Transmigrated As Saitama With A Mission System

Chapter 7 - Encountering Vaccine Man

It's been quite sometime now since i have broken my limiter, Like around 2 months, And in those months, I tested to see how much potential i had now that i had my limiter broken, And to cut it short, Infinite...Yes, Over the past two months, I tested some experiments to see what the full extent of my powers would be, And it turns out, It could be limitless, I have learned to control my power now, It's just absurd, I fought some monsters just to feel what it's like to have an enemy be attacked by one of my attacks... Surprise surprise, Every single monster i have encountered and fought got obliterated with just a raise of an arm from me, No force behind the punch what so over, How? You might ask, Well it turns out i can control how strong my punch will be, AND it has infinite potential, Meaning my strength is infinite, I think, I'm not really smart when it comes to this, Same goes for the other aspects like my speed, Etc

And when i mastered how to control my powers, I started to feel my emotions become bland, I know it's way too fast that i have been affected by the non-emotional look, But thanks to my PlayCo, I started to have fun playing games and in general really, It really cured me from my boredom, And now if i one punch a monster, I will always have a happy face on, Maybe i overthought that having overwhelming strength is boring, But for me right now, It feels awesome being strong as heck


*Boom* *Boom*

A loud explosion was made as a big purple like monster could be seen walking through City A's destroyed buildings that he caused, And suddenly, He started to float upwards as he created four of one his specialties, An Energy ball as he let out a scream before moving his hands forward, Making each Energy ball launch into the different buildings as more explosions occurred.

"Who are the available heroes?!" Said one of the operators for the Hero Association as they were task to send some heroes to take on the Dragon level threat monster, Getting very worried that the heroes that they requested to defeat the monster were not to be seen fighting the creature whatsoever

"I have some word that Lighting Max and Smile Man are on their way to fight the monster" She said to him as they hoped that both of them were enough to at least stall the monster before sending more, But little did they know, They were already defeated easily by Vaccine Man, The monsters name as it went continued to make his way towards City A to construct more damage.


Reporter: "As you can see, There are explosions that are currently been caused in City A by a very dangerous monster! I advise everyone to stay out in City A until heroes arrive to defeat the monste-" The Tv suddenly went black as the screen showed no signal as i sat up and turned off the television and put on my hero suit, While i was putting on my costume, My system spoke through my head

[Ding! New Mission Acquired!]

[Mission: Kill Vaccine Man.]

[Reward: Be able to create Energy balls with your hands/1,000$ in yen.]

It said and as i was a little surprised, Since finishing the last mission that took 3 years to do, The system hasn't really given me any quest, Which left me bored out of my mind, But on this very day, It suddenly gave me a new mission, Of course, i wasn't complaining but the system really needs to give me more missions, Either that or im just really need something to do other than to play games, I accepted the mission as the hologram in front of me disappeared, Of course, i want some Energy balls that i can shoot, I ȧssume that i have to go kill Vaccine Man now as i finished putting on my hero suit, I looked myself in the mirror as i was so awesome looking! Sad that i have to start from C rank soon and bump my ranks up, Cause if i go to S class immediately, The timeline would significantly be changed, And i don't want it to change since i don't know what will happen, If i just sorta follow canon then i'll let it all play out in the end, Well except when i meet Fubuki, That'll change...


"Mommy! Daddy! help me please!" Said a young poor little girl with tears in her eyes as she tried to get help from other people who may still be alive and save her from her predicament right now, She even didn't notice Vaccine Man was behind him, Making his way towards her as she continued to call out for her parents or anybody that will save her from being dead on a wasteland that Vaccine Man had created

He finally stopped a few feet away from the little girl, He reached out his arm behind her, After it was getting closer, It started to grow in size as his hand was as big as she as Vaccine Man opened her hand to crushed the girl inside of his hands, But right after he clasped his hand together, I managed to save the girl right on time as i laid her unconscious body to the ground as i turned my attention towards Vaccine Man

Vaccine: "We have a fast one, Who are you?" He questioned me, A little impressed by my speed which i noticed, But he quickly turned back to his usual expression and looked at me

Camden: "Just a guy who's a hero" I just said to him as he was silent for a while, Which made me uncomfortable

Vaccine Man: "You look no more than a human to me" He said back as i didn't really care about what he's saying, But i'm just gonna keep listening anyways

Vaccine Man: "From the constant stream of pollution that you pathetic humans have been killing the earth, I was born, I am Vaccine Man" He said with a proud tone, And i just stood there and just listened to him

Camden: "Is that so?"

Vaccine Man: "Of course, Humans are just nothing but a killer that causes bacteria that kill mother earth's lifeforce, So that leaves me with a quest that was bestowed upon me by mother earth herself, To eliminate and obliterate every single human and your civilization that will cause this earths life" He said as he started to grow bigger, Veins appeared all over his body and horns were forming in his face as he looked at me with a thirst of blood and rushed at me in his bigger form

Camden: "Sorry but i have to end this quick" I said as i quickly appeared next to his face and launched a punch to his cheek


Vaccine Man was sent into another dimension, Killing him in one punch as it created a shockwave that was so powerful, All of the smoke in the area, Vanished as the sky went completely clear

[Congratulations User On Completing The Mission!]

[Reward: Be able to create Energy balls with your hands/1,000$ in yen.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

The system informed me as a hologram was shown in front of me

Camden: "I'll accept this once i'm back at my apartment" I said as i closed the hologram and went near the little girl that i just saved as she was starting to wake up

Camden: "Hey can you hear me?" I said to her softly, Not trying to make her think that i'm a monster as i let her get her vision back, A few seconds later, She looked at me, Still scared as she started to tear up again

Camden: "Ah! No no no, I killed the monster, You don't have to be scared now, Okay?" I calmly said to her, Once she heard what i said, She immediately hugged me tightly

"T-thank you *Sob* Onii-san"

Camden: "No problem, Come on, Let's go back to your parents" I said to her as she nodded her head as she broke the hug and i stood up

Camden: "It's quite a long walk, So do you want me to carry you? You're pretty exhausted"

"Okay Onii-san" She said as i nodded, Feeling very weird when she calls me Onii-san as i picked her up and placed her on my shoulders as i started to make my way out of this place, But not before King came out from his hidey-hole as he looked at the monster, Or what's left of it that is

Camden: "Where are your parents at?"

"They're on the other side" She said while pointing her tiny hand in front of me as i saw a few people that were present.


Bearded Worker: "The monster has been killed!" He exclaimed as everyone turned their attention to him

"Who killed it?" One of the workers in the room questioned

Bearded Worker: "Wait let me see" He said as he opened a picture that contained the remains of the monster, And a wild King as everyone was shocked

"It was King!" One of them shouted as everyone nodded their head

Bearded Worker: "It seems so, We might have to bump up King's Rank to S-class rank 7 now" He said as everyone agreed, He defeated a Dragon-level threat monster! Who wouldn't bump up his rank after that?.

[This is just a reminder, When I have free time, I will continue this novel, That does not mean that I'm dropping this, I just have a stupid schedule, Hope you enjoy it.]

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