Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 44 - Fubuki vs Do-s, It Get's Heated

[The Next Day.]

It was now the next day, King hasn't arrived yet to get his wig, Genos is now back from whatever he was doing yesterday, and I have a Super Fight Tournament to attend to right now at City C, damn, that's another long walk from here

Camden: "Genos, I'll be going to City C and probably not come back for some time, if King arrives here then give him this wig" I pointed towards the kitchen counter as he nodded

I decided to change my drip into something more Martial Arts related. I now wore a tight long-sleeved black shirt with jogging pants, I have a great sense of style and you know it. Come to think of it, I look somewhat like Garou when I took a look at myself after I changed my clothing

Camden: "I'll be going now Genos"

Genos: "Hai" I exited my apartment and started to make my way towards City C's stadium

I probably should've flown my way here, the journey took like an hour of walking, though I'm still early before the tournament happens so I guess that's a plus. Once I arrived just outside of the stadium, it was crowded with a bunch of people '*Sigh* Let's get this over with then, I wonder if Genos could take on Gouketsu? Should I stay after I win the whole Tournament?' I wondered in my thoughts as I made my way to the registration area or something so that I could participate in the tournament, and of course, I bumped into some people on the way there, though it was mostly girls, which they didn't mind it... Yeah

After some struggles, I finally made it into the registration area place meeting thing right next to the entrance, the person that was there noticed me as I made my way to her, I sat down on the chair that was in front of her as we got down to business

"Hello there, are you planning on getting into the tournament?" She asked as I nodded, giving her the ticket to the tournament as she accepted it

"What name did you registered into?"

Camden: "It's Charanko" I said as she nodded, grabbing a paper out of nowhere and sliding it towards me

"All right, please kindly register your fighting style in here" She said as I grabbed the forum and was about to pull it closer to me to have a look at it, but then her hand suddenly appeared on top of mine that was holding the paper, she immediately got her hand away from mine

"Oh sorry! my bad!" She said with a blush, both of her hands behind her as she moved her shoulders back and forth, like something an Anime Waifu would do as she looked away from me 'Damn, this has happened many times now'

Camden: "It's fine" I said as she looked back at me, her blush still visible in her cheeks

"You don't mind it?"

Camden: "I mean, you accidentally caught my hand right?"

", yes" She said, her expression turned into a sort of slight sadness, I sighed

Camden: "If I may ask, what's your name?" I asked, her eyes widened when I asked what her name is, but she didn't mind it at all

"My name is Sakura" She said as I stared at her 'Well damn, never thought I'd hear that name again, no offense to Sakura Haruno fans! Don't attack me' I thought. Sakura blushed and looked away from me again, I sighed internally as I filled in the forum and gave it back to her, after that, she gave me the tournament brackets as I stood up and was about to enter the stadium, but Sakura had some words left to say to me

Sakura: "Good luck with the tournament Charanko, I... I hope you win" She said to me as I just said thanks and waved at her goodbye, she blushed and waved back to me as well 'I could've had a massive harem at this point if I decided to go for girls, but good thing I didn't'

After not long at all, I arrived at the waiting room where it was empty 'I just registered at the last second so I think it makes sense that no one is here' I sat down in front of the table that was in the room and started to read the brackets. It was just the same as in the anime

Camden: "But this time, I'm going to win, not Suiryu, and while I'm at it, I'll copy his Martial Arts too" I mumbled to myself

"Charanko" I thought I had some time for myself but Sourface decided to pop in the room, he sat down next to me and started to talk...A lot, but the first question he asked was

Sourface: "Did you change your hair or something?" He looked at my black fuzzy hair with squinted eyes

Camden: "Yeah, I decided to change it yesterday" I said, he looked at me with some doubt, though he decided to stick with it and continued to talk. He talked about the Tournament issue that involved Garou, also the events of him getting expelled, I listened to some of the things he was saying but I mostly just ignored his blabbering

Sourface: "I'll win this tournament and get my reputation back, and probably be Bang's student again and be the top disciple, and I can't forget about Garou! I'll show him when I win this tourney, I now can stand on my own ground against him!" He slammed his hand on the table after saying the last sentences of his rant

Sourface: "What do you have to say Charanko? Are you nervous still? Well I can't blame you" He stared at me, I think he's trying to get me into a nervous breakdown, if this was Sourface's intention, then Charanko would've fallen for it in no time, but this is me in his position

Camden: "I'm going to win this whole Tournament, whatever it takes, I will do it"

Sourface: "Oh? Being confident huh, hahaha, you'll be regretting you're confidence soon, It'll be your turning point against you" He stood up and went towards the door, he opened it and was about to leave, but he turned to face me again

Sourface: "If theirs a chance that we will meet in the ring, I'll teach you exactly that" He finally exited the room as I laid back on to the chair that I was sitting on, my hands supporting the back of my head 'I think I'll stay and help after this ends, some bird monsters will raid the stadium and make everyone who was watching flee away as the tournament participants will be the only ones left, though I wonder if Gouketsu will be coming...'.


