Whether you go or not, the result is the same.

Jiang Mian didn't reply to the news, and turned around to make a phone call to Shen Shiyan.

The phone rang a lot and remained unanswered.

Maybe he is busy with business, or maybe he is busy with other things.

Jiang Mian stared at herself in the mirror blankly, his black pupils gleaming with hesitation.

She wants to break up with Shen Shiyan, maybe now is the best opportunity.

She should go to the scene and catch the **** herself, leaving Shen Shiyan speechless.

Then he made a big fuss, showed his unreasonable side, and asked Shen Shiyan to break up.

But when he thought of such a scene, Jiang Mian was shocked.

The small opening became bigger and bigger, making her uncomfortable.

After some time, the call was finally connected.

Shen Shiyan's voice came from the other end, as low and gentle as usual: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Mian paused, his brain was running fast, and asked, "Where are you!"

"In the company, there are still some things to be dealt with." Shen Shiyan didn't hear anything wrong with Jiang Mian's voice, so she explained briefly.

In the company?

Fuck you big-headed ghost, you are obviously opening a room with a beautiful woman in a hotel!

Jiang Mian hates men who cheat and lie, making her like a fool.

"Really, how did I see you with Tang Mian?" Jiang Mian's tone was calm, and he directly exposed his lie, "Are you in the company or in the hotel?"

The man on the other end was silent for a moment, as if he didn't expect Jiang Mian to know.

After a while, he said: "Mianmian!"

"You don't love me at all, you should put your arms around your Tang Mian and call Mianmian, let's break up!"

Jiang Mian thought he could face such a result calmly, but he was still blown up with anger.

The dog owner still hugged her this morning, and tonight he hugged other women to open the house. She had been swayed for so long before that.

The more she thought about it, the more sad and sad she became, and tears rolled in her eyes unknowingly.

It's not worth it to just hold back the urge to cry and not shed tears for the cheating dog man.

Shen Shiyan's voice sounded from the other end, "Break up?"

"That's right, I'll say goodbye to you, scumbag!"

Jiang Mian was sad, half of his sanity was lost. Hearing the word breakup from a man, he felt even more uncomfortable, thinking that Shen Shiyan had broken up with her.

He became more and more convinced that Shen Shiyan was a scumbag, and hung up the phone with a snap.

When the dog man was not with Tang Mian, he still wanted to sleep with her. Now that he reunited with Tang Mian, he decisively threw her aside.

No, she is mad at her!

She wants to go out and order a dozen little brothers to be happy!

Jiang Mian didn't want to stay at home, there was Shen Shiyan's breath everywhere here, and she would only feel more uncomfortable if she continued to stay here.

Jiang Mian walked outside angrily, calling Shen Yin as he walked.

Shen Yin and his colleague happened to change the scene after having a meal, and received a call from Jiang Mian asking where she was.

Shen Yin thought she wanted to sing and have fun, and he didn't hesitate to send her the location.

The transfer was a private gathering of some of their colleagues. They found a shop, opened a card, and a group of people let go.

When Jiang Mian arrived at the scene, a group of people were playing dice and drinking.

Everyone knows that she doesn't drink well, and she is excluded from playing games.

Shen Yin was very bored, drinking juice while waiting for Jiang Mian to come over.

Seeing Jiang Mian, he immediately stood up and beckoned to her, "Here?"

There was a lot of noise in the place, Jiang Mian didn't even hear it, he saw Shen Yin waving his hand frantically at her.

After greeted everyone, as soon as I sat down, I ordered wine and started drinking.

Jiang Mian's drink volume is not good, but he is so much better than Shen Yin.

Shen Yin realized that Jiang Mian's state was not right today, "What's the matter with you? You drank as soon as you came, what happened?"

Jiang Mian is the person she admires most now, rich and handsome, and a man who loves her so much, and logically, there is nothing to make her unhappy.

Jiang Mian took a sip of wine and didn't answer, but it was obvious that she was very upset.

Shen Yin guessed: "You failed the exam?"

