Jiang Mian watched a big show, wishing to clap his hands and exclaim.

Tang Mian is worthy of being the heroine. Faced with being planted and framed by others, he didn't show any panic, and even beat him upside down to prevent He Lai from stealing the chicken.

The only confusing thing is, how did Tang Mian know that He Lai asked Duan Tingting to stuff the bracelet into her bag?


There was a possibility flashed in his mind, Jiang Mian was not sure, after all, she was wearing it too, and Tang Mian could not be ruled out.

This matter has yet to be confirmed.

When Jiang Mian was watching the big show, he didn't forget to peek at Shen Shiyan, wondering how Tang Mian had been stigmatized, and how he reacted.

As a result, she was caught upright as soon as she took a peek. Jiang Mian avoided her eyes with a guilty conscience and did not dare to look at him anymore.

Until the end, Tang Mian had the upper hand, and Shen Shiyan never spoke a word for her.

Look, she said that Shen Shiyan is not online at all.

After this event, the party is naturally boring.

Jiang Mian was drowsy and yawned all the time, so Shen Shiyan took her back first.

In the early morning of the next day, Shen Shiyan subconsciously went to find the people next to him and found that Jiang Mian was not there.

Thinking she ran away from home again, got up to look for her, but found someone in her small studio.

Jiang Mian was taking an exam this morning, and she didn't endorse all day yesterday, which made her dream and dream that she failed the exam, so she dropped out of the exam and restarted.

After waking up from the nightmare, she ran here without saying a word, and started reviewing with a book.

It's better to say it's a review than a preview. The book on hand is brand new, and I haven't read it much at first glance.

When the original owner was in high school, he kept going ahead and studying diligently before he was admitted to the current university, but later abandoned his studies in order to chase Shen Shiyan.

Jiang Mian looked so sleepy that she had to make a cup of coffee for herself, holding on to the focus of her sleepiness that Chen Yao gave her.

She was so focused, she didn't notice that Shen Shiyan was standing at the door.

Jiang Mian dozed off while endorsing the book. A cup of coffee didn't work at all.

Shen Shiyan did not interrupt her reading, her hanging heart fell, and she walked back with a sigh of relief.

He was too nervous.

Jiang Mian saw seven thirty in the morning at five o'clock in the morning, remembering the most important things, thinking of taking an exam, and hurriedly began to pack things.

Shen Shiyan was sitting in the dining room, having breakfast slowly and methodically, seeing Jiang Mian panicking, jumping back and forth in each room, for a while the book was forgotten, and another while the admission ticket was not put in.

Shen Shiyan pushed the person on the chair, "Breakfast first!"

"I haven't packed it yet!"

"I will help you clean up!"

Fortunately, I will take the test today. After the test, Jiang Mian went home and fell asleep.

After sleeping for less than three hours, she was awakened by a phone call from Shen Yin, calling her to go to the company for a meeting.

Jiang Mian couldn't get up sleepily, "What kind of meeting?"

"A new brand is looking for you, are you sure you don't want to make money?"

Hearing the words to make money, Jiang Mian struggled, "You wait, I'll be over right away!"

"It's fast, you're limited to come over in an hour!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Mian lay in bed for ten minutes, getting up with difficulty.

After washing, she changed into a red dress and went out.

As soon as she came downstairs, she saw a car parked at the door, and the driver in the car got down and called Miss Jiang.

Jiang Mian recognized him as Shen Shiyan's driver at a glance, "Why are you here?"

"President Shen told me to come and pick you up to the company!"


How does he know he is going to the company?

Jiang Mian got into the car with doubts and went all the way to the company.

Jiang Mian has come to the company a handful of times, but he also has a desk of his own.

After a few weeks, I went to the company again, and my position changed.

Suddenly upgrading from a small desk to an office of his own, Jiang Mian was stunned, and quickly thought that this was Shen Shiyan's handwriting.

