Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 57 - Genos Meets Some Very Familiar People

Genos: "I guess I'll get some food for now. I wonder if Sensei wants some also" Genos said to himself as he started to walk around different Cities to find a restaurant or a food standing that he might be interested in. As he was casually walking in the streets of City W, he saw a faint light coming from the other side of the street 'Huh, so there are still some people who are here at City W, even though it's close to City Z, where monsters appear randomly, I'll go check this one out' Genos thought, making his way towards the street to where he saw the light from

And as he was about to arrive, he heard some voices echoing in the streets that he was in

"We've been doing good so far"

"Yes, I never thought we'd get some customers in City W of all places as well, right next to City Z"

Genos heard two voices that sounded familiar. He decided to peek around the corner and saw a food building of some sort in the street 'So this is where the light was coming from, I guess these people are selling some food here, though somehow they got customers here In City W. I might as well try some' Genos thought as he made his way towards to where the people were

And once he arrived in front of the thing, he noticed a sign that says "House of Takoyaki" 'A Takoyaki store huh?' He thought, though Genos also noticed inside of the place, there was a person sitting on the floor with a table rested in front of him and some money, though the other person who was sitting opposite of the other person that was counting money wasn't actually a person at all except it was a Gorilla, and thanks to the mirror that was outside, Genos could clearly see who these people, oh, sorry I meant who this person AND gorilla was

Genos: "These people...are they from the House of Evolution?" Genos mumbled to himself as he saw Dr. Genus counting money on the table with Armored Gorilla watching him, Genos also saw what looks to be aprons that both of them were wearing whilst they sat on the floor 'What is this? I don't understand, they might be plotting something that I don't know. What are they doing here in City W anyways, is it because it's close to City Z where Sensei lives? That would explain why they didn't just open their store in the streets of City Z since there a no people littered around there whatsoever except me and Sensei, they are being cautious because monsters are roaming around in City Z, and they don't want to deal with those, and it's pretty stupid to open a store in a place that has no people. Why did I not see this, I can't believe it took me this long to deduct their scheme' Genos thought, and without thinking, he barged right inside the store, making Dr. Genus and Armored Gorilla jump at the sudden intrusion

Genos: "Oy! Stop what you're doing" Both Dr. Genus and Armored Gorilla turned their heads to see Genos's cyborg arm aimed towards them

Dr. Genus: "It's you"

Genos: "What are you doing here in City Z? Are you planning on something? Tell me right now or I'll blast the both of you right here and now" He said to them, Armored Gorilla immediately crawled backwards as he was scared of Genos who was the one who beat the crap out of him the first time they'd met, Dr. Genus didn't move, though he was nervous hence the sweating formed on his face

Dr. Genus: "We're here because we don't have a place to stay thanks to you and that other person who was with you back then. And no, I am not planning on something, we we're just counting our well-earned money by selling Takoyaki" He clarified to Genos, Genos listened to Dr. Genus's statement and concluded '...He's telling the truth' Genos brought his cyborg arm back

Genos: "I believe you, but that doesn't mean I'll let you both off for now"

Genos: "Why Takoyaki anyways?"

Dr. Genus: "Oh, well after the destruction of the House of Evolution, I discovered one of my last living experiments in physical regeneration, resulted into an infinite growth of octopus tentacles, hence Takoyaki"

Genos: "Oh...that explains a lot of this"

Dr. Genus: "It all started from that regenerative octopus tentacle. Do you want an order of Takoyaki?" He asked Genos 'I guess he was serious in his Takoyaki business after all'

Genos: "Fine, I'll take two orders of you're Takoyaki to take home"

Dr. Genus: "Coming right up! Armored Gorilla!"

Armored Gorilla: "Hai!" Armored Gorilla said as they started to whip out two orders of their decadent Takoyaki

After a while, they both finished making Genos's order as they gave it to him 'Hmm, there are no signs of any harmful chemicals coming from these' Genos disabled his cyborg eyes after carefully examining the Takoyaki for any potential poisons and other stuff that will be harmful to any who eats these

Genos: "How much for these?"

Genos: "Oh, well thank you" Genos turned around away from them and exited the store with his Takoyaki order with him 'I think Sensei would happily munch on this' Genos thought as he decided to walk around before going back to my apartment since it was still pretty early anyways and he doesn't want to disturb me. Weird.


