Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 52 - Killing Elder Centipede

Bang: "Fist of Flowing Water Crushed Rock" Before Garou could launch an attack, he was bombarded with an uncanny amount of strikes from Bang, though Garou retaliates and launched some of his own combos, hoping to get at least a strike in, and his chances were risen once he saw a slight opening, Garou took the chance and delivered a fast strike towards the open area of Bang, but of course, Bang comes in with the uno reverse card as he hit Garou in the ċhėst, forcing him to slid back, but Garou managed to negate some of it by clenching his feet on the ground, only sliding back a couple of feet as he stared at Bang for a second before they clashed again, but this time, Bang got the upper hand. He was now starting to overwhelm Garou

Genos: "Both have the same style, but of course, Bang has full mastery of it, this fight is clearly in Bang's favor" Genos mumbled to himself as he watched the fight between Bang and Garou, having the urge to join in, but he kept himself composed since this is not really his fight to begin with. Poor Genos

Bang got a hit on Garou's face, making Garou slid way back, blood came out of his mouth from that one. Bang wasted no time and ran towards him, readying a strike towards him again, though Garou dodged it in time and launched a kick to Bang's side. Bang quickly brought his leg up to block Garou's kick, using his other free leg. He launched a kick of his own onto his chin, resulting in Garou getting knocked out of the ground and up in the air, Bang, who saw an opportunity to land another attack, kicked him a second time while he was in mid-air, making him flew back a few feet away and hitting the ground hard. Bang jumped forward and dived right into Garou, launching a punch at his stomach area


The ground around them shooked vigorously as Bang started to beat the living shit out of him like I did your mom last night 'Fuck, what the hell has gone through his old head of his? He usually isn't like this. Damn it, I won't last much longer if I don't do something' Garou thought while he was getting a beat down from his former Sensei. Bang stopped his relentless attacks for a second and launched a punch with a little more force than what he normally gives, though Garou had somehow had enough time to slip into all fours again, dodging Bang's punch that resulted in the ground getting shooked again, big cracks can be seen around Bang as Garou was running towards the knocked-out body of Death Gatling 'I'll use him as a hostage to try and getaway, it's my only hope right now' Garou thought while he was frantically running towards Death Gatling

Bang: "That's style, where did you get it?" Bang asked, looking directly at the running Garou who was in all fours 'He is almost like an animal, and it looks like he's making his way to the other heroes. I won't let him' Bang thought. He was about rush over to Garou, but Bomb made it towards him first, kicking him away from Death Gatling and the other knocked out heroes and launching him to the bloody remains of the monsters that Bomb defeated just recently

Bomb: "Good thing I defeated all of the monsters in time, and now all that's left is Garou" He said, facing the direction to where Garou was as Bang arrived next to him, both readied their stances. Garou on the other hand was covered in monster blood, though he managed to stand up, but not without feeling his body shake a little

Bang: "Let's finish this, Bomb!"

Bomb: "Hai" Both old ȧss men said as they rushed at Garou with speeds that weren't supposed to be what old men are capable of, appearing right in front of Garou. Garou didn't have the time to prepare as he was caught with another brutal beat down, but this time, it's double the brutality since, you know, Bomb joined Bang in the action, duh 'Damn that old sob, coming at me like this in the first place, and he also brought that other shithead, Bomb, with his Fist of Whirling Wind Smashing Steel. There's no other way of escaping these three except killing them, which there's a slim chance that would happen' he thought as Bang and Bomb delivered a nasty kick to his head, more blood came out of Garou. Bang and Bomb jumped back, thinking that their last attack was enough. Oh, and Garou had a flashback to where he was beaten up by being the monster when he was a kid at that moment, yeah

Bang: "You see how Charanko felt now Garou? Now this will end for you once and for all!" Both Bang and Bomb again rushed at Garou to deliver a final attack

Garou: "End? Nothing has ended you snobs!" Right when Bang and Bomb was about to hit Garou, he ducked under and slammed his fist into the ground


