Fleet Admiral's office,

Two days passed since he arrived at the headquarters. Aside from recovering from his injuries, Blaize practiced his Haki concepts. It was fruitful.

Today, he was called by Sengoku to discuss something important. When he entered the office, Rosinante was already there. As soon as Blaize saw him, he got an inkling of what this is about.

"Blaize, how are you? Are your injuries fully healed?" Sengoku asked.

"I'm completely alright, Sengoku-san."

"You have done a good job capturing Speed; he caused so many losses to the people and Marines. Bringing him down also strengthened our reputation among the people."

"It's my duty!"

"Ok! I called you to discuss something important. It's about Doflamingo. Tsuru-chan informed me that Doflamingo's intending on auctioning a devil fruit: Gol Gol no mi.

Doflamingo pirates are strong with some powerful members and many of them are devil fruit users. Even though we knew about the information, we can't directly attack him as many underworld people who had Noble Nobles' support have shown interest in the auction.

Lately, there are even reports that he attacked World Nobel's ships and stole money. The odd thing is, none of the World Nobles said anything about it.

What do you think about this?"

"It's obvious. He's manipulating them with something, supposedly some secret since he was once a World Noble." Blaize replied.

"Possible" Sengoku muttered as he also thought of the same thing. After pondering for a moment, he spoke:

"From what Rosinante learned, he plans on dethroning the King of the Dressrosa and ascends himself as a King.

If we let him do it, there's nothing more shameful than this. I don't know how many people will lose their lives in the process. I have a bad feeling about this, so we have to stop it before it happens."

"Don't worry, Sengoku-san. Leave it to me!" Blaize nonchalantly replied.

"Blaize, don't be fooled by his bounty. He's far stronger than you think." Sengoku seriously spoke.

"I know. I already confronted him once."

Sengoku nodded his head and continued: "Ok then, I am leaving the Doflamingo Pirates in your care. You can work with Vice Admiral Tsuru, she knows Doflamingo better."

Turning his head, he said. "Rosinante, you don't have to participate in this operation."

"No, Sengkou-san. My brother is evil, many people lost their lives in his hand. As his brother, it's my responsibility to stop him." Rosinante responded earnestly.

"Well said," Blaize clapped his hand.

"Sengoku-san, I was meaning to ask you this, how's the warlords' recruitment going?"

"Right now, we have signed three members: Dracule Mihawk, Jinbei, and Bartholomew Kuma. Talk is going on to sign the Pirate Empress, the captain of the Kuja Pirates.

Why are you asking this?" Sengoku asked with his eyebrows raised.


Sengoku shook his head and said, "Take care and Be careful."


Blaize and Rosinante left Sengoku's office and headed towards the dock area. Blaize mused on the conversation.

Since the Gold-Gold Fruit is involved, it means Gild Tesoro will act and he will also successfully steal the fruit from Doflamingo.

If the timeline is correct, Doflamingo will make his move on Dressrosa in a few months. In the meantime, he will also become a Warlord of the sea by blackmailing the World Nobles.

Rosinante interrupted his thoughts, "Blaize-san, what are you thinking?"

"Hmm...how to kill your brother," Blaize replied. Rosinante nearly stumbled, hearing his blunt reply.

Chatting, they reached the battleship assigned to his unit. It was pretty big and can effortlessly sail New World. Furthermore, now there are nearly 100 soldiers under his command.

Getting on board, he met his unit and saw Regis and Kuina. Regis was promoted to Captain. It didn't surprise Blaize as he knew he will be promoted considering his strength.

Rosinante was promoted to commander. As for Kuina, she was promoted to First class seaman from Seaman recruit. But, she has a long way to go.

There are some capable fighters in his unit who directly came from the training camp. They don't know Haki but most of them are proficient in two or three styles of Rokushiki.

After speaking some encouraging words, he let Regis take the command. Right now, they are going to meet with Vice Admiral Tsuru and plan the next course of action.

He called Kuina. He didn't speak with her after the battle as she was injured and exhausted.

"How was the battle?" Blaize asked while their ship departed from the port towards the New World.

Kuina didn't suffer any major injuries from the battle but she had some small bruises while her left shoulder was bandaged due to a sword cut.

The major difference he noticed is, she looked determined than ever and the self-doubt disappeared from her eyes. It was a good thing.

Clenching her fist, she spoke. "I'm weak. I couldn't even take out a normal pirate. If not for Regis-san's help, I would have been killed.

But, after participating in the battle I understood things and my heart is clear now. One day, I will become the strongest swordsman in the World!"

"Good! But you have to understand that you're still young so learn to take one step at a time. You can't become stronger in a single day!"

Hearing his words, Kuina nodded her head.


Blaize then went to his cabin and began to train. Neither Doflamingo nor his operation didn't bother him in any way, Blaize's target is Whitebeard all along.

To defeat that man, he needs to be the strongest and the best of himself. Blaize closed his eyes and harnessed his Haki to all parts of his body.

During his fight against Speed, he unconsciously used Haki to protect his inner organs. The concept amazed him, he wants to do the same with a thought.

He knew it's an advanced concept of Armament Haki; coating the inner organs with Haki. Blaize calmly recalled the feeling and channeled the Haki as he remembered.

But, he failed. He couldn't channel them correctly. Of course, it didn't stop Blaize from trying again as he knew he will perfect it if he worked hard.

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