Chapter 472 Fake Fan Xianling Was Banned

   Fans of Gu Yang and Yang Yang became one with great joy. After the excitement and ecstasy, they began to settle accounts with those marketing accounts that provoked disputes.

  On the Putao APP, the music anchor Xianling is broadcasting live.

  Xianling is wearing a green skirt and sitting in front of the guzheng. She just finished playing a piece and is interacting with fans with a smile.

   "Isn't this ancient costume good-looking? I just received it today. That's right, it's the same style as the one on my Little Fairy Yang Yang's variety show."

   "Yangyang's fans are indeed too much. Our Yangyang little fairy is not comparable to her in terms of level or appearance."

  Xianling is very proud. Taking advantage of the popularity of Gu Yang's fans, she not only stomped on her arch-enemy Yangyang, but also gained a lot of fans.

   However, when she was talking to the camera, a large number of offensive remarks suddenly flooded into the live broadcast—

  【Shut up, you fake fan! 】

  【Laughing to death, still stepping on my Goddess Yang Yang, how about the heat? 】

  【Oh my god, I really want to dig out a Forbidden City for Xianling's embarrassing toes! 】

  【Is there no Internet access in the village yet? You are ugly and weird inside, Yang Yang is your idol Gu Yang]

  【What are you talking about, Gu Yang's true love fans, who still think they are professionally analyzing their songs, but in the end they can't even recognize the same person's music style? 】

  Xianling was still ecstatic when she saw the soaring popularity, but when she saw the insults and taunts from netizens, her smile froze in an instant.

  Yang Yang's ugly monster who dared not show his face could be Gu Yang? !

  Xianling's face changed drastically, and she went off the live broadcast in a panic.

   When she calmed down and logged back into her account, she wanted to explain, but suddenly received a notification from the official Grape APP.

  The reason for the ban is to incite fans to spread false news and maliciously slander other anchors.

  Xianling never imagined that, as the cash cow of the Putao APP, she was just given up on it with just a few casual connotations.

   Netizens who are happily eating melons have also discovered that this matter is not over yet.

  Gu's Group directly issued a lawyer's letter, suing all the marketing accounts that spread rumors before.

  But it is inevitable that there are still people who conspire: 【The capital behind Gu Yang is also too scary. Could it be that they forcibly robbed Yangyang's account for the sake of laundering? 】

   At this moment, from the Huaguo Piano Association, Master Qu Mo made his own voice, proving that Gu Yang and Yang Yang are the same person, and played a wave of Gu Yang's piano music in a fancy way.

  Smith and other foreign pianists still did not give up, and stubbornly used the official account of their own music school to openly invite Gu Yang and Gu Jin to study abroad. But it was countered by the Huaguo Music Association.

   Netizens watched the gods fight in dumbfounded, expressing that they eat melons very well.

  In the high-level conference hall of the Gu Corporation.

   "Chairman, are Ms. Gu Yang and Ms. Gu Jin really not planning to make their debut?" The CEO of Mega Entertainment looked at the data on the computer and asked unwillingly.

   Zhaofeng Entertainment Director of Personnel Department also said: "Especially Ms. Gu Yang, since she appeared on the variety show, her fans and traffic have surpassed many of the company's second-tier stars. If she debuts, she will definitely be able to quickly become a first-tier star..."

  The Director of Public Relations also said: "And Ms. Gu Yang has a leading role, like Ruan Chu, who has been popular since she appeared on variety shows..."

  Even for Mega Entertainment, one of the four giants in the entertainment industry, it is not easy to cultivate a first-line star, and it takes a lot of resources.

   Now that there are ready-made ones, they are of course greedy.

  (end of this chapter)

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