As soon as Shen Yin met her, he greeted Jiang Mian enthusiastically and entered her new office just like the big boss, and also introduced her office in detail.

"Let me tell you, the vision of this office is superb. If you sit here, you can enjoy the warm sun in winter, and you can also enjoy the riverside scenery while drinking tea. How about it? ?"

The layout of the office is basically in accordance with Jiang Mian's preferences.

She looked around, and there was nothing she was dissatisfied with.

"Is this all ordered by Shen Shiyan?"

"That's not it!" Shen Yin said with a smile: "Look how nice your family manager Shen is to you. He ordered all the things here."

Jiang Mian was stunned, but he didn't tell him a word of these things.

Without the brand of Ji Zishen, she was looking for a live broadcast, and of course there were others.

Another new company that came to the door was also a domestic makeup company called Hua Xiao. Unlike the previous small company, which was not well-known, this new domestic makeup makeup company was very famous, with a monthly sales volume of more than 100,000.

The beauty bloggers they look for are basically between millions and tens of millions of fans, so they won't consider her fans who are just over a million.

The reason why Hua Xiao would find herself, I am afraid the other party was also directed at Shen Shiyan.

Jiang Mian also bought a lot of Huaxiao's brands and did a lot of evaluations. The things are indeed very good, worthy of his current price.

Shen Yin showed the file to her, "Look at it first, and when the other party comes, I'll come and look for you again!"

Jiang Mian got up early in the morning to review, listened to the back of his head, looked at the densely packed words, looked dizzy, and just wanted to sleep.

In this way, she turned over all the information and got a general understanding of Hua Xiao.

After half an hour, Shen Yin knocked on the door and called her to the meeting.

The person in charge of Hua Xiao is a middle-aged woman who is well maintained. She introduced herself to Jiang Mian with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Yang Chun."

"Hello, my name is Jiang Mian!"

After some greetings, the two parties sat down and formally selected products to discuss cooperation.

Jiang Mian is very familiar with make-up, and has worked hard to learn from other teachers, and can't stop talking about work with Yang Chun.

After talking for more than two hours, it was dark outside.

They were very happy, Jiang Mian sent Yang Chun away.

Yang Chun is a gentle person and is very open to things in the workplace.

She originally did not agree that the company signed a contract with Jiang Mian, a small beauty blogger. Before coming, she did an investigation.

Jiang Mian has a small number of fans, and has not been broadcast live at the moment. Only the ads have been received. Compared with the beauty bloggers who are doing serious work, Jiang Mian’s traffic conversion rate is not very high. She is a little worried about Jiang Mian. After signing the contract, nothing can be sold.

Today's Internet celebrities are often unreliable. They are as beautiful as a fairy in front of the camera, and rarely see people in reality.

But after seeing Jiang Mian, Yang Chun's first reaction was amazing, and after talking with her next, she had a big change in Jiang Mian.

Yang Chun became more sincere to Jiang Mian's tone, "I am very happy to cooperate with you!"

"Me too!"

Jiang Mian returned to the company, before he had time to drink, Shen Yin rushed over and whispered in her ear: "Quickly, Mr. Shen from your house is here, waiting for you in your office!"

Jiang Mian gave a hum, looked at her in surprise, and Shen Yin pushed her shoulder, "Go, your manager Shen has been waiting for more than half an hour!"

Walking from the door to her office, at a distance of ten steps, everyone's eyes were secretly looking at her. When Jiang Mian turned around, they quickly lowered their heads, pretending to see nothing.

They must be very curious about their relationship with Shen Shiyan now!

Jiang Mian didn't care, and opened the door to enter the office.

As soon as they left, everyone exploded and grabbed Shen Yin's gossip.

"What is the relationship between Jiang Mian and our President Shen?"

"Yes, Mr. Shen went straight to her office as soon as he arrived. Are they two in love?"

"Jiang Mian is really too fate, right? The wife who turned from our working class into a capitalist in the blink of an eye is envious!"


"Oh, if only I had such a man who loved me!"