Jiang Mian rolled his eyes, "Don't curse me!"

"Isn't this?" Shen Yin racked his brains and didn't think of it. "Isn't this because you told me that you might have failed the exam? I remember this one. Otherwise, there is nothing else that can provoke you. happy?"

Jiang Mian retracted his gaze and continued to drink.

Shen Yin pushed her down, "Hey, if you are unhappy, just tell your sisters, I can help you think about it!"

Jiang Mian glanced up and down at Shen Yin. The latter patted his chest, and said boldly, "Even if the sky falls, I will bear it with you, sister!"

With that said, she also opened a bottle of wine, touched Jiang Mian, and took a big sip.

"I'm dumped!"


Before a sip of wine could be swallowed, he was frightened by Jiang Mian's words.

Shen Yin quickly wiped his mouth with a paper, and raised his head in shock, "What?"

Jiang Mian looked at the beer bottle uncomfortably, "He cheated!"

Shen Yin was silent in surprise, this is really falling, no wonder Jiang Mian's expression is wrong today!

Seeing Jiang Mian's uncomfortable appearance, Shen Yin put her on her shoulders comfortingly, and asked cautiously, "Couldn't you make a mistake?"

Jiang Mian glanced at her bitterly, and Shen Yin quickly shook his head to explain: "I didn't explain for Shen Shiyan, but I thought it might be you who made a mistake?"

"After all, Shen Shiyan is so good, and there are more women who like him. In case it is fake, wouldn't you be wronged for nothing? Let's first figure out what's going on!"

"Not fake!"

Jiang Mian showed her the photos and videos, and each one was taken clearly. In the end, it was the scene of Shen Shiyan opening a room with a woman.

It was her who was supposed to rush in directly and beat the dog and the man.

"The photos and videos may also be fake, you don't have..."

"I called him, and he told me to break up!"

With tears in his eyes, Jiang Mian almost cried out.

Shen Shiyan personally said that he had broken up, it would be a stone hammer!

Shen Yin immediately felt sorry for her good sister, and quickly patted her on the shoulder, "Don't cry or cry, you still have me!"

"I won't cry for the scumbag!"

"Good good!"

Jiang Mian is lost in love, and as her friend, Shen Yin must comfort her.

"It's okay, don't you just lose a relationship? It's not a major event when the sky is falling! I have to congratulate you on discovering that Shen Shiyan is a scumbag in advance. Time has made you a second marriage!"

"It's okay, this little thing is not easy! He Shen Shiyan is just a little richer, a little handsome, but is there no other man in the world? We are not bad, and there will definitely be better ones. Waiting for you!"

"You're right!" Jiang Mian took a sip of wine, "I want to order twenty little brothers to drink with me!"


This number scared Shen Yin. Jiang Mian said aggrievedly: "Just allow him to have other women outside, and I won't allow me to order men!"

Shen Yin's head was hot, feeling that Jiang Mian's words made sense, and he patted his thigh, "Okay, point! Point twenty men, let's **** him off today!"

"Come on, let's continue drinking!"

Ordering little brother or something is just a verbal talk.

Shen Yin is just a cup of small waste. He hooked Jiang Mian's shoulders and said with a grin: "Let's dye your house with Mr. Shen a little green today, let him take a good look, he is not the only man in this world! "

"He doesn't belong to my family anymore!"

"Oh yes!" Shen Yin shook his fingers, his head was a little dizzy, watching Jiang Mian in front of him turned into several, "Mianmian, the twenty little brothers you ordered, why haven't they come yet? Woolen cloth?"

"Didn't you give me some?"

Shen Yin said drunkly: "Okay, I'll order a hundred for you!"

Jiang Mian's drink volume is not very good. Taking advantage of the alcohol's strength, Shen Yin's flicker, the courageous thief sent a message to the circle of friends.

[I will never believe in love anymore. Starting today, I just want to make money! 】

There is also an emoticon package that says "Dating in love delays me making money".

Once the circle of friends is sent out, you can get a lot of likes.