King: "Phew, I'm glad the situation is over with" King huffed out as he was sitting on the floor in front of his T.V that he uses for watching and playing

King: "If it weren't for Saitama, I would have surely been eaten alive by that centipede thing. I'm just glad that we were able to finish the thing off" King grabbed a controller and was about to play some games to clear out his mind, but then his mind clicked 'I forgot about the MMORPG game! Damn it. okay, one last travel, go to Saitama's place and ask about the game' King laid the controller that he was holding down to the floor as he stood up and exited his apartment 'I hope he's there or Genos, then that would be an easy journey, don't meet someone else except either Genos or Saitama. I don't want to stay any longer than I really want to, plus, I need some rest. I should probably just come back for it tomorrow but my body tells me to just go' King thought while he was making his way out of his apartment building.


Meanwhile at the Hero Association Building

Tatsumaki: "Hey you!" Tatsumaki shouted at one of the Hero Association staff that was with her inside of the building, the person immediately turns around and makes his way towards the floating and fuming with anger, Tatsumaki

"Oh, Tatsumaki-san, what do you ne-

Tatsumaki: "Is Fubuki here? Tell me now!"

Tatsumaki: "Aren't you going to tell me? TELL ME WHERE SHE IS RIGHT NOW!" She shouted at the innocent staff member, he shuddered and staggered back at Tatsumaki's threat that could be heard all over City A and the Headquarters

"U-um I-

Tatsumaki: "SPEAK UP!" She again shouted, releasing her killing intent into the poor man

"S-she's not here, she hasn't been h-here at all t-today" The staff member stuttered out

Tatsumaki: "Do you know anything about Fubuki's boyfriend?!"

"B-boyfriend? She has one?"

Tatsumaki: "Pft, what a waste of time going here" She turned around and floated towards the exit of the Hero Association, leaving a very scared staff member that almost peed himself 'She's not at the Hero Association, Lily said she'd be in their old place at City Z in Ghost town, and from that dumb person said, I presume she had just gotten a boyfriend. When I get my hands on whoever dared to be Fubuki's girlfriend, he'll be dead' she thought with the urge of using her Psychic powers out of pure anger, but she kept her cool somehow, saving it for whoever the person that Fubuki dated. Tatsumaki will "Ask" some questions to him before he even lays a finger on her little sister's body whatsoever, no matter what happens to her.


Sitch: "What happened here?" He said to the still scared staff member

Sitch: "And why does she need her sister's current location?"

"I-i don't know, though, Tatsumaki-san said something about Fubuki's boyfriend"

Sitch: "Wait what? So that explains her extremely loud shouting. I guess Fubuki-san got herself a boyfriend and Tatsumaki-san is angry about it"

"Y-you think so?

Sitch: "Did you not see her expression or what? The person that's with Fubuki right now will surely get some of Tatsumaki-san's words, and probably a beating as well, let's just hope it isn't a hero that's registered here, otherwise, I fear the worst out of that poor person. I wish Tatsumaki-san would spare the person but who am I to think that she could do that".


Gyoro-Gyoro: "Well done, Phoenix Man, just put him in one of the cells there" Gyoro-Gyoro pointed to his left side, Phoenix Man obeyed Gyoro-Gyoro's orders as he dumped Garou into the cell as he made his way back to Gyoro-Gyoro

Phoenix Man: "Question, what would you do with Garou?"

Gyoro-Gyoro: "As I said, he'll be like King Orochi, except he has the potential to surpass him in every way possible"

Gyoro-Gyoro: "If everything goes right, then it is possible for Garou to be stronger than King Orochi. Now, you're dismissed, I have other things to do right now, the time is almost here, so be prepared" Phoenix Man nodded and left Gyoro-Gyoro to his things.


After a few minutes of us, hugging or I don't know what exactly are we doing, probably cuddling. I decided to move a little bit since my position wasn't currently comfortable for me. I lifted her up a little bit in the air as I laid down on my sleeping mattress, I brought her down onto my ċhėst again as she snuggled into me with her hands resting on one of my hands, the other I brought up to her hair and started to ċȧrėssed it, making her snuggle to me even more

Saitama: "Does that feel better?" I said to her as she nodded her head cutely

Fubuki: "Yeah, I like this more, and I wondered, what will you do with your money in your closet?" She said out of nowhere, catching me a little bit of guard

Saitama: "So you did look at my stuff while I was gone that day"

Fubuki: "Well, I was curious, but we're now together so that isn't a problem for you anymore yes?"

Saitama: "Pretty much, and about the Monster Association. Just tell me the monsters that will appear later on, that's all"

Fubuki: "There's the Cadre's which consist of Homeless Emperor, Black Sperm, Overgrown Rover, Gums, Evil Natural Water, Fuhrer Ugly, and Nyan, I would've mentioned Gouketsu and Elder Centipede but you already killed them, and I don't know if the vampire monster that fought Zombieman is an executive but I can't remember, but I'm going to mention him anyways. The next few ones are Monster King Orochi, Gyoro-Gyoro which is controlled by Psykos, Psykos herself, the fusion between Orochi and Psykos, and last but definitely not least, Garou. There are probably others that I forgot to mention but eh, they're not important like the one's I said"

Fubuki: "Yeah, though you won't be fighting all of them"

Saitama: "What? Why?"