You said and I said, Shen Yin listened to their sore words, "Wake up! It's not dark yet, don't daydream!"

The stunned female snorted, not really angry, they just joked in private.

"Xiao Yinyin, you can tell us quickly, are they in love? Have you gotten married yet?"

Otherwise, after being acquired, how could Shenyin be promoted all at once? Shenyin has been blushing and beaming for the past two days.

Even when Shen Shiyan came to the company with such a high profile, this matter couldn't be satisfied.

Besides, I have been in the workplace for a long time, and some of them can understand without the boss.

If Shen Shiyan didn't want to let others know, why bother to leave Jiang Mian's office carelessly, he was afraid that he wanted to let the whole world know.

Shen Yin nodded under everyone's diligent gaze. Seeing that they still want to go on gossip, he hurriedly broke free from them, "Okay, let's work honestly. Just keep a normal mind to Jiang Mian!"

How can you keep your normal mind!

You know that Jiang Mian is their boss wife, maybe Shen Shiyan bought their company just because Jiang Mian was happy!

In the office.

Jiang Mian pushed the door in, and saw Shen Shiyan sitting in her chair, looking through documents in her hand.

She was so thirsty that she poured herself a glass of water and took a big gulp. After she was relieved, she asked, "Why are you here?"

"I'm done with things, so I just pick you up from get off work."

The man said casually, got up and walked towards her, "How about today?"

"You arranged it?"

Shen Shiyan didn't deny it, Jiang Mian continued: "It's yours, can you not sign with me!"


"No!" It would not be enough to get angry, Jiang Mian drank again, "You made me lose a job, of course I have to pay for another one!"

Hua Xiao has always been picky in their eyes. Beauty bloggers like her simply don't like it. They can sign the contract thanks to Shen Shiyan.

"Let's go, go to dinner!"

Speaking of eating, Jiang Mian got interested, put on his clothes and followed him.

She didn't eat at noon, her stomach was empty, and she was already hungry.

"I want to eat hot pot!"

After the two of them had eaten the hot pot, most of them were Jiang Mian eating, while Shen Shiyan was watching her eating.

After eating, it was too hot, Jiang Mian returned home and took a bath directly to sleep.

She felt that it was useful to read a book while waking up in the morning, and Jiang Mian got up to read a book at 5 o'clock the next morning.

There are two exams today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

In the cafeteria at noon, I casually ordered a meal with Chen Yao to deal with.

Chen Yao mentioned that when he went back, "I have finished the exam in two courses. Did you grab the ticket to go back?"

Jiang Mian yawned sleepily, "Not yet, my home is very close, it's easy to buy tickets!"

"Then what date are you going back?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, it should be soon!"

There are two final exams left. Jiang Mian wakes up every morning to read, and she feels dizzy.

Fortunately, the exam was finally over, as if a burden had been relieved on his body, he was relaxed, and he let out a sigh of breath.

After the exam, Jiang Mian made a phone call at home.

The original owner’s family is very simple. The family is in a rural area, with an older brother and a father above him.

As for the mother, the original owner died when he was very young, and the memory of the original owner's mother in his head is very vague.

The original owner's father is a general worker. As for her brother, he dropped out of school when he was in high school and worked as a part-time job for his sister to go to school.

The original owner hated the family from being too poor for a long time, and worked hard to study in order to get rid of this poor family.

She also rarely mentioned her family in front of outsiders, and she felt that they were not worthy of her.

The original owner's father and brother doted Jiang Mian very much, almost responsive to what she wanted.

For example, their family doesn’t actually have that much money, but their sister’s living expenses never fall, and the sister’s money is not enough, the father and son will try to make money to give it to her, and the money is basically bought by the original owner. Luxury goods, and invite friends to eat, drink and have fun.

The original owner was embarrassed by He Lai's calculations and owed a debt. In the end, the father and son gritted their teeth and played a few more jobs to pay her debts.

