Chapter 319 Talking with Ma Ma (2)

   Gu Chu secretly complained.

  This little aunt has changed so fast.

  Gu Chu still remembers that when he followed Gu Manxi into Zhao's house for the first time, Zhao Manshi's nostrils were upright and proudly like a swan. After more than half a year, I have changed my mind and become a new man, firmly becoming the number one fan of Ma Ma

  Gu Chu lay on his back on the bed, leaning on the soft pillow, and made a video call to Gu Manxi.



  The video call is connected.

  Gu Chu said, "Mama——Huh? Little aunt? Where am I?"

  The camera of the video call came on. It was not Gu Manxi's call, but Zhao Manshi in a Chinese cheongsam. Looking at the background, it seems that it is still on the filming set of the crew. Zhao Manshi beckoned to the camera, smiling brightly: "At the beginning of my childhood, my sister was still filming. Tonight is a major event. It is estimated that the filming will not end until late at night."

  Lu Shanhe’s crew is currently filming in France, and Gu Manx has been busy all day long.

   Gu Chu pouted: "Oh."

   "Have fun in the United States? Did you miss my little aunt? Oh, let me see, this little face is fatter again, hahaha." Zhao Manshi sat down in the studio chair with a clear laugh.

  Gu Chu: "Have a great time."

  Gu Chu chatted with Zhao Manshi for a while, and was urged to go to bed by the enthusiastic little aunt. It is said that children must go to bed early to help their physical development. Don't get into the bad habit of staying up late, otherwise Gu Manxi knows that he will be very worried.

  Xu xu babble, more verbose than the old mother.

  Gu Chu silently hung up the phone and rubbed the roots of his ears. The little aunt was nagging.


  The flight ticket for returning to China has been booked.

On the eve of leaving the United States, Cheng Qi temporarily went to deal with the business of the American company, and Gu Chu took a nap in the room. Very boring BoBo ran downstairs alone to buy frozen Coke.

  There are drinks vending machines downstairs in the hotel.

  The floor that sells Coke is at the top of the vending machine. BoBo is only fourteen years old and hasn't officially started to grow tall. The vending machines in the United States are quite tall. BoBo stood on tiptoe, but failed to press the Coke button.

When    was in a hurry, a tall figure enveloped him, blocking BoBo's thin figure.

   "Need help?" the man asked.

  BoBo did not return his head: "Help me press the Coke button."


  The man readily helped, and BoBo quickly put in coins. Frozen Coke fell from the vending machine. BoBo bent over to pick up the Coke and turned to thank you: "Thank you, big brother-shit, it's you!"

  BoBo raised his little head and saw a tall American with blond hair and blue eyes, with a beard and slightly curly blond hair, and he looked like he was in his twenties.

   looks quite masculine.

  BoBo looked at this person, his baby face suddenly collapsed, and asked angrily: "You, the rumored great god-level figure, why did you come here? Are you regretting the original agreement?"

  The person here is exactly Tiger on the hacker rankings.

  Tiger leaned on the vending machine with one hand and trapped BoBo in a small space. His tone was very arrogant and arrogant: "I read your voyage record. Little BoBo, are you leaving the United States?"

  BoBo grinds his teeth: "Yes, let go if you have a fart."

   "To put it simply, I admire your Master Heart Aces very much." Tiger said straightforwardly, "I hope to get his contact information and invite him to join the organization."

  Tiger checked all the internet, but failed to dig out the true identity of Heart A. I had no choice but to come to BoBo personally, hoping to get the contact information of the Aces of Hearts through BoBo.

  In response to this, BoBo's response was only one sentence:

  (End of this chapter)

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