Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 45 - The Start Of The Tournament

Sourface: "Oy Charanko, get your ȧss up, the tournament is about to start if you don't get out of there!" He said, knocking at the door very loudly more than I would like him to do

Saitama: "Alright, stop knocking so much will you?" I said back at him as I stood up and started to walk toward's the door, I opened it and Sourface was there with his arms crossed together with an impatient face 'He does care even though he thinks he doesn't when in fact he does. What a complicated thing to have'

Sourface: "Come on already!" He said as he left towards the right side of the hallways, and soon I followed behind him as well. While I was about to approach the other people that registered into this tournament, my senses suddenly tingled, my senses would only tingle if something or SOMEONE, in particular, is close by that I already know of 'Is Fubuki outside? I wonder what she's up to this time?' I could only think, but she can hold on her own so I wouldn't have to worry about her that much, but it still made me curious as to why she's at probably either City C or A right now, and soon I feel her slowly getting out of my sense range, and then seconds later, she was now gone 'Maybe theirs an event that I forgot about? It's been a while since I last watched the Anime! Give me a break will ya? And don't think I can sense everyone, I can't'

Once I arrived at the spot, I saw a bunch of people standing just a few feet away from the entrance towards the stadium to where we will fight, I heard the announcer just as I arrived as he introduced himself to everybody. Then he moved on into the contestants, calling them one by one. The first one they called was Lighting Max with his lightning karate or something, the second was Ring Ring with her Palm Bells Fist 'I know what other bells she can grab with her palm, hahaha...Sorry'

And the rest of them was nothing to get excited about, well, maybe Snek but really? There's also Bakuzan that I'm looking forward to beating into a pulp, but enough of that, It is now my turn to get called up towards the stage to where we participants shall fight up until there is one winner left remaining 'To be honest, I really didn't see anything reasonable for me to join this, but of course, Chiaki came in clutch like always'

"Now moving on to a man with the nicest handwriting I have ever seen, Charanko with his Fist Of Flowing Water Crushed Rock! Same style as Sourface! How would that work out? We will soon find out!" He announced to everyone as they all cheered happily. I made my way towards the fighting area with the other participants there standing on the side of the area 'Did they really have to include my handwriting on this?' I thought. I was an Asian in my past life, what do you expect? No offense to anyone who may have been triggered by my statement...Even blue people can write good, or a purple breed, see? I'm not that bad...

Snek: "Hey? Are you Skywalker?" Snek suddenly said next to me, I tilted my head towards him and whispered

Saitama: "Yeah, don't blow my cover, I'm doing this for a friend"

Snek: "What? But you're taking someone else's place?" He whispered back, his expression turning into a small frown at what I had just said to him

Saitama: "And I haven't gotten caught yet so don't spread anything"

Snek: "...Fine, it's not like you could win anyways" He said, leaving my side to go back to his previous spot with Lightning Max as the only thing that I could do now is to listen and wait for the announcer to finish introducing everyone so that we could start the freaking tournament already

And some seconds later, Bakuzan was the next person to be 'RE' introduced. He has some history in this tournament, a two-time champion I think was his achievement here? I can't remember anything else about him except when the monsters barged in the stadium and forced the other participants to eat a monster cell, but the most intriguing one that I have taken interest in is Bakuzan's part when he turns into a monster that puts the others into shame. The result of how he got such a monstrous transformation is by him eating multiple of the monster cells at the same time, you might already know that but you might not so I had to add it so that you could keep up on the latest information, okay? Good 'He looks like a douchebag, and as the saying goes "If you're a douchebag, you will die a douchebag", a quote by someone on the internet that I saw when I was still back in my world'

After Bakuzan had his moment, there was one more contestant that hasn't been introduced yet, Suiryu 'Hmm, should I use the Fist Of Flowing Water Crushed Rock on my first match? Nah, who cares, I'll fight how I want to fight, as long as it's badass then count me in' I thought. The crowd roared as Suiryu made his appearance again, though I could sense an aura that was directed towards him, I knew who is releasing that aura but I decided to just ignore it. The announcer finally finished introducing everyone as the tournament was now about to begin its first match of the day, I hope

We we're moved to I guess the place where we are going to be staying for now until we are next to be called up, my fight isn't happening first so I have to be stuck in this place with the others, though at the back I saw Sourface facing the wall with sweat covering his face, I decided to check him out since it's fun messing with people a little bit, but not always though

Saitama: "Hey, what are you doing all the way back here? You nervous?" I asked, Sourface turned around frantically, his sweat still there in his face

Sourface: "No I'm not! I'm just having a...A mind of my own that's all!" He said. He had a nervous expression on, his voice gave some cracks when he said that, and his body was twitching every now and then, probably from nervousness as well

Camden: "... You're nervous"

Sourface: "No I'm not!"