In Jiang Mian, the original owner was a white-eyed wolf.

Her family treats her so well, she is not satisfied, and she also dislikes all kinds of things.

Her father and elder brother also knew that Jiang Mian disliked them, and felt that they were uneducated and very embarrassed, so unless there was a major event, they would not take the initiative to call Jiang Mian.

And every time the original owner seeks them, he has one purpose: to ask for money!

Jiang Mian called back for the first time, and the original owner's father Jiang Chao didn't think much, "Mianmian, is there no money to spend again?"

Jiang Mian now has a part-time job anyway, and he has received a few small advertisements before and after, and he doesn't make a lot of money, but he doesn't want to spend any money.

"No dad, I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to have winter vacation and I'm going to go home!"

"Go home?" Jiang Chao was so happy when he heard it. Since his daughter went to school, she hasn't seen each other for half a year.

"Okay, when are you coming back, Dad will go out to the street in advance to buy some food and make you a table of delicious food! And your brother, I am also very happy that you are home!"

Jiang Chao said a lot of excitement on the phone, Jiang Mian listened very patiently, "Don't be so troublesome!"

Jiang Chao repeatedly said that it was not troublesome and talked a lot about it, and he couldn't bear to hang up the phone.

"By the way, when do you come back that day, I will ask your brother to pick you up at the station!"

"I haven't bought a ticket yet, I will call you when I buy it!"

The father and daughter hung up after talking for a while, and Jiang Chao smirked at the phone happily.

After the exam, I can’t go back right away, and I still have some work to deal with.

Most importantly, she hasn't told Shen Shiyan about her going home.

It was almost the end of the year, and she was relaxed after the exam, while Shen Shiyan became busy.

All the things piled up together. Sometimes he got off work early and went home early and had to deal with the computer files until the early hours of the morning. Sometimes he was busy socializing and came back later.

During the day, Jiang Mian was busy recording video meetings and discussing video ideas, and at night, he was busy selling goods live.

I signed several live broadcasts with Hua Xiao, and the sales volume on the first day was very impressive, breaking her previous sales volume.

Taking advantage of this enthusiasm, several more live broadcasts were broadcasted one after another.

Finally, the live broadcast ended, and she slept at home for a whole day.

In the past, she could stay alone at home for several days without feeling lonely.

But now after waking up, Shen Shiyan is not by her side, and she always feels that the huge apartment is empty and very deserted.

In order to make things a little bit for himself, Jiang Mian is going to edit the video taken a few days ago, edit a short video, and send it to Shenyin.

Shen Yin replied with an ok, indicating that there is no problem.

I don't know how long it has been before, but Shen Shiyan hasn't returned yet.

Jiang Mian raised her head and glanced at the time. She thought that four or five hours had passed, but it was only past nine o'clock.

She, who didn't want to do anything, said to the computer for a while and stayed there.

The mobile phone on the desktop rang several times. I thought it was a message from Shen Shiyan. When I clicked it on, it was a few voices from Shen Yin.

"Are you really not coming? Our company's annual meeting this year is good for local thieves, but it's lively!"

"Eating and singing, the most important thing is that there is a lottery!"

"This year's award is the latest Apple 12..."

There was a lot of noise on the other side, and Shen Yin's words were gone in the middle.

Jiang Mian glanced out the window, and when she thought of the air-conditioning outside, she dismissed the idea.

In such a cold day, she might as well lie in bed and watch a TV series.

Jiang Mian was about to reply without a word when suddenly an unfamiliar call came in.

Who is this?

With doubts, Jiang Mian answered the phone to feed who it was, "Hello, who is it?"

"It's me, Ji Zishen!"

Ji Zishen?

She glanced at the number on the screen. Hasn't she already blocked him?

Jiang Mian subconsciously wanted to go back to the last sentence you called the wrong phone, and he had to hang up. Suddenly he heard Ji Zishen shout her name, "Jiang Mian, if you dare to hang up my call, I'll go to your house!"

