Chapter 155 My Sister She...(4)

  Zhao Manshi looked down at her mobile phone, followed Gu Manxi’s Weibo casually, and flipped through Gu Manxi’s magazine interviews a few days ago:

   "Drive your car, don't ask if you shouldn't. Also, I will come here next week to visit."

driver:? ? ?

  The driver always felt that the young lady’s tone was weird, but he couldn’t tell the specific changes.

   "I heard that Mr. Song Chen attaches great importance to Director Lu's films and often appears on the crew. Miss, have you met Mr. Song Chen?"

  Zhao Manshi only then remembered Song Chen, her eyebrows rose and fell, absent-mindedly: "Let’s find Mr. Song again next time."

   Had it not been for the driver's reminder, Zhao Manshi would have almost forgotten this matter.

  She is all thinking about Gu Manxi. She used to hate Gu Manxi with 100 points, but now she hates him with 90 points...


  Gu Chu had no idea that the original plot was undergoing subtle changes.

  A butterfly flapping its wings may cause a storm on the other side of the ocean; a wonderful chance encounter may make the vicious female partner wash her heart, even.

  At this moment, Gu Chu was lying in the car window to blow the air, watching the beautiful silhouette of the undulating mountains outside Hengdian. Cheng Qi said: "In the beginning, close the window, beware of colds, and there are still twenty minutes to go to the Hengdian crew."

  Gu Chu gave the fifteen-year-old child face and sat in the car obediently.

  The task of sending Gu Chu to Hengdian to visit Gu Manxi and auditioning for the little actors was originally in charge of Zhao Yan and Lin Xiaozhou. People are not as good as the sky, and the plan cannot keep up with the changes. At noon, Lin Xiaozhou is too greedy, causing diarrhea and diarrhea, so he has to rest at home.

  Between Lin Xiaozhou and Gu Chu, Zhao Yan decisively chose the former.

   Gu Chu silently complained:. Are you really my uncle, daughter-in-law is more important than niece? Believe it or not, I will shave my head in the first month.

  Song Chen "coincidentally" came to visit her daughter, and took on this wonderful task without hesitation.

  Zhao Yan coldly refused. He looked at this guy in an unpleasant way. He always felt that Song Chen wanted to hook up his own sister and niece, and had no good intentions. Even more coincidentally, Cheng Qi came to help Gu Chu with his art homework——

  Finally, Cheng Qi successfully took over the job and personally sent Gu Chu to Hengdian.

   "Brother Cheng Qi, thank you for sending me to find Ma Ma." Gu Chu sat in the co-pilot, showing a sweet smile.

Cheng Qi said: "No thanks, I should do it."

   Gu Chu secretly shook his head, this kid still refuses to give up my mother? Under the reason of sending me to Hengdian, I deliberately created opportunities to get along with my mother.

  This kid is commendable for his perseverance.

  "Brother Cheng Qi, I heard from my uncle that your father seems to have a lot of illegitimate children. They always like to make trouble for you. You have to be careful." There is still a way to go to Hengdian, and Gu Chu has nothing to do with the chat mode.

  She really likes Cheng Qi, a kid.

   is only fifteen years old, young, calm, and thief-looking. The key is to help me with a lot of art homework.

  Gu Chu touched her smooth little chin, recalling the original work of the abused essay, and it seemed that the young master Cheng Qi in the original work was young and dead. His dad was merciful everywhere, he couldn't count his illegitimate children, and many illegitimate children wanted to destroy Cheng Qi's possession of the family property.

  "At the beginning, don't worry, they can't hurt me." Cheng Qiwei smiled and said in his heart, is she caring about me?

  She knew that I ended up miserably in the original, so she tried to save me.

  She is so cute, she is so kind to me.

  But Gu Chu really thought too much. Cheng Qi completely changed his face a year ago, just like Xia Yuhe, a harmless human and animal, turned into a maternal grandmother with peerless martial arts, and easily dealt with these useless illegitimate children.

  Cheng Qi even set up an [illegal child ICU] intensive care unit in his own hospital to treat every brother and sister who has harmed him.

    My sister’s nature is not bad, but her mother’s influence has caused her to go crooked.

After     , the plot will explain why my mother hates Gu Manxi

     I buried a lot of foreshadowing before



  (End of this chapter)

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