Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 58 - Fighting Tatsumaki...

Tatsumaki: "Alright, I'm here at City Z, now where could Fubuki be? In her old place of course" Tatsumaki began to fly towards the Ghost Town part of City Z where her sister and her subordinates used to stay until they got enslaved by Do-s 'If I get my hands on her boyfriend, I'll give him a piece of my mind!' Tatsumaki thought while flying over the buildings in City Z, though suddenly she sensed two things in her left side, but then it disappeared immediately. She didn't pay much attention to it, her only main focus is to find Fubuki and his boyfriend, she has no time to search the different parts of City Z unless Fubuki is not in her old place, then, she will consider searching different places in this abandoned City

After a while, she arrived in front of the place, though she could not sense Fubuki inside whatsoever

Tatsumaki: "Fubuki? Are you here?" She said as she entered the place. Tatsumaki saw there was not a single person inside of the place, it felt empty, like an abandoned house, though Fubuki just moved recently so to shouldn't feel like it has been abandoned 'I guess she isn't here, let's search the other parts of City Z, I might find her' She thought as she left the place

Tatsumaki: "On second thought, I sensed something while I was making it here. Maybe it was Fubuki" Tatsumaki's body glowed a green aura as she flew up and started to fly over City Z while trying to find what she had sensed a few moments ago, thinking that it must be Fubuki, and if it is her, then it will lead to Fubuki's boyfriend also

After flying around for a good minute, Tatsumaki managed to sense Fubuki, though, for some reason, she also sensed another one that she was not familiar with whatsoever 'Wait, don't tell me, is it another Esper?' Tatsumaki thought, and without wasting any time, she flew at top speed towards the place where she thinks where Fubuki and this mysterious person was.


Saitama: "She's coming here fast"

Fubuki: "Let's get ready then" Fubuki stood up as I followed behind, we both faced the door to my apartment, waiting for the arrival of Tatsumaki. The legal loli

Saitama: "I think we are not getting her to talk immediately, I know she's going to do something before I calm her down"

Fubuki: "I know, just be ready when she breaks loose" And sometime later, we both sensed someone just outside of my apartment door

*Knock* *Knock*

We heard a very loud knock, almost like someone is bashing at my door because I did something that annoyed them *Cough* previous neighbor before I was sent here

Tatsumaki: "Fubuki? Are you here!?" She said, her voice suddenly went high up as she continued to bash at the door until she decided to rip the door away with her psychic prowess. Once she threw the door away, she immediately noticed us looking at her, Tatsumaki looked at Fubuki first, feeling relieved somewhat, and then her eyes went onto me, and then she immediately was surprised when she saw me

Tatsumaki: "You! What are you doing here with Fubuki! Wait, don't tell me-

Fubuki: "Yes, he's my boyfriend" Fubuki said to her, Tatsumaki looked at her with her eyes bulging out of her face

Tatsumaki: "WHAT!" She shouted at the top of her lungs

Tatsumaki: "Why him?! He's just a B-class nobody! Hey you!" Tatsumaki suddenly appeared in front of me with her body glowing a bright green aura, her expression turned into an angry one. I stood still, my expression didn't change as I look at her not really angry face that she was trying to make

Tatsumaki: "Did you do something to her! TELL ME NOW! Fubuki wouldn't just go and get a boyfriend out of nowhere! You did something to her! Are you also an esper?! Tell me!" Tatsumaki used her powers to lift me up and threw me away from my apartment, making a really big hole on top of my place. Fubuki was surprised at Tatsumaki's attack but decided to let me handle the situation, she'll handle the rest when I finally calm her down

Saitama: "Geez, good thing I can easily fix my apartment, but now's not the time for that, got to calm that kid first before doing anything else" As I finished that statement, I was stopped in mid-air as my body glowed a big green aura, and seconds later, I was smashed into the ground hard, making a very deep hole in the streets of City Z in front of my apartment 'An angered Tatsumaki is really something to deal with' I thought as I teleported off the ground and arriving in front of her with my body glowing a silver aura, which of course, surprises the living heck of Tatsumaki 'He's able to resist that! And I can sense that he has Psychic capabilities'

Tatsumaki: "Are you an Esper?!"

