Chapter 430 Penrose Ladder

  Gu Yang clearly noticed that after she finished saying this, Gu Jin's tense expression seemed to relax.

  The big sister is worried that she will leave?

   Worried about her running away from home?

  But even if she doesn't live in Gu's family, they can still see each other from time to time. Even relatives have their own things to do, and it is impossible to stay under the same roof all the time, but there is always a time to get together.

  So, the elder sister is worried that she will leave this book world?

  Just as the Tathagata was inexplicable when he came, and caught off guard when he left?

  Gu Yang was full of thoughts, but at this moment, Gu Jin in front of him stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, with a smile in his always cold eyes, "As long as you don't want to leave, this will always be your home."

  Gu Yang was slightly startled, then with a smile on his face, he nodded obediently, "Okay."

  Walking to the stairs, Gu Jin watched Gu Yang go back to the room, then looked back at the winding stairs, her eyes gradually darkened.

  Gu Jin raised her wrist and slid down the electronic watch. A palm-sized holographic projection chart appeared above the electronic watch. The image about the special magnetic field was calm without any fluctuations.

   This is the most accurate and smallest detection instrument in the research institute.

  Before it was determined that UO’s instrument in Jincheng is a large-scale instrument of the research institute, and it needs to use a satellite to connect to a computer to detect that special magnetic field.

   This watch has fluctuated.

  The fake daughter pretended to fall down the stairs in order to frame her. At that time, she stood at the corner of the stairs and saw the fluctuation of the electronic watch.

   Also that day, my sister came back.

  Although there are some deviations, she is the younger sister, she will not admit her mistake, and neither will Feng Jue.

   But later, she probed the entire Gu family villa in private, and kept an eye on the electronic watch when she passed by that place every day, but she couldn't find any fluctuations.

  Feng Jue lived in the Gu family for three years, and hadn't found anything unusual before.

   What is wrong?

  Gu Jin frowned.

   UO must be found.

  There are too many uncertain factors in UO. Whether it is a distorted space that suddenly appears or falls into the hands of those people, it is possible to reproduce the tragedy of the light cone experiment back then.

   Moreover, UO seems to "prefer" Yangyang very much. She doesn't want to gamble on luck, she just wants to eliminate all possibilities!

  That night, Gu Yang suddenly had a dream.

  In the dream, it was dark all around, and there was only one square staircase.

  She went straight up the stairs, and after going through three corners, she returned to the original place.

  Afterwards, she kept repeating the process of going up the stairs, and the cycle went on and on, so that she couldn't tell where she came from and the way back.

  Suddenly, she threw her head up and fell down the stairs.

  The feeling of falling woke her up suddenly.

  The interior is dark, with city lights coming in through the windows.

  Gu Yang stared at the ceiling with his eyes wide open, his heartbeat gradually calmed down, recalling the scene in his dream, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he murmured: "Penrose Staircase..."

   Dazzlingly, the weekend came, and Ruan Xueling took Gu Yang and Gu Jin to the Jincheng Fashion Charity Banquet.

  Before going out, Gu Peicai said, "I'll go too!"

  Ruan Xueling gave him a rare look, "Aren't you planning to play games with you forever?"

  Gu Pei: "Nian Nian said she wanted to go, I will take her to see the world."

  Ruan Xueling was puzzled: "Who is Niannian?"

  Gu Yang: "His ex-girlfriend?"

  Gu Pei corrected: "Sister, I got back together with Niannian! She is now my girlfriend and my female partner at the banquet today."

  Gu Yang: "..."

   Just, I don’t really understand.

  Ruan Xueling frowned: "What kind of female companion do you look for at a young age? I can't learn from your cronies. There is no place in the car, so take a taxi by yourself."


  Good night, good night~

  (end of this chapter)

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