New World,

G-A, officially Marine Grand Line Avalon Branch is a Marine Base located in New World. It was established on Avalon Island and commanded by Vice Admiral Tsuru.

Avalon Island is a circular-shaped island with a rugged coastline featuring several tall rock pillars. The marine base is located in the middle of the island covered by forest.

The only way in is through the gate that's reinforced with steel. After all, the marine base is in New World and they have to be ready to face any kind of situation that arises.

Many pirates caught in the New World were locked up here temporarily before they are shifted to Impel Down.

Blaize and his unit reached the Base around morning. As soon as he walked down from the ship he met a familiar face, Gion, who came to receive him.

"Oh, Gion. Long time no see, how are you doing?" Blaize smiled.

It's been nearly two years since they saw each other. He noticed major changes in Gion, whether it's her appearance, personality, or strength.

He could tell, she became strong and also capable of using Haki. Then her personality, unlike before, Gion looked mature, charming, and firm.

"Good!" Gion cheerfully replied and commented. "As soon as you came back, you have gone and done that— taking down Speed pirates. You haven't changed at all.

Your actions shocked many people: pirates and marines, alike. Since I learned the observation haki myself, I could tell, you are very strong!"

"Aren't you praising me too much?"

Blaize and Gion chatted for a few minutes before coming back to a serious topic. It felt great to chat with someone he was familiar with.

"Where's the auction taking place?" Blaize asked.

"Sorry, I didn't know as I was busy with training. Let's go and meet Tsuru-san, she will fill you in on the details."



Blaize followed Gion to the base that consisted of several buildings and large construction which is the place of operation. Regis and Kuina accompanied him while Rosinante stayed on the ship.

The only unaccustomed thing is, the place is filled with women. He hardly saw any male beings.'s Tsuru-san's commanding base, after all.

He knew Vice-Admiral Tsuru commands a crew that consisted entirely of female Marines. This place seems to be the home and training place for the female marines.

"She is?" Gion asked looking at Kuina. When she looked at Kuina, she saw her younger self.

"She's a Marine trainee under my command. Her talent in the sword is very good. Give her some advice when you have free time." Blaize responded and then looked at Kuina.

"Kuina, she's Gion. She and I were in the same training camp. She's good at sword and also strong."

Kuina looked at Gion in admiration. If even Blaize praises her skills, then she had to be terrifyingly good.

After coming in contact with so many strong women, Kuina discarded the opinion of women can't become strong. Right now, her heart is filled with determination to get strong.

Meeting Gion, she wants to ask many things that bothered her mind from childhood.

Glancing at Kuina, Gion responded. "Sure! Come and meet in the evening!"



After that, Blaize and Gion went to Vice-Admiral Tsuru's office while Regis and Kuina remained outside.

Inside, Tsuru-san could be seen sitting in her chair and leisurely drank her tea with a cake was placed on her table.

Her face had no expression, like always. Blaize respects her. After all, she's a veteran Marine from the same generation as Garp and Sengoku and one of the most prominent Marines in the world who was respected by many.

Blaize sensed her haki, it's very strong. It can't be compared to Admirals but she's definitely strong for her age. With knowledge and experience, not many people can outsmart her.

No wonder that even Doflamingo respects her!

"Vice-Admiral Tsuru, how are you going?"

Waving her, she spoke. "Stop with the formalities, take a seat. You too, Gion. Want some cake?"

"No," Gion shook her head.

"I will take it," Saying it, Blaize accepted the cake and swallowed whole. "It's good!!"

Tsuru had a strange expression as she didn't expect him to react that way. Gion looked at him and mentally thought, 'Tsuru-san likes her cake very much.'

It was only for a second, Tsuru then reverted to her normal demeanor as she encountered similar things when she was with Garp. So, she directly went to the topic of discussion: auction.

"Doflamingo is auctioning a rare devil fruit this time. From the intelligence report, we confirmed it as Gol Gol fruit, a paramecia type.

I don't know why Doflamingo is willing to give away such a powerful devil fruit. From my understanding of him, he's up to something as he doesn't lack money."

"To get the World Noble's attention?" Gion said after pondering.

"It's possible as I heard many nobles are interested in the fruit. Tsuru-san, do you know where the auction is going to taking place?"

"The location hasn't been confirmed yet, but it should be in New World."

The auction is the best palace to take down Doflamingo but the problem is whether he will appear in person. Blaize doubts it.

After all, in the original timeline, the fruit was stolen by criminals sent by Tesoro. They couldn't have done it under Doflamingo's watch.

Blaize knew Doflamingo would become a Warlord of the sea before attacking Dressrosa. If he's not wrong, it will soon happen after the auction incident.

Once he became Warlord, it would be troublesome to take him down without solid reason. Of course, warlord titles didn't matter to Blaize but he doesn't want to get scolded by Sengoku.

The best time he could think of to confront Doflamingo is when he attacks Dressrosa.

"What do you think we should do, Tsuru-san?" Blaize asked.

"It's up to you. But, you have to bear in mind that pirates it's not the same as catching pirates. You can't just barge into the auction and do whatever you want.

So think clearly before you act. I will notify you once I get the information on where they are going to conduct the auction."

Blaize nodded his head and stood up, "I will take my leave then!"

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