With Fubuki

*Ring* *Ring*

My phone's ringtone sounded next to me in my bed, I grabbed it as I saw Tatsumaki calling me 'What does she want at this time?' I accepted her call, putting the phone next to my ear

Fubuki: "Yes Sister?"

Tatsumaki: "Fubuki, where are you?"

Fubuki: "I'm at my place in City Z, why?"

Tatsumaki: "The dumb people at the ȧssociation told me that I should call you to tell you about the monsters all over the City, they said you should take out some in City A, I'm on my way to defeat a monster right now so I don't have time to come with you at City A"

Fubuki: "Okay, we'll start moving now"

Tatsumaki: "Alright, be safe" She hanged up

the call as I got ready

I went outside of my room and started to walk toward's the members of my group in the living room, once I was seen by the others, they immediately stood up and came in front of me

Fubuki: "Come with me everyone, we have some monsters to deal" We all exited out into the streets of City Z and started to make our way to where the monsters are located at

After a while, we arrived at City A as we moved in deeper, and that's when we found our first one, this would be a good one

Fubuki: "You guys go ahead first, I'll be behind her" They all nodded as they all did what they told. I floated high in the air as I watched them saved a person from Do-s' slave persons

I landed behind her as I stopped her whip from getting close to the others, Do-s tilted her head around as I showed myself to her

Do-s: "Interesting" She looked at me as my body glowed a bright green aura all around

Fubuki: "I haven't fought in a long time so this should be a nice warm-up" I said, making her look at me with squinted eyes

Do-s: "I'm sorry but I wish you wouldn't disturbed my job, but I guess someone has to stop me right?" Suddenly, she swung her whip towards the blizzard group, hitting all of them except the person that they saved, he managed to run away on time 'What? I didn't expect that...Well I should have' I thought, It didn't affect me much, I was still standing as all of my group members had hearts in their eyes, Do-s turned around with his new enslaved pets behind her, her whip resting on her shoulders 'Let me save Lily at least' we're my last thoughts on this situation

Do-s: "Oh? Not panicking I see, or you didn't care about them? Don't worry, I'll take them with great care like a leader should do with her pets" She said as all of the ex blizzard group members started to run towards me with their hands forward, once they were close enough, they all jump at me at the same time

Fubuki: "Too easy" I brought my hands towards them as they all stopped in mid-air, I followed by immediately throwing them towards the side, except for Lily, I put her on the ground for now. But then Do-s suddenly was in front of me with her whip heading towards me

Do-s: "Unfortunate that my new slaves are yet to understand my ways, so instead I'll do it myself! You will be a nice bait for your sister" Her whip was about to hit me, but suddenly, the whip bounced off of me, like something of a forcefield surrounding around me as it resulted into Do-s getting herself whipped in the ċhėst area, kneeling to the ground with her hands aiding to where the whip landed at

Fubuki: "Not so tough now huh Monster Princess" I said to her as I started to walk toward's her

Do-s: "You bitch! That hurt!" She quickly try to deliver a whip attack from my sides, but then it stopped right before it did

Fubuki: "Who are you calling bitch?" I kicked her in the face, knocking her down to the ground as I grabbed her whip and torn it apart, throwing it away, I arrived in front of her as she tried to use her legs to trip me, unfortunately, that didn't work out as I again stopped it

Fubuki: "Who's your bitch?!" I grabbed her hair and held it in the air tightly, she screamed and grabbed my hand that was holding her hair

Do-s: "Fuck! You stupid bitch let me go!"

Fubuki: "You think you can just get away with this you sŀut?" I slapped her brėȧst hard as she screamed again, she tried to pull my arm away from her hair to be able to escape my grasp, but to no avail

Fubuki: "How'd you feel huh? What about this!" I pulled the thin line of clothing that was against her stomach hard, pulling it all the way and releasing it as it hit her stomach with a high pitched sound, she screamed again at the first hand torture she was experiencing, at least, that's what she was thinking

Do-s: "Y-you whore!"

Fubuki: "Say that again"

Do-s: "You're a bitch whore! No man would ever go with you with those sad brėȧsts of yours!" She shouted at me as I smirked

Fubuki: "Jokes on you, I already have someone for me, and for the record, my brėȧsts are larger than yours" I said to her. But then the enslaved members of my group finally regained themselves as they again rushed at me

Fubuki: "Here boys, take your sŀut back home!" I threw Do-s at her slaves as she got caught by them

Do-s: "Ugh, you'll pay for this bitch! Let's go you, hopeless slaves!" They followed her orders as they retreated back to the Monster Association

Fubuki: "That's should do it" I said, but not before dodging a strike at the still enslaved Lily

Fubuki: "I forgot about you" I made Lily stay in place as I brought my hand to her head, it glowed a bright green aura as I sent some of my Psychic energy to bring her back to normal, and it did in less than a few seconds later, I stepped back a little as Lily blink a few times until she regained everything

Lily: "Fubuki-sama! What happened?"

Fubuki: "I'll explain later when we get back" She nodded as we made our way back towards City Z.

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