perviness came from" she said as she put it back and went back to her seat with a blush still in her face, I rubbed my arm a little bit after she let go of my arm 'Pretty strong Psychic prowess not gonna lie'

Camden: "What do you think of me now?"

Fubuki: "I guess...the same even before I saw your manga"

Camden: "So your that type of girl huh"

Fubuki: "What do you mean 'what type of girl'? "

Camden: "Oh nothing, just teasing that's all"

*Knock* *Knock*

A knock came from my door

Genos: "Sensei! It's me!" Genos said as Fubuki looked at the door and then back to me

Fubuki: "Well then I think it's time for me to go" She said as she sat up and started to walk toward's the door

Fubuki: "Goodbye for now, Saitama" She said as I waved at her goodbye, she opened the door and was met with Genos

Genos: "Fubuki?"

Fubuki: "Take care of your Sensei, because I'm going to be next after you" She whispered to him as Fubuki exited my apartment and left, Genos went inside and saw me laying on my sleeping mattress

Genos: "Sensei, why was Fubuki here?"

Camden: "Oh nothing, she just wanted to talk" I said as he nodded

Genos: "I'm just going to grab something back at my room, sorry if I ended your conversation because of my sudden arrival"

Camden: "Eh it's nothing, she was about to leave anyways so it's no big deal" I said as he nodded and went inside his room and grabbed some materials for his upgrades, after he was finished grabbing what he needs, he left to go back to Dr. Kuseno

Camden: "I guess it's gaming time" I said as I turned on my PlayCo and started playing games

[A Few Hours Later.]

*Knock* *Knock*

Camden: "Come in" I said as the door opened and it revealed Genos, I stopped what I was doing and turned to look at him

Camden: "What's up?"

Genos: "Sensei, The Hero Association called the both of us"

Camden: "What do they want?"

Genos: "They said that you have unclaimed fanmail"

Camden: "Unclaimed what now?"

Genos: "Unclaimed fanmail"

Camden: "But why are you invited there?"

Genos: "I also have unclaimed fanmail"

Camden: "...*Sigh* Wait for me then" I said as I sat up and grabbed a white hoodie since I don't want to where a sleeveless shirt outside, unless you're that kind of person

Camden: "Let's go" I said as he nodded and we exited the apartment and made our way towards the Headquarters

Camden: "Are we going to the new Hero Association building or the one that we know of right now?"

Genos: "The second one that you said Sensei, The new one hasn't been finished yet, though it's almost finished, just not enough to start moving people in" He said as I nodded. We continued talking throughout our walk there

After awhile, we made it inside as we we're greeted by one of the Hero Association Staff members

"Ah, Their you two are, Your's is this way Demon Cyborg" He said as Genos nodded and went to collect his unclaimed fanmail 'Do they send their mail here? That's gotta be the only explanation for this'

"And Skywalker, surprisingly you are becoming popular amongst the top heroes in the popularity rank, though you still are far from the number 1 spot, you have been making fans in a really quick rate, this way is where your mail is at" He said as I nodded and went to collect mine

Camden: "Why me off all people? I mean, I know I was bound to get fans but this quick?" I said as I arrived at the location and saw what appears to be about a square sized box filled with fan mail

Camden: "...Well unlucky me" I lifted the whole thing with one arm as I went back to where the Staff that Genos and I met, Genos arrived shortly after I did as we left

While we we're halfway to my apartment, Genos went the other way to Dr. Kuseno but not before saying goodbye to me as I made it back to my apartment, I put the box full of fanmail inside to where my storage room was that Genos "Made", I also saw the other fanmail as well, I decided to put those on top of the fanmail that was stored in the box as I closed the door

Camden: "I think I'll watch a movie tonight, but what's a movie without food hehe" I cooked a whole lot that night and stayed up very late, I did my nighty nighty and went to sleep with happy dreams invading my mind.

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