The ground around them cracked as both old ȧss brothers jumped back, surprised by the unexpected move from Garou. Genos also didn't anticipate that, but that didn't let him drop his guard in the slightest

Bang: "Garou" He mumbled, though they didn't notice a certain bird loomed above them. Genos was the one to notice such a creature

Genos: "Bang! Bomb! Above!" Genos was about to shoot a blast towards Phoenix Man, but he was too late as Phoenix Man fapped his wings, making a gust of powerful winds towards Bang, Bomb, and Genos, the three of them struggling to compose themselves. Garou meanwhile was sent into the air, but as he was about to fall, Phoenix Man came in clutch, grabbing Garou by the shoulders with his, um, bird legs or something. Flying away from the three 'I got him!' Thought Phoenix Man with utter joy, and while all of that happened, Bang, Bomb, and Genos were able to recover fast from Phoenix Man's attack, the three of them looked towards the sky, seeing the monster bird that just barged in and grabbed Garou like it was his business

Bang: "A monster?" He said in shock. Genos walked past the two old heads and readied a blast towards Phoenix Man and Garou

Bang: "Genos!"

Phoenix Man: "Centichoro!" As the blast was about to hit Phoenix Man and Garou, the ground underneath broke open as Elder Centipede managed to save Phoenix Man from Genos's blast by taking the blast head on


A huge shockwave was formed, the three of them heard a loud groan coming from Elder Centipede, though they immediately jumped away from where they were standing as the other parts of Elder Centipede came out of the ground

Bomb: "What is this?" He said, the three of them looked at the monster that appeared on the ground

Bang: "The others! Quick!" Both Genos and Bomb turned to look to where Bang was looking, they saw the ground crack to where the unconscious heroes reside, the three of them wasted no time and grabbed the heroes before the ground could kill them or something. Once they had everyone, they put them to the side, for now, focusing back their attention towards Elder Centipede

Bang: "It seems Genos-Kun's blast was able to hurt it, but look" All of them saw the huge dent on Elder Centipede's body, though it was quickly healed away like nothing ever happened. Elder Centipede wasted no time and immediately made his first move by rushing at the three

Bomb: "Here it comes"

Bang: "Genos"

Genos: "Hai" Genos brought his two hands together, aiming at the crawling Elder Centipede that was making its way towards them

"Whirling Wind Flowing Water Roaring Qi Rending Sky Fist!" They said out loud, bringing their intertwined arm forward as Elder Centipede was caught in it easily, a huge amount of dust was formed around them from the power Bang and Bomb's technique, and as a result, his shell was starting to form cracks all over his centipede body as he was knocked into the air, exposing the underside of his other centipede body. Bang and Bomb saw that and continued to launch their attack on Elder Centipedes underside, and it again resulted in more cracks being made, though Elder Centipede was able to retaliate. He composed himself and began to rush at the two old men to try and stop their relentless attacks on him, and that worked as they were forced to cancel their technique, jumping back away from Elder Centipede with Genos aiding their fall

Bomb: "We should've expected that"

Bang: "I know, but that was our only chance to get some decent hits, thanks for the help Genos-Kun" He said to him, Genos nodded in response. The three of them looked back towards a hurt Elder Centipede

Bang: "The attack we did was devastating. Now, this one hell of a monster could shatter into a million pieces. We should be done here"


Elder Centipede's body cracked, pieces of his skin flew out all over the forest, exposing a white, fleshy, body interior. But then suddenly, it was later replaced by a new set of skin, the little face that was on Elder Centipede's forehead grew another and smaller one. Bang, Bomb, and Genos could only watch in silence

Bang: "...Really, the thing just molted"

Bomb: "What are we going to do? The city is just over there and we can't lead it there" Said Bomb. Genos, who heard the words of Bomb, decided that it was time

Genos: "Bang" He called out for him

Genos: "I'll fight this monster. I'll hold it here for as long as I can so that the two of you could get away with the other heroes" He said to both of them. Bomb and Bang looked at him like he was on crack or something

Bang: "You know we can't let you do that Genos-Kun"

Bomb: "You must not rush there because you know you can't win. There still so much you could do" He said to the cyborg with problems, though I can't blame Genos. His family murdered by a cyborg when he was probably a kid or early teens or something, must've made an impact to him 'Saitama-sensei, Dr. Kuseno...Is this really the right move...' he thought, and in old typical Genos fashion, he ignored both old men's words to him

Genos: "I can't just accept that!"


