Chapter 564 The vest is off (1)

  My daughter is young and beautiful, how can she be swayed by this pig.

  The family enjoyed themselves and continued to eat.

   Gu Chu drank two sips of soup, and suddenly noticed an extremely cold line of sight prying over.

   Gu Chu turned his head subconsciously. There was no one outside the glass window of the ward. Gu Chu raised his eyebrows. He always felt that someone was taking a peek and waiting to call up the corridor monitoring to see what was going on.

  Outside the ward, Cheng Qingyun in clean clothes clenched the broom tightly.

  Just now through the glass window, she saw the scene of the family of three enjoying themselves, so warm and loving, it hurt her eyes.

  Cheng Qingyun only felt ironic.

  You Gu Manxi took the man from me, so do you deserve to live such a beautiful life?

  If it wasn’t for your Gu Manxi who popped up halfway, maybe the woman sitting on the table and tasting Song Chen’s own cooking is me! Cheng Qingyun was full of resentment, this was originally his own future, and it was snatched away by a **** like Gu Manxi!

"You wait! What I can't get, you don't deserve it!" Cheng Qingyun gritted her teeth. She blamed her miserable fate on Gu Manxi, "My daughter is gone, you have to lose your daughter too! I am about to die. Now, you Gu Manxi will also be buried!"

  Cheng Qingyun knew that he had no retreat.

  She also drank heavy metal tea for three months, with few days left.

  Before she died, she wanted to hold Gu Manxi.

  Cheng Qingyun took the broom and slowly left the hospital corridor. Outside the window, the sky was getting dark, and boundless darkness poured into this hospital.


  In the ward, Gu Manxi sneezed.

Song Chen dropped the documents in his hand, Gu Chu put them down, and the father and daughter hurriedly ran over. Song Chen said, "Did you have a cold? Quick, let me touch my forehead." Song Chen touched Gu Manxi. His forehead seems to be hot.

  Gu Man looked at his husband and daughter in the past, and his heart was warm: "It's just a little dizzy. I'll just sleep for a while."

   "No, I still have to see the doctor." Song Chen pushed down his work and turned on the pager to find the doctor. But the pager seemed to be malfunctioning, and the doctors and nurses did not connect for a long time. Song Chen stood up and said: "Chuchu, you are here to accompany your mother. I will go downstairs to find a doctor."

  Gu Chu nodded: "Okay."

  Song Chen walked quickly out of the ward and went downstairs.

  Gu Chu took the thermometer: "Mom, raise your arm and measure the temperature."

   Put the thermometer on Gu Manxi, and the phone Gu Chu put on the table ticked. The ringtone is special. It is the ringtone of Team A specially set by Gu Chu. If you call this point, it is estimated that there is an important thing.

  Gu Chu said to Gu Manxi: "Mom, I'll go out to answer the phone, don't move."

   "I know, I am not a kid." Gu Manxi smiled. I remember that when she was five or six years old, she was first ill, and Gu Manxi always told her not to run around to recover from her illness; now that the child has grown up, the situation is reversed.

  Gu Chu left the ward with his mobile phone and whispered: "What's the matter?"

   "Captain!!! The trail of the group has been found." Chuan said, "They are on their way to the New York hospital."

  "Hospital?" Gu Chu wondered.

   Isn’t it the hospital where Gu Chu is now?

  It's really weird that the group of people actually chose to meet in the hospital.

  "They brought weapons. There are five people." Chuan looked at the computer tracking system nervously, "Captain, our people will come to support right away. Be careful."

   Gu Chu squinted his eyes: "I know."

  (End of this chapter)

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