Chapter 429 reluctant to leave

"How can this be?!"

  Su Ye looked at the blacked out screen with disbelief all over his face, "When is a small broken video platform, and the firewall will counterattack? Is this a beaver?"

  Ji Linbai: "Xunmeng Group is not a small company, but it is a leading high-tech enterprise in China."

  Grape APP belongs to Xunmeng Technology Co., Ltd.

  Su Ye still refused to accept it, so he called the manager of Jinyangxuan, borrowed a computer through Gu Jin's relationship, and continued to hack the Putao APP.

   The result is no surprise, the computer screen is black.

  Su Ye fell silent.

  This **** familiar feeling! !

  Su Ye was not reconciled, "Boss, do you want to go to the Internet cafe?"

  Gu Jin looked up at his watch, picked up his schoolbag and went out, "No, there is a curfew at home."

  Leaving Su Ye and Ji Linbai stunned, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

  In November, the sky gets dark early, and under the night, all the houses in Jincheng are brightly lit.

  Gu Jin looked at the light from the window of Gu's villa, her cold eyes seemed to be warmed by the orange street lamps.

  Ruan Xueling's voice came from the living room, scolding Gu Pei, "Have you finished your homework? You run around after school, and you don't come back after dinner?"

  Gu Pei snorted: "I'm back, haven't I? Is it better than Gu Jin not coming home at night?"

  Gu Yang reminded: "My sister is back."

  Gu Pei was taken aback when he saw Gu Jin, and then made trouble, "Mom, why didn't you say Gu Jin?"

  Gu Jin raised her hand and looked at her watch, "It's exactly eight o'clock. Also, I finished my homework."

  Ruan Xueling was stunned when she heard that, but she quickly realized that eight o'clock was the curfew time she had casually set before.

   Unexpectedly, Xiaojin actually listened to her words.

  Ruan Xueling looked at Gu Pei, "Did you hear that, your sister finished her homework."

  Gu Yang blinked his eyes: "Yes, I can testify."

   This is still the result of the introversion between the big sister and the small blood bank.

"Xiao Jin, come here and have a look, how about these dresses? There will be a fashionable charity banquet on the weekend, and the three of us, mother and daughter, will go together." Ruan Xueling grabbed Gu Jin's sleeve, took out a tablet, and found it in a safe place. Click on several black dresses.

   "These are the ones that Yangyang and I have looked at for you. Which one do you like?"

  Gu Jin glanced at Gu Yang, and sat down next to Ruan Xueling.

  Gu Pei looked at the scene of mother's kindness and daughter's filial piety, and angrily went back to the room to rush homework.

  After picking out the dresses, Gu Yang and Gu Jin went upstairs one by one.

  When she reached the corner of the stairs, Gu Jin suddenly called out, "Yangyang."

  Gu Yang stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked at her in doubt, "What's wrong, sister?"

  She felt that the elder sister was in a strange mood today.

  Gu Jin walked up to her in two or three steps, and asked softly, "Do you still want to leave now?"

  Gu Yang was slightly stunned, he didn't expect Gu Jin to ask such a question suddenly.

  She remembered that when she first came here through the book, Gu Jin asked her if she wanted to run away from home.

  At that time, she really thought about solving the crisis of the Gu family, and when the college entrance examination was over, she would leave the Gu family and start her own business.

  At that time, I was a newcomer, so there was no bondage, and I was straightforward.

  But now, she seems a little reluctant.

  Before she passed through the book, she was also the daughter of a wealthy family, but because of the great fortune of her family, there were constant internal struggles in the family, and she had never had such a relaxed and warm atmosphere like the Gu family.

  Gu Yang raised his eyes, met Gu Jin's cold and deep eyes, shook his head slightly, his bright eyes were clear, and said frankly: "I can't bear to leave."

   I can't bear to part with the big brother and sister, the small blood bank, and the big family of the Gu family.

  (end of this chapter)

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