Genos launched himself towards Elder Centipede. Bang and Bomb called out for him but it was too late. When Genos wants to fight, he gets it, well, I think that's how it works

Bang: "Damn it, I don't know how Genos-Kun will be able to do anything to that thing except for his blast that he did a few moments ago, but it was casually healed by the monster"

Bomb: "Let's just hope he doesn't get carried away".


I heard King's phone vibrating from his pocket, I paused the game as King grabbed his phone

Saitama: "Who is it?" I asked. King brought his phone in front of him and he saw that the Hero Association was calling him

King: "It's the Hero Association"

Saitama: "Huh, I wonder what they want" King accepted the call and brought the phone next to his ear. After a while, King ended the call, putting his phone back into his pocket

Saitama: "So...what did they tell you?" King looked at me and said

King: "They said that I should eliminate the threat in City S right now. Genos, Bang, and his brother are struggling to take the thing down, said the Hero Association"

Saitama: "Then let's go!" I laid the controller to the side and stood up from the floor and went towards my hero costume. King didn't expect that answer from me and said

King: "Are you sure?"

Saitama: "Yes, come on, it will be fun" I said as I finished putting my hero suit on, grabbing my sword that was in its scabbard and putting it next to my waist

Saitama: "I'm ready, now come on King, I've been waiting to fight some monsters" I said to him, making King stand up from the floor. Then suddenly, I heard a Ding! in my head

[Ding! New Mission Acquired!]

[Mission: Kill Elder Centipede.]

[Reward: Ice Manipulation - User can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state/1,000$ in yen.]

A holographic picture out of nowhere suddenly showed itself in front of me, it also showed my mission that I have to do, and the reward though. So, I have control over fire, electricity, and now ice if I manage to complete this mission. I think I know and you know where this is headed if you know what I mean. But in all seriousness, the reward is kinda...what should I say here, um, not quite up to standards than what I've been getting from pasts rewards, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, it's just that, this reward is lacking that oomph, you know why I'm saying right? Elder Centipede is around a Dragon Level Threat, and I was expecting atleast, a strong power, but instead I think I'm getting all the elemental powers

[Don't worry User, you will not be getting all elemental powers. And the real rewards will come in due time, hehe.]

I heard Chiaki say to me. I don't like that little chuckle at the end though, it freaks me out, especially when it's coming from Chiaki

King: "Oy Saitama? Are you there?" I was suddenly broken out of my own thoughts by King

Saitama: "Oh yeah, I just suddenly zoned out for some reason, anyway, let's go then" King nodded as we exited my apartment and made our way quickly towards City S before Elder Centipede could do something to Bang, Bomb, and Genos

After not that long, we made it into City S, and eventually we, or, I, found the forest where the others were. Technically, King also kinda knew where to go, since literally, we can see Elder Centipede from a mile away. We entered the caverns of the forest, hoping to make our to where the three are

Saitama: "King, I have a plan, you go try and lure the thing out and away from them" I said to him, making King even sweat more with a nervous expression on his face

King: "W-what? How am I going to lure it?"

Saitama: "Simple, you're going to be the one to talk to it"

King: "What?! What are you going to do?"

Saitama: "Alright so here's the game plan. Go somewhere that's close to it and lure it towards you by saying 'I've got Blast here, the one that you're trying to find' and then add some roast in there too for a guaranteed attention seeker. I'll be right with you in the trees, and once it rushes at you, that's when I appear on time to defeat it, okay?" I said. I looked at King who was now on the verge of crapping himself about my crazy plan

King:"What does Blast have to do with this?"

