Transmigrating as the Younger Sister of a Bigshot with Multiple Identities

Chapter 428: Utopia organizes that light cone experiment

  Chapter 428 Utopia organizes the light cone experiment

   "I know that Ji Linbai was shocked when he chased stars, tsk, boss, you don't know how crazy someone is when they chase stars."

Su Ye got excited when he brought up this matter, and kept reporting, "When I went back to his residence, there were boxes of products endorsed by Ruan Chu, such as sparkling water, piled up against the wall. There were also Ruan Chu's pictures on the wall. There are posters, and there are a dozen entertainment magazines on the table, and the cover is also Ruan Chu.

   And what’s more, Ji Linbai also registered on Weibo, and asked me to contribute to Ruan Chu’s rankings to make data, and even threatened and lured me to help Ruan Chu clean up the comment area and private messages. I am the seventh **** on the list, but I am overqualified and underappreciated and used as a tool for star chasing!"

  Ji Linbai picked up a chicken leg and blocked his mouth, "Miss Ruan is my patient, and I'm here to give her a better environment to recuperate."

Su Ye rolled his eyes, "Didn't you always insist that the external environment cannot be changed, and the patient must be cured if he wants to be cured? Protecting Ruan Chu like this, unless you keep protecting her, it will not be good for her condition. "

  Gu Jin had a lot of meaning: "I heard this is called boyfriend fan?"

  Ji Lin's white ears were red, and he took a deep breath, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm Miss Ruan's career fan!"

  The boss is clearly using him to change the subject!

   Gu Jin talked about the business, "How's the investigation on that thing?"

  Ji Linbai and Su Ye shook their heads, and put away their laughing expressions.

   "The instrument didn't detect it. The time and location of UO appearing at random every time, we searched Jincheng all over but couldn't find it." Su Ye operated the computer and said.

  UO is the code name of that thing, its full name is Unidentifiedobject, which means "unidentified object".

  Ji Lin bai frowned: "It might be easier to find if there is a specific form. But now we can use instruments to speculate on the approximate range of UO's radiation, we only know that it can distort time and space, and we don't even know what state it will appear in.

   During this period of time, nothing strange happened in Jincheng. "

  Su Ye looked at Gu Jin, hesitant to speak.

   "Say." Gu Jin glanced at him.

  Su Ye really didn't want to bring up this taboo in front of Gu Jin, but it was the only incident that UO had been triggered so far, so he hesitated and said, "Boss, the light cone experiment organized by Utopia back then..."

  Ji Linbai noticed that Gu Jin's complexion quickly darkened, his eyes seemed to be covered with haze.

  He is also a psychiatrist, he has done psychological counseling for Gu Jin, and he knows more than Su Ye.

  The boss is one of the survivors of the light cone experiment incident, so he suffers from severe stress traumatic psychological disorder.

  Su Ye finished in one breath: "The files and files of that matter have been blocked, but it is under the control of a special department. Xiao Yize should have a lot of clues."

  Ji Linbai frowned: "Cooperate with the higher-ups?"

  Gu Jin lowered her eyebrows, "I'll think about it."

   Noticing that Gu Jin was in a bad mood, Ji Linbai and Su Ye tacitly stopped talking about UO.

  Su Ye asked: "Ji Linbai, I heard that your father will return to Jincheng soon?"

  Ji Linbai nodded, "He was afraid that the Piano Association would rob him, so he hurriedly put aside his family affairs and rushed over."

   "Qu Mo came to Jincheng to find Yang Yang? Haven't found anyone for so long?"

  Su Ye raised his eyebrows, leaned lazily on the chair, and typed on the keyboard, "Does it need to be so troublesome? I can't do anything else. Checking people through the Internet is not a piece of cake. It's a matter of hacking the backstage of the Putao APP."

  Gu Jin didn't know what to think of, her eyebrows softened slightly, and she glanced at Su Ye, "Check it out."

  Su Ye's typing on the keyboard gradually slowed down, shock appeared in his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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