[Congratulations On Completing The Mission.]

[Reward: Be able to create Energy balls with your hands/1,000$ in yen.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

It said to me as it showed a holographic picture, I just finished killing Vaccine Man and delivered the little girl back to her parents, Though i immediately vanished before she got to introduce me to her parents, And now back here in my apartment as i changed back to my normal clothes, After a while, I accepted the reward

[You have learned how to create Energy balls!]

It said again in my head as suddenly, I felt some sort of energy flowing inside me, It feels there is a lot as well, Something very powerful, I supposed when creating an Energy ball of death, You need at least something to create it, Maybe plasma? That's stupid, I think some kind of different energy is inside of me to create my very own balls of energy, Let's test it...Outside as i made my way towards the playground

Camden: "I don't know how to create one, But let's try anyway" I muttered as i opened my hand and tried to think of an energy ball right in my open palm, Fortunately, It did create one but a really small one

Camden: "Huh, This will not do at all!" I said as i concentrated more and more on making it bigger, But on accident, I sent some of my energy inside of me to my hand as the ball of dense danger suddenly got bigger, Making it a basketball-size ball of powerfulness

Camden: "Woah! So cool! Wonder how strong it is though" I said as i looked around me and spotted a monster down the street as i knew i had to test it on the monster as i made my way toward's it, Not trying to get caught by it

As i was approaching the monster from behind, It suddenly stopped in its tracks and turned around to face me 'What? How did it know that i was behind him..or her'

"You know i can hear the sound of that thing in your hand right?" The monster said to me as i just looked at him, And then looked at the ball of goodness in my right hand as it did make a sound, I don't know how i didn't hear it the first time

Camden: "Yeah...Sorry but it's for science" I said as i immediately appeared in front of the monster and connected the energy ball to its stomach

"AGHHHHHH!" It shouted as the monster disintegrated into dust, Only thing was left is its cremations, Which i didn't expect, I thought it would've exploded into pieces, But it made them powder for my next coffee, That's some insane shit if i have ever seen one before

Camden: "I think im too overpowered now" I said, Thinking why did the system give me this? I mean im already op here in the One Punch Man world, But giving me the power to decimate monsters into dust is kinda overkill, But still, I'm not complaining, Just very weirded out.

[A Few Days Later]

It's been a few days since i killed Vaccine Man, Of course, The monster that i have to face is the big guy who i think his name is Marugori, Back to back Dragon-level threat that i'm going to face, That's enough to make me S-class, But of course that can't happen as i made my way to City B, Where Marugori will be headed towards

I arrived in City B with just some normal clothes, I forgot to wear my suit before coming here but oh well, No turning back now as the system suddenly spoke to me in my head

[Ding! New Mission Acquired!]

[Mission: Defeat Magugori without destroying City B.]

[Reward: Be able to fly around/1,069$ in yen.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

When i saw the reward for this mission, My eyes widened, Never expecting this kind of reward from the system, This is just absurd, But while i was shocked at the generosity of the system, A big leg could be seen a couple of meters away from where i was, I turned my head towards it and knew it was Marugori and his brother already on the loose as i accepted the mission and started to make my way towards them

I have to use my energy balls for this so that City B would be safe, Well at least i hope, You're probably saying "Oh why not a Serous Punch?" well yeah that would finish Magugori for sure, But the City B, Not so much, I think, I might destroy part of the City if i use it, So it's gonna be a job to my balls of energy

As i was closing in on them, I jumped off the ground as it cracked from the force that i created as i landed on Marugori's right shoulder, Noting that his older brother was in his left one 'I have to create a big one, That's the only way, I hope to god' i thought as i sneakily climbed up Marugori's skull-like head, When i made it on top, I raised my hand and created a normal size Energy ball, But i kept sending some more power through my hands as the ball became larger and larger, Until i stopped it when it was two times as big as Marugori's head, And that's when they both noticed me and my custom made spirit bomb

"There's someone in your head brother!" His older brother shouted towards the big behemoth as he launched his big hand towards the top of its head and slammed it all the way to crush me, When it was nearing me, I kicked his hand away, Making him surprised as i jumped off his head, Turning my body to face the front of his body as i readied the Blue big bomb, Yeah that's what i am calling this from now on, Once i saw his stomach, I slammed the Big blue bomb directly in the middle of his body as he screamed loudly

Marugori: "AGHHHHHHHH!!!" His shouts can be heard from miles away as his body was slowly vaporizing into nothing but dust

"What's wrong brother?!" He said worriedly as he looked down and saw me slamming an energy ball right on his stomach

Camden: "Vaporize!" I said as the Big blue bomb went and dispersed onto Marugori, Coving every part of Marugori's body, Making it more effective as both brothers were starting to turn to dust as i landed safely on the ground without breaking it, I looked up and saw both of them were enveloped and surrounded by my Blue big bomb, And a few moments later, Dust started to fall from the sky as i had a smile on my face

Camden: "I don't know how i did that but i will certainly do it again" I said as i heard a ding in my head, Which i immediately knew what it was

[Congratulations! You have defeated Marugori

without causing City B to be destroyed.]

[Reward: Be able to fly.]

[Accept] ? [Refuse]

Camden: "I should have hot pot later tonight" I said as i turned back my attention to the hologram, Pressing accept since of course, Your boy wants to fly, But i think i'll hide this from everyone that i meet from now, Except maybe a few people

[You are now able to fly!]

It said as the holographic picture in front of me disappeared, And i knew i had to test this right now, Yes i know it's a little dangerous if i get caught, But there are no people here when Marugori arrived so i think we're safe, At least for now

I closed my eyes as i imagine myself floating off the ground, A few seconds later i opened my eyes and saw that i was floating a few feet up off the ground, Feeling it to be a little weird since this is my first time flying, Or in this case floating

Camden: "Woah, This is so weird" I said as i tried to get back down but suddenly i went forward, Flying and hitting a wall hard as i stood up and stretched my body a little bit after that crash

Camden: "This will take some time to get used to" I said as i started to make my way back to my apartment, Not forgetting to buy some ingredients for my hot pot later tonight as my dinner.

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