Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 40 - Learning NOT "Stealing"

[A Few Days Later.]

It's been about a few days since Fubuki last came in my apartment...get you're mind out of the gutter, and in those days the new under construction Hero Association building was stable enough to let the Hero Association staff and workers to move everything from the old building to the new one, Genos was the one to notify me since I'm not keeping up with the latest news

*Ring* *Ring*

A sudden ring came from my door as I turned my attention towards it

Camden: "Wow, finally someone used my doorbell, but who could it be?" I stood up from my sleeping mattress and opened the door, to my slight surprised, Bang was the face I met

Bang: "How do you do today Saitama?"

Camden: "I'm doing fine, you?"

Bang: "Same as you, though I would like to invite you into my Dojo where you can have the opportunity to learn my Martial Arts, Fist of Flowing Water Crushed Rock" He demonstrated said Martial Art's to me for reference, but he knew that I knew about his Martial Art's before, but out of nowhere I heard a Ding! in my head

[Ding! Do you want to master Fist of Flowing Water Crushed Rock?]

[Yes] ? [No]

A hologram appeared in front of me as I had a smirk formed on my lips right now, I tapped 'Yes' as the holographic picture dissapeared. After a few seconds a flood of information was suddenly in my mind about Bang's Martial Arts, It took a couple of seconds to get everything that I need to know be in my head 'Hehehe, first technique learned with Power Mimicry'

Bang: "What do you say Saitama? Will you join me?" Bang said to me as I looked at him and gave a smile

Camden: "Sure, let's go then" I said as Bang happily smiled and nodded as we made our way towards his Dojo

After not long, we arrived at the place as we went inside and saw Charanko resting on the floor with his knees on the ground

Charanko: "Ah! You're back Bang-sensei" He said as he stood up

Bang: "Hai, this will the participant that will join us today, Charanko" He said as Charanko nodded

Camden: "Wait, what are we going to do?" I said to Bang as he looked at me

Bang: "You two will spar, I will be on the sides watching" He said, I went next to him and whispered

Camden: "You know that I'm-"

Bang: "I know, just don't use too much of your strength, besides, this will be beneficial to both of you" He said as I nodded and went back to where I just was

Bang: "Now Saitama, will you please go in front of my student, Charanko, No wasting time now boys" I did as he told as me and Charanko we're now facing each other, Bang backed up to the sides to give us some space

Bang: "Get your stances ready, If I say start, then the match begins" He said as Charanko took a stance, I decided to use the stance that I recently learned when I "Stole" and mastered Bang's Martial Arts just a few moments ago 'Quite a nice form, does he know Martial Arts?' Bang thought, but he will have to ask that another time since he has to start the match now seeing the two already has their stance equipped

Bang: "Start" He said calmly to both of us as Charanko charged at me first and threw a strike towards me, I deflected it back to him, his attack landed on his cheek as he got slapped by his own strike, he stumbled a few steps but regained it as he again rushed at me, he launched a kick toward's my side, right on time I grabbed his kick and decided to kick him back in the stomach, letting go of his leg as he fell down to the ground

Charanko: "*Cough* Q-quite the strength you've got" He said as he stood up with some struggle, Charanko immediately tried to tackle me to the ground, I saw it from a mile away as I sidestepped it and he fell down, before he could get up again, I pinned him down with my arms and legs, he was surprised to see me pin him, though he tried to wiggle out but he felt his body go numb after a few moments of me pinning him down to the ground

Bang: "Alright, that's enough" He said as I stood up, releasing him as he find himself struggling to stand up, Rubbing each part of his body that I pinned 'I haven't felt this before, even when Bang-sensei trained me, this is a completely new feeling' Charanko thought

Bang: "That was a quick fight"

Charanko: "Sorry to disappoint you Bang-sensei" He said with his eyes closed halfway, looking into the ground

Bang: "It's alright Charanko, Saitama here is a hero and has much more experience" He said as Charanko turned to look at me

Charanko: "Your a hero?" He asked as I nodded

Saitama: "Yup, names Saitama, don't forget it"

Charanko: "Charanko, I won't" I offered my hand as he accepted it, Bang seeing this had a grin on his face as me and Charanko broke our handshake and looked back at Bang

Bang: "Now as to why I made you boys have a match, I want to see how you fight, though unfortunately the match ended quickly, But do not worry as I had enough time to gauge both of your fighting styles, you two sit down" We did as we told and sat on the ground as Bang made it in front of us

Once he was there, he immediately readied his stance and unleashed a fury of blows, Charanko had stars in his eyes when he saw his Master demonstrating his Martial Arts Expertise while I was next to him having a moderate expression. After awhile Bang decided to stop showing his Martial Arts as he now focused on us

Bang: "Charanko, your fighting style is like any normal person would do in a fight, After this I'll teach you the basics and probably the advance ones if you managed to learn quick" He said as Charanko kept nodding his head everytime Bang said something about him

Bang: "As for Saitama, he was full on defense, which means he was holding back, he flawlessly countered you're every move Charanko, he knew exactly what he was doing" He said us Charanko looked at me with an 'o' expression on him, I waved it out, murmuring that it was nothing