Fubuki: "Timeline? Do you not remember?"

Saitama: "Oh yeah I forgot, so who am I fighting until then?"

Fubuki: "You have to see it for yourself"

Saitama: "How?"

Fubuki: "I'll tell you what to do when the time comes, but until then, I just want to be with you for now" She said while I was hand combing her hair the entire time. I didn't have the chance to really observe her green hair, but now laying down here alone with her gave me some time to appreciate her beautiful and magnificent hair 'Damn, her hair looks so hot'

Saitama: "You're hair looks and feels amazing"

Fubuki: "Oh stop it you, you're making me blush"

Saitama: "No, I'm being serious"

Fubuki: "Then I appreciate your compliment Sai-Kun" She grabbed my free hand and started to move it closer to her, once I saw the direction to where she was guiding my hand to, I just let her do it. And after a few seconds later, she led my hands on her firm and big brėȧsts, I of course blushed at her sudden and unexpected bold move, Fubuki also blushed at her actions. She moved my hand that was currently on her brėȧsts a little bit, causing her to whimper, I immediately got the signal as I started to gently ċȧrėss her brėȧsts as I did with her hair, brushing the outline of her nɨppŀė from her bra and robe 'It feels so squishy and juicy...' I thought

Fubuki: "Mmm~" I hear her groan as she grabbed my other hand that was on her hair and started to guide it to her other brėȧsts as well, a few seconds later, my two hands were on her brėȧsts as I was now playing with her two mounds, pulling them up and squeezing them tight, I played with her nɨppŀė that was outlining from her robe, rubbing them gently as she mȯȧnėd. I continued to mangle her brėȧsts as Fubuki continued to release some groans and whimpers

Fubuki: "Ooo~" Her head arched back, making me see her blushing face, her eyes closed shut as she bit her lip, feeling the pŀėȧsurė built upon her ċhėst as I continued to massage her two perfect melons. Fubuki brought both of her hands to where mine was as she pulled it away from her ċhėst, she laid my hands to the side as she turned her body around, making the front of her body face me. She wasted no time and dived straight into my face, catching me in a heated kiss, I wrapped one hand around her back, and the other at the back of her head, pulling her closer to me as our kiss deepened, she grabbed my neck and pulled me in also, making our kiss as deep as it can go anymore. Her brėȧst pressed comfortably into my ċhėst as we continued in our heated make-out session, I bit the bottom of her lip, resulting in her opening her mouth a little as I slip in a tongue, she mȯȧnėd immediately, though it was muffled by our kiss. After a few more seconds of our inexperienced session, we had to break the kiss, or should I say, she, had to break the kiss since she was running out of breath, our mouths trailed out our mixed saliva once we were separated, she looked at me with her face still blushing as she gently laid her head down onto my ċhėst, I brought my hand to her head and started to massage it

Saitama: "That felt nice" I said, she could only nod her head in approval of my statement

Fubuki: "You're a pretty good kisser, is it because of that manga?"

Saitama: "Bingo"

Fubuki: "Heh, I knew it, but from now on, stop reading that manga okay?"

Saitama: "Oh, why though?"

Fubuki: "Because you're looking at other women"

Saitama: "...Wait, don't tell me-

Fubuki: "Don't you dare finish that statement! Do it for me, please?" She tilted her head up to look at mind, I saw her cheeks puffed up, her eyes suddenly got bigger for unknown reasons, and then her eyes became shinier! And then it clicked to me 'The puppy eyes! They're too powerful! Even I, could not resist that! And it's coming from her!'

Saitama: "Well, sure, I already finished it anyways"

Fubuki: "Yay!" She kissed me in the lips again as I did the same, though, unfortunately, it wasn't as long as we had just done, but for the record, she was out of breath so I'll let it slide. She went back resting on my ċhėst with my hand on her hair. And then suddenly we both sensed something close

Saitama: "Isn't that?-

Fubuki: "Tatsumaki"

Saitama: "Why is she here at City Z?"

Fubuki: "I forgot that she'd visit me today, and Lily probably told her about us being girlfriend and boyfriend, and now she's looking for me, and possibly you too" She said. I also sensed an angry emotion coming from Tatsumaki

Saitama: "How are we going to tell her?"

Fubuki: "Leave it to me, but I think she'll slip some questions for you, that's all, I think"

Saitama: "Welp, time to wait for her then".

[So how did I do ????].

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