Jiang Mian knew that Ji Zishen did what he said, so he didn't hang up the phone and asked with a grin, "Mr. Ji, what can you do with me?"

"Nothing, I can't chat with you?"

"of course not!"

Jiang Mian smiled and denied, secretly complaining that we are not familiar with us, and there is nothing to talk about.

"Mr. Ji, what do you want to talk about?"

"Add my WeChat first!"

"Huh? This?"

Jiang Mian didn't really want to add his WeChat, if Shen Shiyan saw him, he would be jealous and angry again.

"You are so afraid of Shen Shiyan?" Ji Zishen asked: "It's just a normal chat with friends, what are you afraid of?"

You and Shen Shiyan are enemies!

Jiang Mian laughed dryly: "My mobile phone is not around, it may not be convenient!"

"Oh? That's it! What do you use to call me now?"

Ji Zishen on the other end deliberately bit the sound of these words, his voice was full of smiles.

Jiang Mian snorted, glanced at his mobile phone, cursed **** silently, and panicked as soon as he refused.

"I can't even lie!"

"No, I've been so busy recently, I forgot about it for a while!"

Jiang Mian still laughed dryly, "Mr. Ji, I remember that I still have something to do, do you want to talk another day?"

Ji Zishen ignored her words and asked directly: "If you said I went directly to your house, would you just meet Shen Shiyan?"

Jiang Mian was silent and cursed a few swear words in his heart. He would really threaten others' weaknesses.

Jiang Mian pulled out a smile and tried to make his voice less gritted teeth, "Mr. Ji, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing, I just want to show you something!"


"Add my WeChat, you will know!"


have to!

Going around is still for this.

It's a big deal when the time comes to finish talking, and then he will be blacked out, anyway, Shen Shiyan doesn't know.

Jiang Mian didn't hesitate too much, and he just replied.

After the call was hung up, a new friend request popped up on her WeChat interface, and Jiang Mian clicked through without hesitation.

[Jiang Mian: Mr. Ji, what do you want to show me? 】

The other party directly sent a video and many photos.

There are about ten photos and a five-minute video in which all the protagonists are Shen Shiyan and Tang Mian.

Jiang Mian frowned and watched the video patiently.

It was from a candid angle. It showed them entering and exiting the restaurant together, and eating in the restaurant. Tang Mian was drunk, nestled on Shen Shiyan's shoulder, and was driven into the car by the man and sent to the hotel.

Except for the last part of the two people in the video and photos, they are more intimate, the rest are basically keeping a distance.

The time is also attached to the photo, all of which are from the past few days.

Shen Shiyan had social gatherings at night and came back very late. She didn't care about it at all.

Perhaps there were traces of Tang Mian left on his body, but she was too big to notice her provocation.

The time of the last photo was just half an hour ago.

Seeing this, Jiang Mian couldn't say how sad it was. Perhaps she had been vaccinating herself, telling herself that Shen Shiyan and Tang Mian were the real pair, and that no one else could get in, so her mood would be so peaceful and there would be no waves.

She thought she was calm, but in fact she was still fluctuating deep in her heart.

However, before the pain spread, she quickly and decisively cut all the nerves and paralyzed herself.

[Jiang Mian: What do you mean by taking these photos? 】

She could even type a questioning calmly.

[Ji Zishen: It's not interesting, I just want to dig into the wall! 】

Jiang Mian sneered when he saw this. Would Ji Zishen like her?

Unless it is raining red, the sun will rise from the west tomorrow.

[Jiang Mian: Dig the foot of the wall? Don't tell me Mr. Ji you really like me? Stop joking, you don't really like me, you just don't want to see Shen Shiyan, you want to break us up! 】

[Mr. Ji, I would not believe it just by posting these videos and photos. The person Shen Shiyan loves is me, and it is impossible for him to have any relationship with Tang Mian. 】

[Ji Zishen: Really, then let me tell you, where they are now in the hotel, do you dare to come over? 】

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