Once I was back inside of my apartment, I saw Genos sitting on the floor in front of the table that we use for eating, I think I should stop specifying "That we use for eating" but who cares

Genos: "Sensei, you're back"

Saitama: "Ya, it didn't take us long, what's up?" I went over to the kitchen and tore off a single piece of banana and started to peel it. Got to have that potassium baby, if not, then I don't know what will happen, probably the world will end or something

Genos: "I'll be going to Dr. Kuseno to implement my newly developed upgrades for me. I might be gone for a while again, sorry If I keep leaving you, Sensei" He said to me, his tone was filled with guilt 'Really? Getting a little too dramatic if I say so myself, Oh Genos, If only you knew that I already know every action that you're about to do'

Saitama: "It's fine, don't feel bad about it, just be safe out there" Genos looked at me with a surprised expression, his mouth shaped like an o, here let me show you. 'o'

Genos: "Thank you, Sensei, I'll be sure to be careful" He stood up from the floor and started to walk toward's the door

Saitama: "Wait!" Genos stopped on his tracks and turned around to face me

Genos: "What is it Sensei?" He asked as I tear off a banana and gave it to him

Saitama: "I figured I'd give you a banana for your travels to Dr. Kuseno, here, take another one for him also" I gave him another one as he happily accepted my gift for the both of them

Genos: "Thank you Sensei, me and Dr. Kuseno will happily enjoy eating your big, delicious and juicy banana that you happily gave to us"

Saitama: "..." I looked at him with a blank face, Genos was confused about the look that I gave him, feeling that he might have done something that made an impact on my life

Genos: "Is there something wrong Sensei?" He said, tilting his head to the side

Saitama: "Look, just go" He nodded and left with my bananas. Not long after I finished eating the banana that I was happily munching on as I made my way towards my sleeping mattress, laying down with a thud, but not without grabbing a controller with my hands since I've got nothing to do today, or do I?

*Ring* *Ring*

My phone suddenly played my ringtone, I grabbed it from my pocket and saw that it was King who was calling me. I pressed accept and brought the phone next to my ear

Saitama: "King? What is it?" I asked him through the phone

Saitama: "I'm cool with it"

King: "Great, I'll bring the game, expect me there to arrive soon" He hung the call up as I put my phone back in my pocket 'I think this is the day I have to kill Elder Centipede, so that means my knowledge of the rest of the OnePunchMan world will end after this, good thing Fubuki is here since she said she read the rest of the manga after season 2, I hope she did since I'll probably get bored and play some games without knowing that an event is actually happening that could be trouble to the "Extinction of the Human race".' I thought, but good thing I agreed to play with King to get that topic off of my mind for now. I stood and sat on the floor just a few steps away from the flat-screen TV that I use for watching anime and playing some games that I enjoy

[A Few Minutes Later Inside You're Mom.]

*Knock* *Knock*

I heard a knock as I let King inside of my apartment, he greeted me and I did the same to him. He sat down next to me with the game in his hands

Saitama: "What's the game if I may ask?" I said, he turned around, holding the game in front of him for me to see for myself

Saitama: "Oh? an Rpg"

King: "Yup, MMORPG mind you. I just started so don't worry about me getting way ahead of you" I nodded as I gave King a controller, and then he started to boot the thing up, after a while, the game started as I saw four different classes to choose from. Assassin, Fighter, Mage, and Witch

Saitama: "I can pick a class?"

Saitama: "Then I'll pick Witch"

King: "Oh, interesting, I was also curious about the Witch Class since I haven't really seen or heard of it before, but I presume that you have experiences with this class before am I right Saitama?"

Saitama: "Yes, back in my worl- I mean, back when I was a sulky teenager, I found an Rpg that had an enormous amount of classes to pick, and one of them is the Witch class, If it's true, then I hope the Witch option in this game will be the same as the game that I played back in the day, but that's just me speculating and hoping for me to have an advantage over you" King listened to my story, well, half of it was true. All in all, he found it very interesting 'If you play an RPG game that has a"Witch" class in it, then you basically own the game at that point' I thought, though King had some different thoughts about it, he said in his mind that I might be just rambling some random stuff up...but he doubts it so we're all good

Saitama: "Wait, how are you going to play with me when there's only one screen for us to play on?" I looked at him, but I saw his expression was still the same

King: "Don't worry, leave that to me" I just went with it and decided to start the game. Not gonna lie but this game is very VERY complicated, there are so many things that I don't even know anymore, it's like that game Witcher 3 was it? And I can tell that the story is also in a weird place since the first cut scene literally showed a war between ogres, devils, reapers, angel's, and of course, the humans who somehow contains Assassin's and Mages from god knows where

King: "I thought you might be a little surprised, I myself was when I first saw the many options that the game happily provided, that's why I needed your help with this, I know that even without your help, I will somewhat discover the different options, but that will take a long time, but with the two of us, this will not take long"

Saitama: "Same here, now how about we start?"

King: "Took the words out of my mouth".