Saitama: "Those two had beef before"

King: "How do you know?"

Saitama: "Um, I just know okay. Are you in?"

King: "...Fine, but how am I going to get the things attention?" He said. I grinned at him as I pulled a megaphone out of nowhere, King was surprised that I had a megaphone with me

King: "When did you get that?"

Saitama: "Long story, now come on, go!" I gave him the megaphone as I disappeared immediately into the trees. King called out for me but I didn't answer his pleads, and afterwards, he submitted himself to fulfilling his role, now determined somewhat in completing the plan as he made his way forward

After following King for a while, he stopped just about a few miles away from Elder Centipede. He gripped the megaphone tightly, his face starting to sweat, but that didn't let him stop himself from doing his part, he needed a confidence boost, or more like a courage boost, hehe. King slowly brought the megaphone to his mouth, and then he shouted

King: "OY! YOU STUPID CENTIPEDE!" I heard King finally shout to Elder Centipede 'Ohoho, I always knew King had that courage to do anything, you just need the power of persuasion' I thought, and then the rest we're just like in the anime. King calls out Blast to Elder Centipede, Elder Centipede now focused his attention on King. Bang, Bomb, and Genos were surprised to hear King in the forest as they looked to where the voice of King was 'Here it comes, I'll try an ability that I haven't used yet, hopefully it goes well' I thought as I activated my Rinnegan. I saw Elder Centipede charging towards the really scared and worried King

King: "U-um, S-saitama?" He mumbled as Elder Centipede was now mere feet away from eating King alive

King: "SAITAMA!" I appeared between King and Elder Centipede right on time


A speck of huge dust formed around the forest, King stumbled back a few steps and ultimately fell to the ground from the shockwave that was created by sudden impact. Bang, Bomb, and Genos was shocked to see the huge shockwave from what they thought was the clash between King and Elder Centipede

Saitama: "Are you okay King?" I said as the dust settled, King blinked a few times to regain some of his vision, and once his eyes were now okay, he looked in front of him and saw a muddy dark red aura surrounding me, the second thing he noticed was a rib-cage that was formed around the back and the front of my body. He also noticed Elder Centipede who was resting uncomfortable in front of my Susanoo rib cage 'He stopped it with! But how? Huh?' King thought. Oh dear King

King: "W-what is that?"

Saitama: "My Susanoo, well, not really, oh whatever. I think it's time to test this out" I created a normal-sized CB (Catastrophic Blast) and launched it into Elder Centipede's face in point-blank

And not a second later, the remains of Elder Centipede were left, his ashes laid in a big line. Bang, Bomb, and Genos also saw that, their jaw dropped in disbelief, no words were spoken in that crazy moment

Saitama: "..."

King: "..."

Bang: "..."

Bomb: "..."

Genos: "..."

Goku: "..."

Saitama: "Uhm, did I just...yeah" I said, feeling a lot of emotions right now, and one of them is happiness. King stood up, but his shocked expression was still on his face. The others also showed themselves, once the three saw me, they immediately understood on who created the huge shockwave, though they were still surprised nonetheless, but none of them was surprised more than Genos, who was running towards my direction, though I noticed some of his clothes we're ripped, but that's about all. I guess he did quite good against Elder Centipede

Genos: "Sensei!" He said, arriving next to me

Saitama: "What's up Genos"

Genos: "What do you think I need to improve on Sensei!" He immediately asked 'Oh, I forgot that he would ask this to me, crap' I thought

Saitama: "Well, I think you're, um, spirit?"

Genos: "Oh. Thank you Sensei for your insight!" He said, I replied with a simple no problem, but it resulted into him bowing down

Bang: "King, Saitama, we're glad you both came" He said, walking towards us with Bomb right behind

Saitama: "Yeah, are you hurt?"

Bang: "A little in the back, same with Bomb"

Saitama: "I shall heal thy wounds of yours and your brother then"

Bang: "Oh? You can also heal others?"