After Chen Yao saw the news, he first sent a few messages to Jiang Mian. After seeing that the other party did not reply, he immediately sent a message to Cheng Wenhan.

Cheng Wenhan had just finished exercising. On the way back from the training room to the dormitory, he saw the news of Chen Yao and immediately clicked on the circle of friends to see the message of Jiang Mian.

I was happy first, did she finally break up with that man?

Then he became nervous again, and wanted to find her. I don't know why she happened, but she must be very sad now. He wanted to be by Jiang Mian's side.

The night and the more people there are, the more crowded it is.

Shen Yin reluctantly drank two bottles of wine, and fell on the ground without being able to hold it.

Jiang Mian smiled and drank a lot of wine, and joined the games of his colleagues, playing dice and drinking.

The rules of the game are very simple. Whoever has the lowest points will drink.

Jiang Mian liked the simple and rude rules of the game, but after playing for a long time, he didn't drink any wine and lost his interest.

She was sitting on the side drinking alone, and soon a man came up to strike up a conversation.

There are many long and good-looking girls in the nightclub, but most of them are acquaintances, and some long and good-looking girls are in the atmosphere group. The men lose their interest over time.

Today, I spotted a new-looking girl in the store. The boys were in a hurry and wanted to come forward and ask for contact information.

Jiang Mian raised his head and glanced at the other person. She was pretty good, with white and tender skin, and she looked like a little milky dog.

Unexpectedly, the quality of the younger brother Shen Yin ordered is not bad.

She looked left and right, her blurred eyes looked a little dizzy. She picked up the wine bottle and took a sip, "Just you?"

The boy did not understand what she meant, and sat down in the empty seat next to Jiang Mian, "My friends are all sitting there!"

Jiang Mian tilted his head drunk, glanced in the direction of the boy's finger, and laughed.

It's dark, and there are few people in the other party.

"Call all your friends over and play together, it's so boring for the two of us to drink!"

Since I ordered 20 little brothers, I can't miss it. I have to call them all to drink, or else the money is wasted.

A trace of surprise flashed in the boy's eyes, probably because he didn't expect that Jiang Mian looked like an ignorant little white rabbit who didn't know the world, and he actually played like this.

Among their group of people, they are all very good at playing, and the boys don't want them to share Jiang Mian.

So he leaned in and said ambiguously in her ear: "Just the two of us, okay?"

"Two people?"

The boy nodded, picked up a bottle of beer, and touched her, "Yes, just the two of us!"

Although Jiang Mian was drunk, the logic was still clear.

I ordered a bunch of men, why did she only drink with a little brother, didn't all the other nineteen were wasted?

Jiang Mian touched his chin, looking thoughtfully at the boy in front of him, "Do you have any specialties?"

Although she has never played, it does not mean that she has no experience.

Now the rich woman can play, what excites him to play.

The boy in front of her was a little better, and looked tall and tall, and besides that, she couldn't see any advantages of this man.

The boy was obviously stimulated by Jiang Mian, and he straightened his chest stiffly, "Of course he has a specialty!"

"Then you perform one, let me see?"

Jiang Mian saw that he suddenly held up his chest. He didn't know that he would break a boulder on his chest, and he was very curious about his specialty.

"Now? Here?"

"Where else would it be?" Jiang Mian looked at him questioningly, "Can you perform? If you can't, just get out of the way and let the next one come over!"

The boy really didn't expect that he would get such a playful girl, with a monster energy in his bones.

"Of course you can, but you can't be here, we have to change place!"

"where to?"

"You'll know if you go with me!"

It's really troublesome to watch a man perform a special skill and change the place.

Jiang Mian pushed Shen Yin, who had fallen asleep next to him, "Hey, wake up, let's watch the show!"

Shen Yin remained motionless, sleeping like a dead pig.

The boy was shocked again, "Bring her?"

Three people together?

Jiang Mian answered naturally: "Of course, she is my good sister!"

Good sisters should be blessed and shared, not to mention this is the little brother she ordered.