Saitama: "Yes I am" I answered her question. I want to be cooperative with her to at least get the chance to calm her down, but of course, it was useless as Tatsumaki grabbed an abandoned building around us with one hand and threw it towards me, I lifted a finger up and created a small CB and pointed it towards the flying building that was approaching me

Saitama: "Vaporize" I said as the building made contact with my CB, making the structure turn into nothing but dust. Tatsumaki's jaw dropped at that unexpected move made by me 'How did he do that?! Why is he so strong all of a sudden?!' Thought Tatsumaki angrily

Saitama: "Look, we don't have to go this route okay? Let's just calm down and talk about this like mȧturė ȧduŀts would do in this very critical situation that desperately needs to be resolved in order for us to move on with our lives and continue to what we were just doing just a few moments ago before this incident happened so that we can all be happy people in the end of this very serious situation, okay?" I said to her, thinking that I should end this since if we continue, then City Z is going to be left in a complete destruction

Tatsumaki: "You think I will follow your orders!" She said as, for the second time, my plan didn't work 'Fuck, dealing with this loli is a pain in the ȧss, but I will act and solve this situation like a mȧturėd person would' I thought

Saitama: "Don't make me force you"

Tatsumaki: "Like you can even do that!" 'Alright, that's it' I thought as I disappeared in front of Tatsumaki and reappeared the same second behind her, readying a chop to her neck and looking to end her right there and then. Tatsumaki's senses were going haywire at that moment, she tried to turn around to dodge what was coming at her from behind, but it was too late as I broke the psychic barrier that was surrounding her, and ultimately making her unconscious, catching her petite body in mid-air in a bridal style with her head resting on my arm. I landed back on the ground moments later. If anyone was seeing us right now, they would think that I'm carrying a little child, almost like a Dad carrying his- Woah, enough of that

Fubuki: "Nice job Sai-Kun" I heard Fubuki say as she flew towards us, arriving next to me a couple of seconds later

Fubuki: "How did it go?"

Saitama: "I think you already know that"

Fubuki: "*Sigh* I guess I have to explain to her everything huh"

Saitama: "Yeah, but don't tell her my powers though"

Fubuki: "I wasn't planning to, but if she gets too curious then you'll be the one to say it to her" I nodded at her as we made it back to my apartment

As we arrived, I laid Tatsumaki down on my sleeping mattress, Fubuki knelt beside her with both of her hands hovering over her as it glowed a bright green aura, she was starting to heal up Tatsumaki with her psychic energy or something. After that, I fixed the big ȧss hole that Tatsumaki made, by using one of my Psychic Abilities, I was able to rebuild it with no trouble

Saitama: "That should do it"

Fubuki: "So that's why you weren't worried"

Saitama: "Yeah, I have an ability that can fix basically anything if it breaks"

Fubuki: "It seems useful, though you wouldn't worry about that if you could go with..."

Saitama: "Um, go with who? Yo-

Fubuki: "Nothing, I'll tell you soon, but for now, I'll be heading back with Tatsumaki"

Saitama: "Okay, but come back, you still have to tell me what to do next"

Fubuki: "Of course, besides, you just want me to be with you right Sai-Kun?"

Saitama: "Oh, well, I can't help but agree with that" I said as she giggled, giving me a nice hug and a kiss on the cheek, I blushed as Fubuki left with Tatsumaki. I brought my hand to my cheek to where Fubuki kissed me and concluded

Saitama: "What have I gotten myself into".


Meanwhile with King in City Z

King: "Alright, just a few more minutes until I arrived at Saitama's place. I just hope nothing will bother me on my way there" Said King while making his way to my apartment. King was now expecting a nice journey to my place and back to his because once he exited his apartment building, he was able to slip away from the civilians before they were able to recognize him and started to surround him with no where to go, no monsters we're seen up until this point which surprised King since every day, he always encounters at least a monster per day or more. Well, he already met Elder Centipede but that's the only monster that he has seen the entire day. King's day was turning out to be good, but th-


A huge rubble out of nowhere appeared in front of him, making King jump at the sudden structure that almost crushed him into a pile of flesh, falling into the ground and crawling backwards 'What the hell was that?!' King thought as he saw a huge chunk of a building right in front of him. His King Engine was starting to beat faster than the speed of light

King: "Where did this come from anyways? Is it a monster? I better get out of here then!" King quickly and shakily stood up and started to run towards my apartment with no sign of stopping whatsoever 'I knew this was a bad idea! What was I thinking!' King thought while he was running in the streets of City Z, hoping to get to my place as soon as possible.

