Chapter 565 The vest is off (2)

  Gu Chu did not expect that the criminal gang she came to track in the United States would actually choose to meet in a New York hospital. This hospital pays great attention to privacy. Perhaps this group of people found a ward to divide the spoils in the name of seeing a doctor.

   But in any case, these are five extremely dangerous characters. Gu Chu must stop them, let alone let them harm ordinary people.

  Gu Chu returned to the ward: "Mom, I have something to go out to do, and I will be back later."

   "The road is small--" Gu Man hasn't finished his previous words, and Gu Chu has already left the ward in a hurry.

  Gu Manxi sighed, this reckless child.

  Gu Manxi leaned on the hospital bed, flipping through the script that had just been delivered, and flipping through two pages, he suddenly heard a knock on the door of the ward. Gu Manxi wondered, could it be that Chu Chu and Song Chen came back? But there is no need to knock on the door of the ward at all, just press the password to enter.

   was wondering, the door of the ward was suddenly smashed open by brute force.

  The gate fell to the ground, shattering glass all over the floor.

  Cheng Qingyun took off her black hat and smiled: "Long time no see."

  . . .

  Gu Chu went downstairs and turned on a special mobile phone all the way to check the traces of the gang. This group of people has entered the building, GPS shows that two of them are present in the control room, and three others are walking in the hospital, not knowing what they are looking for. But the GPS tracking system on them quickly disappeared, and it seems that they have been tracked.

   "Captain, our people have five minutes to arrive." In the headset, the fat and calm reminded, "The opponent has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance."

  Gu Chu: "I received it, and immediately cooperate with me when it arrives."

  The entire hospital building is empty, with no nurses and doctors in sight. Gu Manxi lived in the VIP ward building. In this building, Li's patients are either rich or expensive, but the number is small. The entire VIP ward building was quiet, Gu Chu was uneasy, and subconsciously put his fingers on his waist.

  Getting along with her parents, she didn't carry a gun, only put a small sharp knife on her waist.

  Gu Chu was cautious, moving slowly in the corridor, she smelled a faint smell of blood, which was very fresh.

  "Chuchu!" Gu Chu heard his father's call.

  Gu Chu hurriedly turned his head and saw Song Chen with blood in his hands.

  Gu Chu was surprised: "Dad! What's wrong with you!"

  Song Chen looked cold, hurriedly walked to the side of Gu Chu, lowered his voice: "I went to the doctor's office just now and found that two doctors had been shot in a coma. This hospital was held hostage."

  Gu Chu's eyes widened.

  No wonder the hospital is so quiet, the doctors, nurses and even the security guards have been silently controlled.

  Song Chen is someone who has seen big scenes after all. This is the United States, where the crime rate remains high. There are wealthy people living in the VIP area of ​​this hospital. Kidnapping anyone can cost tens of millions of fortunes. The hospital is likely to encounter unknown kidnappings.

Song Chen took Gu Chu's hand and said calmly: "Chu Chu, listen to my father, don't be afraid, dad will definitely protect you and mom-now you be careful and go to the underground parking lot to wait for me. I'll go Give Manxi upstairs to—"

"Dad!" Gu Chu suddenly looked at Song Chen with a serious expression. "Dad, listen to me! There are currently five kidnappers in this hospital. Two are in the control room and three are wandering in the corridor. The floor of the building is unknown."

   After a pause, Gu Chu saw the monitor in the corridor, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and his tone was very oppressive: "Come with me! They may have found our location through the monitoring."

    update update update update update



  (End of this chapter)

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