Jiang Mian continued to bow his head to call Shen Yin, and insisted on calling her up and going to the show together.

The boy darkened his face and glanced at the drowsy woman. Although the length was not bad, compared with Jiang Mian, it obviously went down a lot.

"Wait, I ask my friends to come too!"

"Your friends will have the same expertise as you?"

"Of course it will!"

"That's fine, go and call it!"

Jiang Mian continued to persevere in calling Shen Yin up.

Shen Yin grumbled unhappily, and patted Jiang Mian's hand away, "Don't disturb me to sleep, my mother will be sleepy to death by working overtime every day!"

"Work overtime, you are too big! Now we two are happy outside!"

Jiang Mianqi was too unbelievable. After ordering a man, she went to bed alone, so boring.


Shen Yin reluctantly opened his eyes, "No, I'm almost exhausted!"

She plunged her head into the pillow again, just wanting to sleep until it was dim.

Just when Jiang Mian desperately wanted to get Shen Yin up, everyone else went crazy.

Cheng Wenhan kept calling Jiang Mian, but the phone couldn't get through, so he had to find Chen Yao.

Chen Yao shook her head: "I don't know what's going on. Mianmian suddenly posted such a circle of friends today. I think she is crying sad now!"

"Is there any other way you can reach her?"


Jiang Mian doesn't have much contact with the people in the school, except for her boyfriend who just broke up.

Cheng Wenhan was worried about Jiang Mian's situation at the moment, so how could he care about the others: "Call him quickly!"

I remember that Jiang Mian’s ex-boyfriend had called herself before, and Chen Yao immediately turned over the communication records, found the number at the time and dialed it.

In the dimly lit room, Shen Shiyan sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted, and looked deeply at Tang Mian in front of him.

Tang Mian looked at the man with trepidation, and kept backing away, "Shen Shiyan, are you crazy!"

She retreated to the corner in fear, wishing to stay far away from Shen Shiyan, the darkness covered her embarrassment.

Shen Shiyan chuckled lightly, "You didn't come here on your own initiative. Are you scared?"

Tang Mian said a word I was stuck in his mouth and couldn't say it.

Shen Shiyan's disgusted eyes fell on her face, "When you worked with Ji Zishen to calculate me, did you think about getting off the court?"

Tang Mian shook his head crazy: "No, I really don't!"

"I really love you, Shi Yan, you believe me! The person you love should also be me!" Not Jiang Mian's substitute.

Tang Mian wanted to gain his trust, and after touching the man's icy sight, he stepped back in shock, shrinking in the corner and dared not move.

"The one you love is you?"

Shen Shiyan murmured, her eyes grew colder, and she uttered two words: "Joke!"

Tang Mian was shocked, "It's true, the person you like is me!"

She clearly remembered that in her dream, a voice kept saying in her ear that Jiang Mian had taken her place before marrying Shen Shiyan and living a life that everyone envied.

With so many things fulfilled one by one, her dream is absolutely impossible to go wrong.

"You?" Shen Shiyan curled her lips and said sarcastically: "Are you worthy?"

Tang Mian was speechless, something must have gone wrong in this.

The person Shen Shiyan really likes is her, and Jiang Mian is at most a stand-in.

Thinking of Jiang Mian's noise on the phone, Shen Shiyan suddenly lost patience, and her black eyes looked at her darkly: "Let's say, what did you collude with Ji Zishen? What are your plans?"

Accompanied in acting for several days, it has already exhausted all his patience.

At this moment he just wanted to go back and see how the little woman wanted to make use of questions and make trouble.


The man's eyes shrank, "Don't admit it?"

Tang Mian gritted his teeth and refused to admit it, "Really not!"

Shen Shiyan didn't believe her, she got up and walked towards her. Tang Mian became even more frightened. She shrank in the corner, staring at him with fright and fear.

Since returning to China, she has been dreaming all the time, dreaming that she will marry Shen Shiyan and have children, and want to be close to him every day, but when this is true, Tang Mian finds that she is full of fear for Shen Shiyan.