A few minutes later after Fubuki left

Saitama: "Does the previous landlord of this place own an infinite source of water or something? My water has been running for what it feels like forever!" I exclaimed quite loudly while I was filling up my green Elephant shaped like a watering can with water from the sink

Saitama: "I mean, I wouldn't complain one bit. If it's still running then I'ma keep using it" I closed the faucet and went out in the balcony that I only visit about two times per month because I was busy doing something else. I walked in front of my plants that were in a pot and knelt down and started to pour water all over the green things 'This is actually so much fun' I thought while happily sprinkling freshwater over some plants that were about to decay because of lack of care...Laugh all you want, or cringe, I don't care

*Knock* *Knock*

I heard a knock at my door as I stop what I was doing, turning my attention towards my apartment door 'Is she back already?' I thought, thinking that Fubuki already had explained everything to Tatsumaki

King: "It's me, King! Saitama!" I suddenly heard King shout 'As expected' I went back inside and laid the watering can away as I walked in front of my apartment door and opened it, meeting a very scared and nervous King as he immediately entered my apartment. I closed the door, turning around to meet a very sweaty King

Saitama: "What's the matter, King?" I asked him as King sat down on the floor, catching his breath and wiping off his sweat off of his face

King: "I *Huff* I was making my way here when something crashed in front of me, I thought it was a monster so I ran for my life all the way here" He said 'I think he was caught in our little fight with Tatsumaki' I thought

Saitama: "Well good thing you're still alive. Why are you here anyways?"

King: "I thought I'd get the MMORPG game back, well, if you let me" 'Really? Is that all?' I thought, thinking King had a lot of courage to go here all alone while a lot of monsters are now appearing. And also a lot of stupidity, but hey, let's give him some slack

Saitama: "Sure, here" I used my telekinesis to grab the game and giving it to King

King: "Did you save our progress?"

Saitama: "Yeah, it's all saved so we don't have to worry about starting over" King nodded, though his mind suddenly thought of something

King: "How am I going back?" He asked me as I had a fantastic idea that it might just work like in Dragon Ball

Saitama: "Closed your eyes"

King: "Why?"

Saitama: "Trust me"

King: "Oh, okay" King closed his eyes as I knelt beside him, putting my hand on his shoulder as we suddenly disappeared out of my apartment. And then moments later, we reappeared inside of King's apartment in the position that we were in when we were in my apartment 'I knew this would work'

Saitama: "Now, open your eyes" I said as I disappeared in thin air while King opened his eyes the same time I went missing next to him

King: "Nani?!" King said in shock as he looked around his apartment 'I'm back! But how? We we're just inside of his apartment! And he's gone also!' King thought while he grabbed his head, feeling dizzy from all of the things that has happened to him today

King: "My head, ugh. I need to rest badly".


Once I arrived back in my apartment, I immediately laid down on my sleeping mattress 'It is now a matter of time before Fubuki gets back here, I presume that there's going to be a lot of things happening. With the help of her, I can at least, manage myself so that I wouldn't mess up the timeline. Maybe I should buy a novel that has a good story, characters, plot and character development to take my mind off of it for now, well, if I have time that is. I'm glad that I didn't pursue writing novels, people would lose braincells when they read what hideous creations I would have created with my weird imagination' I thought.


"If all goes to plan. I'll be back, and with the help of someone that I have given a purpose too, then I shall takeover the first few Megaverses. I'll also have other plans with another one of my recently enslaved servant that I managed to make a "Deal" with. And then I'll work my way up until I have everything under my control and command.. Nothing will get in my way, not even him will get me this time, it will all be different in due time".

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