Chapter 156 Childish Game

   Among the many brothers and sisters, Cheng Qi only recognizes that [Cheng Monroe] is the younger brother of BoBo, this kid is simple, kind, and a top computer hacker.

  Except for BoBo, the other illegitimate children who have a crooked mind are all enjoying medical services.

The illegitimate child ICU care unit was established by Cheng Qi himself last year. Today, the patients are already covered in pavilions. (Adapted from "Xiang Ji Xuan Zhi")

  At present, few illegitimate children dare to attack him.

   "Brother Cheng Qi, tell me if you are in danger." Gu Chu was still not relieved, his voice was soft and waxy, and he warned earnestly, "Chu Chu is very powerful, I can protect you."

Cheng Qi smiled: "Thank you Chuchu. I like you the most."

  Gu Chu smiled sweetly, without much thought.

  The black luxury car was very low-key and drove into the bustling Hengdian film and television base. Gu Chukai happily ran to the photo zone rented by Lu Shanhe, asked the staff, and learned that his mother was having dinner in the lounge.

  Gu Chu's mouth curled up, and he ran to the lounge again like a small spinning top.

  Cheng Qi followed, a little soft and smile in his eyes.

  So innocent, so cute and childish, and so different from the Ace of Hearts who was always murderous and arson in the previous life, it seems that she really likes the identity of the child now.

  Cheng Qi hopes that she can always be so happy.

  Gu Chu ran to the lounge and secretly braked at the door. The door of the lounge was not closed, and a gap was opened. Gu Manxi was chatting with Lu Shanhe Jiangcheng. Looking at Gu Manxi who was close at hand, Gu Chu's eyes were sore for no apparent reason.

  In the last life, there was no father or mother alone. In this life, Gu Manxi gave her all the maternal love.

  Gu Chuqiao opened the door and sneaked in. Gu Manxi turned her back to the door, and did not notice anyone sneaking in. Gu Chu quietly picked up her toes and stretched out her small hand to cover Gu Manxi's eyes: "Guess who I am~"

  Gu Manxi paused and smiled: "I can't guess, who are you?"

   Gu Chu pouted, you are teasing the child.

   Gu Chu was secretly annoyed in his heart, I suddenly played this extremely naive game for Mao Hui!

  Is my brain convulsed just now!

   "I am your favorite person." Gu Chu continued to play the game while despising himself as naive.

  Gu Manxi smiled: "It must be Chuchu, Chuchu finally came to see her mother."

   Gu Chu let go of his little paw, letting Gu Manxi carry himself into his arms. I'm so naive! I swear, I will never play this kind of juvenile game that does not meet the age next time!

   "Did you have dinner at the beginning?" Jiang Cheng asked with a smile over there.

  Gu Chu nodded, and said, "Brother Cheng Qi and I have already had dinner. Uncle Lu, Uncle Jiangcheng, hello, thanks to you for taking care of your mother these days."

  Lu Shanhe and Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but laugh, Cheng Qi also found a place to sit down.

Gu Manxi had finished dinner. She hugged Gu Chu in her arms, squeezed her face, lifted it up and tested her weight. Gu Manxi was surprised: "You weighed a lot at the beginning, did you steal snacks again? ?"

   Gu Chu's head shook like a rattle: "I don't eat snacks, the dishes made by my uncle are so delicious."

  I am not heavy, thank you.

  The main reason is that Zhao Yan’s dishes are too delicious, and he takes care of Lin Xiaozhou’s taste very much. For the blessing of Tolin Xiaozhou, Gu Chu can eat a wonderful meal every three to five. Gradually, Gu Chu’s face became a little rounder and his waist became thicker. However, children of five or six years old don’t need to care about their weight too much. You need to eat more in the long run.

    A wave of spoilers, Zhao Manshi’s role is very unpleasant in the early stage, and later is not completely whitewashed. She is actually quite a tragic role, one of the most tragic characters in the whole drama, I will write later...



  (End of this chapter)

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