When she was studying, Shen Shiyan was cold and expensive, and she was the crush of all girls.

It's not like now, the person who has changed is completely cold, and his eyes are like killing people, which is full of fear.

Shen Shiyan grabbed her hair and lifted it forcefully, Tang Mian's embarrassed face was completely exposed to the man's sight.

Her face was full of tears, she was crying with makeup, embarrassed like a female ghost.

Shen Shiyan felt annoyed by looking at her face, and sneered coldly, "Who gave you the confidence to make you think you look similar to her?"

In his opinion, this woman is not even as good as Jiang Mian, uglier than her, greedy than her, and even more telling lies.

One more glance, Shen Shiyan felt sick.

"My patience is limited, so I'll ask you again, what exactly are you conspiring with Ji Zishen?"

Tang Mian only felt that Shen Shiyan in front of him was too gloomy. He was not at all the tall boy she had known before. At this moment, he was like the Hades from hell, although he could kill people.

I'm afraid that if she tells the truth, her fate will be even worse.

Tang Mian bit his teeth, forced by the man's majestic eyes, he finally bit the bullet and denied: "No!"

Even if she told the truth to Shen Shiyan, Ji Zishen would not be easy to explain.

She is now in a dilemma, she can only kill her without admitting it.

"Very well, it seems that Ji Zishen has given you a lot of benefits. I hope this is your final answer!"

Shen Shiyan didn't embarrass Tang Mian so much, she loosened her hair in disgust, Tang Mian immediately lowered her head in fear, her body trembling.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

Shen Shiyan answered, and Ke Yang opened the door and came in, "Mr. Shen, it's an unfamiliar call!"

Shen Shiyan glanced at the phone number, took the sterile tissue that Ke Yang handed over and wiped his fingers, as if he had touched something dirty just now, and wiped it very carefully.

Ke Yang glanced down at Tang Mian on the ground, the other party shrank into a ball, unable to see her face, but she must have been frightened.

Since Miss Jiang called, Ke Yang faintly heard the words breaking up, and Shen Shiyan's expression became even more gloomy.

After Shen Shiyan wiped her hands, she dropped the paper towel on the ground at will, and told Ke Yang: "Let Miss Tang reflect on it!"

Ke Yang did not dare to refute, so he responded with a low voice.

No way, who made this Miss Tang bold enough to hit Shen Shiyan with her idea.

I heard that in the past, Shen Shiyan treated women like them directly and threw it out, but now she just asked a few words, and scared her away from the three souls.

The courage is really small!

Shen Shiyan's call is a personal one, and there are few people who know it.

Therefore, he would not refuse to answer the calls.


Chen Yao held his breath on the other end. Hearing Shen Shiyan's voice, she immediately remembered the other's fierce face, and her breathing became a little weaker.

Cheng Wenhan urged her anxiously, and Chen Yao trembled and said, "Are you Mian Mian's ex-boyfriend?"

When the voice fell, I could feel a chill on the other end of the phone.

Chen Yao was even more frightened. She had seen Mianmian's ex-boyfriend with her own eyes, but she was fierce.


Wow, Mianmian's ex-boyfriend is even more terrifying when she speaks!

Chen Yao was speechless, Cheng Wenhan on the side was desperately anxious, and hurriedly took the mobile phone from Chen Yao's hand.

"Do you know where Mianmian is?"

The three words ex-boyfriend irritated the man. Shen Shiyan was cold all over, and before he had time to ask, the other party suddenly came up with a man's voice and asked him where Jiang Mian was. The most important thing was that his name was Mianmian.

Shen Shiyan sullenly, "Who are you?"

Cheng Wenhan said without thinking, "I am Cheng Wenhan, Mianmian's classmate!"

Cheng Wenhan?

Shen Shiyan squinted her eyes, and was familiar with the name.

"Do you know where Mianmian is now? I am worried that she is in danger alone. If you know, please tell me the address quickly!"

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