Sourface: "... Alright, just a little bit, but someone's got to get nervous at some point"

Camden: "Well I'm not"

Sourface: "when did you become so confident huh? Just you wait when it's your turn" He said as he walked towards the others, I followed him from behind as we were just in time to see Lightning Max easily win against Ring Ring

Saitama: "It seems his match was a little too easy, that's quite an unbalanced bracket if the first battle starts off with someone demolishing the other right off the bat. Now that I think about it, who would I fight if this is the case?"

Sourface: "It appears so, but you're at the low seed, one of the least people to be capable of winning the entire tournament, so you're chances at advancing into the next round is probably I'd say around fifty-fifty, If you do manage to make it past your first match, then it will get progressively harder"

"You're damn right it does" Someone jumped in our conversation, we looked to see who it was and surprise surprise, it was my first opponent of the tournament 'I thought he was Flashy Flash for a second there, but its just another person with long blonde hair'

Zakkos: "After I defeat you, I will go up against Bakuzan, one of the championship contenders, I will not lose"

Saitama: "Let's see then if you can back up your statement, but I know you're about to be eating crap" Zakkos looked at me with a weird and irritating smile. The announcer decided to end our little chat as they called us up to start our fight, Zakkos wasted no time and went towards the arena, same as me as we both arrived in front of each other, his face still the same as before

"Our second match of the tournament is about to commence! Charanko vs Zakkos!".


*Knock* *Knock*

King: "Saitama?" King shouted as he knocked at the door again, the door opened as Genos was the one to answer his call

King: "Oh Genos, is Saitama here?" He asked, the cyborg responded by moving his face from side to side

Genos: "No, Sensei is out doing his own things, though he told me to give this to you when you come here" Genos pulled out a wig from behind him, King analyzed the wig that Saitama had bought from the store that he recommended him 'Nice shape, perfect size of hair, nice reaction to the wind. It's basically all in one for a wig, though the color is not what I would pick, but it's okay, it doesn't look bad, it's just that I could have gotten more options, but Saitama knows how to look for high-quality stuff, and cheap prices somehow' King thought as he grabbed the wig. He gave the payment for the wig to Genos's open hand

King: "If he comes back, tell him thanks" Genos nodded as King left. Genos seeing that King finally collected his wig, decided to leave for now and come back later after he finishes what's on his mind 'Saitama-Sensei didn't say where he was going, it must be very important that even he couldn't tell me, his disciple and roommate. I wonder what he's doing' Genos thought right after leaving the apartment and surpassing the border of City Z

As he was moving from building to building, he suddenly sensed a huge reading about a City away from him, this causes Genos to stop as he analyzed his readings 'I haven't sensed this kind of monster in quite some time' he decided to go find this monster, hoping to eliminate it

On the other part of City Z

We made it back to my place with no trouble, Lily sat down on the couch with her hands on her thɨġhs 'I guess she still can't get over to what happened to them' Fubuki thought

Lily: "I'm sorry that happened Fubuki-sama" She said with her head down to the floor with saddened eyes

Fubuki: "It's fine, It was my fault after all" She ȧssured her, and it was true, she was the cause of all of it, literally

Lily: "Then what do we do if all of the members of the Blizzard Group are now gone?" She asked, Fubuki grinned at her question to which Lily had her eyebrows raised when she saw her leader grin

Fubuki: "I have some people that are on my mind"

Lily: "Who are they Fubuki-sama?" Lily said, striking up a thinking pose as to who may be the replacements to the old members of the Blizzard Group

Fubuki: "Hmm, let's just say that they are more powerful than the others"

Lilt: "Really?" Fubuki nodded

Fubuki: "Yes, I could recruit the first one right now, but unfortunately he's busy somewhere else but I'm sure he'll accept it, but if he somehow doesn't, then I have some 'Extra' precautions that will be used if necessary. Impossible if he refuses that" Fubuki specified the word 'Extra' as it made Lily think about two possibilities about her leaders statement

Fubuki: "I'll be doing something, for now, you should make yourself at home Lily, oh who am I kidding, this is your home, do whatever you want" Lily smiled at her as Fubuki smiled back

Lily: "Thank you, Fubuki-sama" She nodded and left towards her room as Lily basically had the whole entire place to herself.

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