Dr. Kuseno: "Ah, Genos-Kun, your finally here" He said as Genos walked right next to him, both of them facing Genos's new parts that were just finished being built

Genos: "Is it ready to be used, Dr. Kuseno?" He asked, his eyes still looking at the new cyborg enhancement that he has been waiting for

Dr. Kuseno: "Yes, it is ready, go and lay down and I'll start having it fully equipped on to you" Genos nodded, but before he was about to go, Genos gave one banana to him, leaving a quite surprised Dr. Kuseno

Genos: "Sensei kindly provided two bananas for us to enjoy"

Dr. Kuseno: "Oh, well, that's nice of him, if you do get back with your Sensei, give him my thanks"

Genos: "Hai" Genos took off his clothes and laid them on the side, he walked in front of the operational place and laid down

Dr. Kuseno: "Let's get started then"

[About Sometime Later With Your Mum.]

Dr. Kuseno: "...And done!" He expressed with joy, though it ended with him breathing slightly, his head filled with sweat from the steam that escaped from the cyborg upgrade while it was just starting to get implemented onto Genos

Genos: "They feel more comfortable and powerful"

Dr. Kuseno: "That's good to hear then"

*Ring* *Ring*

Genos's phone suddenly started to vibrate, not like that. Genos picked up the phone up and saw that it was a call from the Hero Association, he answered the call and brought it up to his ear, or his cyborg ear

Genos: "What does the Hero Association want?"

"Demon Cyborg! We need back-up! The Hero Hunter manage to take down the top A-class heroes!" When he heard that, his expression turned more serious

Genos: "Okay, where's the Hero Hunters location at?"

"He's currently at City-S!"

Genos: "I'm on it" Genos ended the call, grabbing his clothes from the side as he was now back wearing them, he put his phone back on to his pocket that resides on his pants as he turned around towards the exit of Dr. Kuseno's place

Genos: "I'm doing it right now, Dr. Kuseno" His last words to the old mushroom head before blasting off towards S-City to finally confront the Hero Hunter, 1 on 1, like how Genos likes it, I think


Lily: "Can you tell me again why are we moving to City A Fubuki-sama?" She asked Fubuki, both of them sitting on the couch with a bunch of their stuff already packed and ready to be moved

Fubuki: "Let's just say something will happen very soon here in City Z that involves the Monster Association and the Hero Association"

Lily: "Can I hel-" Before she was about to say anything, Fubuki cut her off

Fubuki: "For the second time, Lily, no, I would gladly let you help me on different things, and one of them was cleaning up some monsters before the Blizzard Group members were taken away, but this one is different like what anything you and the other members have done, you're the only member left and I couldn't just leave you alone, you've been with me since the first debut of the Blizzard Group and I'm grateful for that" She said towards Lily who took the time to really considerate her leader's words to her

Lily: "Thank you, Fubuki-sama, I...I don't know what to say"

Fubuki: "Pay it no mind, you're one of the few people that I care about, now shall we go?" Lily nodded as both of them stood up and started to load the back of Fubuki's car with their packed belongings.


Garou: "That should do it" Said the exhausted Garou who was facing the badly beaten up A-class heroes after Tareo left, he held his shoulder to where the poisonous arrows hit him, feeling his body start to break from the poison

Garou: "*pant* I'm dehydrated, I need some water quick and also some rest before anyone finds out about this" He turned around towards the destroyed barn that he used for hiding and resting after he was beaten up badly by Watchdogman, and also from King who he tried to attack, though it resulted into him getting unconscious immediately, but little did he know that wasn't all entirely what it appears to be. He started to walk towards the barn, that is until he heard something from the back of his ear


A sudden explosive sound was formed behind him, Garou tilted his head to his back to see what it was, to his surprise, it was Genos who he saw when the dust around the cyborg hero faded away 'An S-class hero! How did he know I'm here?' Garou looked around until he saw the guy with glasses who was wearing a green tracksuit or something, had his phone on his hand 'Damn it, he called for back up while I was busy with the others, the Hero Association has gotten my tail' he thought, focusing back on to Genos

Genos: "So you're the Hero Hunter that the Hero Association said, I'll finish you off" Genos immediately brought his hand towards Garou and launched a quick blast towards him, Garou bȧrėly dodges it in time as it hit the rest of the barn, resulting into it getting blasted away. Genos launched himself forward while Garou did the same as both of them clashed blows all around the area until they were now in a different part of the forest. Genos started to release a bunch of blasts towards Garou, though he managed to avoid them with some difficulty, Genos launched himself up in the air and back down to deliver a dive kick to Garou, though he jumps back right on time


Genos's kick hit the ground, making a huge crater from the impact of his kick, though Genos immediately appeared in front of Garou and launched a few blows to him, Garou was surprised to see Genos right in front of him right after he just missed his kick, but he immediately blocked his attacks with his own as both of them were now fighting in close combat 'His brute strength is not what I was expecting of him, his strength rivals Tank-Top Master's, heck, maybe even surpasses him, even if I'm weakened, I know that that's the case here' he thought, feeling the strength of every single attack that Genos launched at him

Genos: "Machine Gun Blow" Out of nowhere, Genos's attack speed grew as his punches were now a blur, hitting Garou every second 'Fuck! I better do something quick!'

