Chapter 318 Talking with Ma Ma (1)

  Gu Chu opened his eyes and said nonsense: "This uncle asked Chu Chu to drink milk tea, Chu Chu came here-Don't worry, Brother Cheng Qi, Chu Chu will not walk with strangers casually in the future, they are not good people."

   Cheng Qi: "Go, let's go home."


  Cheng Qi took Gu Chu's hand and left through the glass revolving door. It was already twilight, and the golden sunset was shining down, stretching a large and a small figure very long. Lin Mo faintly stared at the backs of the two of them, with a little interest in his eyes.

"Go and check this little guy named Cheng Qi. Then send someone to keep an eye on Gu Chu's every move, and be sure to protect her—" Lin Mo couldn't help coughing heavily, his face becoming paler and the corners of his mouth red. "She is right. It’s important to me."

   Heart A, is the most important woman in his life.

  The assistant quickly passed the black cup, and Lin Mo drank two sips of the liquid in the cup, which stopped the continuous coughing.

  A strong fishy smell has come out of his throat.

  The familiar pain climbs in the internal organs again.

  Lin Mo has long been accustomed to this kind of illness. He returned to the office expressionlessly and handed the paper cup of milk tea that Gu Chu had drunk to his assistant: "Send it to be a DNA retention."

   "Yes, I will do it now."

  The assistant put on gloves and took the cup of pearl milk tea carefully.

  The assistant left, leaving Lin Mo alone in the huge office. The long-lasting smile on his face dissipated, as cold as frost. The sunset from the tall buildings spilled in through the glass windows, like blood.


  On the way back, Gu Chu kept silent.

  She was thinking about Lin Mo's purpose.

  Lao Mo never wastes precious time doing meaningless things. He came to find me personally today, just to give me the prize money of the hacker contest? Just to say that you will give me the stone when I grow up?

   Gu Chu’s intuition, he has more goals.

   Gu Chu scratched his head irritably, unable to guess Lin Mo's real purpose.

   On the contrary, Cheng Qi, who was driving next to him, looked over and frowned. What did Chuchu talk to Lin Mo?

  Cheng Qi and Gu Chu returned to the hotel with their own thoughts. Cheng Qi had already asked people to bring back the gifts Gu Chu bought in the mall to the hotel. Gu Chu entered the house and found that Lin Xiaozhou had left early, but Zhao Yan seemed to be in a good mood, and even cooked a delicious dinner in the kitchen in the suite.

   Visible to the naked eye, the corners of the mouth fly up to the sky.

  Gu Chu couldn't help being curious, what did the uncle and Lin Xiaozhou talk about? Why did Uncle's mood suddenly improve.

   "Uncle, Chu Chu is back." Gu Chu ran into the house, pretending to look around, "Strange, where's Brother Xiao Zhou?"

  Zhao Yan put his chopsticks away and greeted everyone to come and eat: "Xiao Zhou is home."

  "Will Brother Xiaozhou come back to Kyoto with us?" Gu Chu asked pitifully, his big eyes flashing full of desire, "Chuchu likes to play games with Brother Xiaozhou, if only he could live in our house forever."

  Zhao Yan said: "I will be back, so don't worry about it at first."

   Gu Chu wondered, what on earth did you talk about?

  Gu Chu was itching curiously, no matter how Gu Chu knocked sideways, Zhao Yan remained tight-lipped.

  The trip to the United States is about to end. At night, Gu Chu lay on the bed and read Ma Ma’s Weibo.

  Gu Manxi’s Weibo fans have exceeded one million, and Song Chen has set up a studio specifically for her. The employees in the studio are very capable and manage Gu Manxi's social platform and endorsement advertising very well.

  Today, the studio issued two daily photos of Gu Manxi, with more than a thousand comments from netizens below.

  Gu Manxi is the kind of female star who appreciates her face and eats. She is pure and natural without plastic surgery, and a single photo can surprise four people, and she has gained a lot of face value fans.

  Gu Chu noticed that the one with the most likes in the comments was Zhao Manshi’s comment.

   Zhao Manshi seems to live on Weibo, and immediately forwarded and commented on Gu Manxi’s Weibo: "My sister is so beautiful~\\(^o^)/~"

   Gu Chu's mouth twitched.

   Scrolled through Gu Manxi’s other Weibo and found that every Weibo of Ma Ma, Xiao Aunt Zhao Manshi would forward the comments, and she has completely turned into a fan of her sister.

    notice, Cheng Qingyun may be coming out,,,



  (End of this chapter)

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