Saitama: "Yes, now come on, those wounds need some treating" Both Bang and Bomb walked in front of me with their backs exposed, I brought my hands on each of them as It glowed a bright silver aura. Bang and Bomb felt a nice, cool, and relaxing feeling inside their bodies. After a while, I finished healing them as Bang and Bomb did some stretches

Bang: "Now that hit the spot, I never knew you could do so much, Saitama. I give you my thanks"

Bomb: "Same here, that was very refreshing"

Saitama: "No problem, now what do we do?"

Bang: "Me and my brother will get the heroes to a hospital, and after that, I'll talk to the Hero Association about what happened"

Saitama: "Sounds good, but tell them that King did it" I whispered the last sentence to him

Bang: "Oh...I understand" He whispered back as I nodded

Saitama: "Well that settles it, you should come with them also King" I looked behind me to see King nodding his head

King: "Yeah, I need to take some rest after all of that" Said King as he and the two old brothers made their way towards the unconscious heroes that were brutally destroyed by Garou single-handedly

Saitama: "You could stop now Genos" I said. Genos immediately stood up straight after I said that

Saitama: "What are you going to for the rest of the day?" I asked, Genos replied

Genos: "I'll go back to Dr. Kuseno, and what about you Sensei?"

Saitama: "I'll just go home for now"

Genos: "Hai, goodbye, Sensei" He blasted off into the direction to where Dr. Kuseno's place was 'Now for the reward' I thought as I heard a Ding!

[Reward: Ice Manipulation - User can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate ice, water frozen into a solid state/1,000$ in yen.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

A hologram appeared in front of me with my rewards that I got from completing the recent mission that Chiaki gave to me 'I'll accept it once I'm back at my apartment because my reasons and not yours'.


Lily: "That should be everything, Fubuki-sama" She exclaimed. Both Fubuki and Lily finished unpacking everything into their new house in City A that Fubuki bought. Not far from the Hero Association as well which is a plus

Fubuki: "Yep, that should be it for now"

Lily: "I'll be resting, for now, Fubuki-sama, all of the unpacking really tired me" She said, Fubuki nodded at her as Lily made her way to their new couch in the living room

Fubuki: "You deserve it, but I'll be going somewhere"

Lily: "Where to if I may ask?" She said, Fubuki smiled at her, and then replied with

Fubuki: "Why of course, I'll be going to my boyfriend's place" She happily said to her. When Lily heard that, she immediately stood up from the couch, turning around to where Fubuki was and shouting

Lily: "You have a boyfriend?!" Fubuki nodded at her

Fubuki: "Why yes, I've been hiding it for as long as I can remember, but I decided that you too should know about that"

Lily: "I-i never thought you would ever get a boyfriend Fubuki-sama"

Fubuki: "Ouch, that hurts coming from you Lily" She said very dramatically

Lily: "No! I didn't mean it like that Fubuki-sama! I was, just...not expecting it that's all"

Fubuki: "Me too, I didn't even think of getting a boyfriend before, but then I met him, and then everything change. Well, that's enough chit-chat for now, I'll quickly wear something else for his eyes to see" Lily nodded at her leader's words as she laid back on the couch. Fubuki made her way to her master bedroom, quickly changing into a more appealing look that a certain person wouldn't mind 'I think he should've killed Elder Centipede by now' she thought as she finished putting on her green robe that never fails to do its job, but she added something that will very much likely surprise him, well, if he sees it that is.

[Alright. I just want to say that I will not be uploading for awhile, I can already here the comments, that could wait so read this first. I have a ton of things and plans that I could do in the next couple of chapters, but I am busy myself nowadays *Cough* school = hell. So expect probably 1-2 months? Maybe less if you really don't want me to leave. Thanks for reading and supporting my hideous creation that I reallt didn't expect to grow. Oh, and for the shipping, It will only be FubandTats, no more, I promise.. Bye-bye.]

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