The roof of the Dojo was destroyed, I immediately got up and backed up, Bang and Charanko also did the same as we all looked at the destroyed roof

Bang: "My roof!" He said outloud, shock filled his voice when the roof of his Dojo was suddenly destroyed, though we we're not alone, we looked in the middle of the room as we saw a huge grizzly bear with fangs hanging from his mouth

Charanko: "I'll deal with this one Sensei!" He readied himself and rushed towards the big thing, Bang seeing his student charging at the big bear without hesitation, could only sigh to himself

When Charanko was a few feet away from the fanged bear, he jumped and launched a punch towards it's face


But unfortunately, he was sent back by the bear with a raise of an arm, I caught him mid air and landed back to the ground, I let go of him as he held his face with line's of blood signifying to where the bear attacked him at

Camden: "You're a dumb dumb" I said to Charanko as I dissapeared and reappear behind the bear, I readied an attack towards his back as it hit


He was sent forward towards the wall, because of the size of the bear and the impact of my attack, the walls of Bang's Dojo was again destroyed as the bear was sent down the mountain, killing it instantly

Bang: "Thank you Saitama" He said as I nodded towards the old man

Bang: "Are you alright Charanko?"

Charanko: "I'm holding on, just a blood scratch on my face"

Bang: "Theirs some bandages in the back, patched those injuries up" He said to him as he nodded and went to the back of the Dojo

Bang: "*Sigh* My Dojo is damaged" He looked around the room filled with materials that we're used on the roof and the wall

Camden: "Don't worry, I'll help" Bang looked at me with a raised eyebrow as I raised my arm straight up, I opened my hand as it glowed a bright silver aura as the destroyed parts of the wall and roof we're all glowing the same color as my hand. Then suddenly everything floated to the air as they start to fix the broken roof and wall, a few moments later and it was good as new now. I brought my hand back down as I looked at the widened eye of Bang, his jaw dropped a little as he looked at me

Camden: "Another one of my abilities, If their is nothing more to do, then I'll take my leave now Bang"

Bang: "O-of course, thank you for this Saitama"

Camden: "No problem" I said as I left the Dojo and made my way back to my apartment, though not before encountering some monsters on the way. I made quick work of them as I continued on my way

It was a quiet walk for me, I was about half way back to my apartment when I caught ten shurikens with my one hand 'Sonic?' I thought as I tilted my head to dodge a kunai

Camden: "Sonic, what do you want?" I said but no answer, I looked around the area that I was in to find Sonic 'He'll show up soon' I thought as I decided to continue walking towards my apartment, Intending to make him come out

As minutes pass by, shurikens was suddenly launched towards my side as I caught all of it, though I saw that it was explosive shurikens, I immediately threw it towards the air as it exploded

Sonic: "Take this!" Sonic took the advantage and rushed at me from behind with his sword in hand, I heard Sonic's voice as I turned around to meet his blade right up in my eye, I caught it with my fingers as I broke it in half, Sonic expected it but was still surprised, he threw explosive shurikens to the ground as he backed up from the explosion 'I *Huff* got him' he thought as he looked at the explosion in front of him where I was caught in it, I smirked behind him as I watched him form a sadistic smile upon his pretty face

Sonic: "Haha...Hahaha...I got him!" He said with maniacal laugh, I leaned closer to his ear as I whispered

Camden: "...Are you sure about that?" Sonic, on instincts threw a kick at lighting speed! Though I grabbed his kick and pushed him down to the ground


Sonic: "Ah!" He shouted in pain when he fell on the ground in his back, but before he could get up, I pinned his arms and legs down as he struggled to move

Sonic: "I-I thought I got you!" He shouted right on my face, I leaned in closer to him as he was getting uncomfortable

Camden: "Why we're you attacking me?" I asked as he regained a psycho smile

Sonic: "Because I'm your rival!"

Camden: "Hmm..." I said as I examined him, or rather his face, not gonna lie, he was very pretty when looking at him in person, no homo

Sonic: "Let me go! Hey! Are you listening!?" He shouted at me as I made eye contact with him

Camden: "I'll let you go, just don't move"

Sonic: "Move me now!" He kept moving and moving to try and get out of my hold, but he quickly tired out as he breathe in and out, his tongue dangling out as sweat drops formed on his forehead all the way to the bottom of his face

Camden: "I told you not to move-"

Sonic: "Just . let . me . GO!" He shouted at me again

Camden: "Stay still or I'll knock you out!" I shouted back at him, Sonic was surprised to hear me shout back as he kept quiet

Camden: "Now listen here!" I leaned closer to him as our noses we're inches away from each other, Sonic seeing me lean closer to his face, blushed in embarrassment as he looked away from me

Camden: "Hey!" I grabbed his chin and pulled his face right back in front of me, Sonic yelped from the sudden action of mine, his blush still at full force

Camden: "This is the first time I've gotten irritated by you! And think of that as a reward, now get out of here! I'm done with you for the day!" I stood up and let Sonic free as he immediately dashes away.. My eyebrows we're twitching with irritation towards the ninja 'I wish I shouldn't have made him my rival' I thought as I continued to make my way home.

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