Garou: "Fist of Flowing Water Crushed Rock!" His hands formed a bright blue aura as once again, he made the tide of battle even again, or so he thought. When Garou tried to hit Genos on the head, he dodged it and took the opening that was in front of him, his fist blasted off and hit Garou right on the stomach

Garou: "Argh!" Shouted Garou as he was sent back, hitting the ground hard and spitting out some blood 'Damn it, I can't land a hit on him, unless...' Garou stood up from the ground, facing in the other direction away from Genos 'Has he given up?'

Genos: "Have you finally accepted your defeat?" He said to him, though he immediately bent down and started to run in all fours around the trees that we're in the area, Genos was taken by surprise when he saw that 'What is this?' he thought as suddenly, Garou appeared right next to him, getting a hold off of his cyborg arm

Garou: "Heh, shake!" He twisted and pulled Genos's arm out as he jumped away from him with his cyborg arm 'At least I'm an expert at cyborg's, well, when it comes to breaking them'

Genos: "Accelerate" He mumbled as he appeared next to Garou 'What the?' his only thoughts as he was kicked hard. He flew forward until he hit a tree, but before he was about to fall, Genos's hand that was in Garou's possession, trapped Garou by releasing some sort of web trap that tied him up on the tree

Garou: "Haha, Demon Cyborg, I must've been so popular that you of all people have to show up" He said, Genos looked at him with the same expression when he arrived, in other words, your mom

Genos: "There are other things that we have to worry about. We don't have time for such nuisance like you" Genos released a final blast to finish off Garou 'Shit!' thinking quickly, Garou's hands enveloped a blue aura as he chopped off the tree that he was in, dodging Genos's blast. Garou landed on the ground with the rest of the tree on his back, removing the arm that was around it and throwing it towards Genos, as well as the tree, but unfortunately for him, it was cut in half by Genos with his blade 'Fuck! I can't get away, he'll just chase me. I guess fighting him is the only choice I have, even if there's a chance I'm going lose' Garou thought, he didn't even notice that his white hair was completely covered in his own pool of blood

Genos: "Nice try, now die" But before Genos was about to rush at him, the ground behind him opened as a heap of monsters appeared, ganging up Genos from behind. God that sounds wrong

Garou: "What? Monsters?"

"Yes, the Monster Association at its finest. We're here to invite you with us back into the Monster Association, Garou, and from the looks of things you are in a tough spot, but we can help" Said the random monster that was behind Garou, Garou tilted his head to face the ugly ȧss being 'There's a chance that I will lose, and maybe potentially killed, but they're still a chance I could probably escape'

Garou: "I don't need your help, do me a favor and get the hell out of here"

"Nope, not this time, we were ordere-"


The monster that was talking to Garou, fell on the ground with half of his body left, Garou turned around and saw Genos unequipping his blade and bringing his hands towards him. Monsters we're still coming out of the ground to where Genos was, but it was unnoticed by the two

Genos: "Saitama-Sensei is expecting a lot from me, so just accept your fate and everything will go according to plan" His cyborg hand glowed brightly, readying a blast towards him in point-blank range 'Saitama? I feel like I've heard that name before...but enough of that, how will I escape this' he thought, though as Genos was about to blast Garou, Bang interfered, kicking Garou right on the cheek, knocking him back a few feet to the side

Genos: "Bang?" He said, quite surprised to see him here as he brought his hand back

Bang: "Let me handle the rest from here on out, Genos" He said, Genos nodded at his request, but then suddenly, all of the monsters that came to the surface, charged towards Bang, though they were quickly dealt with by Bomb, Bang's brother, but more monsters erupted from the ground

Bomb: "I'll handle these, you go with Garou"

Bang: "Thank you, brother" He walked forward a little bit as Garou struggled to stand back up

Bang: "Look at you, is this what you have become?" Said Bang to his former top pupil 'That voice, I never thought I'd hear his voice again' he tilted his head up to look at his former Sensei with an annoyed face

Garou: "The old shithead himself, are you here for me?" He said, spatting out every single word towards him

Bang: "What the hell have done with yourself? I shall teach you one final time, get up" Garou forced himself to stand up to confront Bang, readying his stance as Bang did the same 'First, the Demon Cyborg, and now this geezer, just my luck' he thought, and without wasting any time, he charged forward, hoping to get the first hit on his Sensei.


Saitama: "I think we've done quite enough"

King: "Are you sure?"

Saitama: "Yeah, we've been doing a lot of stuff, we're not even past the third main mission and we're already quite high in levels compared to the others"

King: "Fair, but what other game should we play then?"

Saitama: "You're choice" I said, King immediately stood up and grabbed a game that was next to my manga, yes, the naughty one if you're wondering

King: "This one" He showed the game to me as I smirk

Saitama: "So? Planning on winning this time?" I said, King went towards the console and booted the game up

King: "I'll get you this time" He said, sitting back next to me

Saitama: "Let's see if you can beat me, or continue your losing streak" I said as we started the game that King earned his first loss.

[Go to comments.]

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